PopMM - 09/03/24 00:32

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* If you need the patch, get it at http://popre.net/downloads.php?f=1

The matchmaker is most active around 4PM GMT
The map of the day is:
Constant Worlds II - Blast Action Hero 2 (FFA/TEAM) (4 players)
Play it for double the traditional points and a chance at Player of the Day!

[00:32] Nah_Id_Win> metete lucas
[00:33] Nah_Id_Win> sale 1v1
[00:33] Nah_Id_Win> asi no te coje tanto ice
[00:34] Lucas> Hola amiguito
[00:34] Lucas> Ya llenaste el formulario del pop?
[00:34] Wraithix out
[00:35] shamanomona in
[00:35] Nah_Id_Win> que formulario salamin
[00:35] Lucas> Sabés inglés vos Facu?
[00:35] Nah_Id_Win> se
[00:36] Lucas> Ah bueno ahora te lo paso
[00:36] Schapenkoppie> ggwp
[00:36] ExLordDeath> gg
[00:36] Schapenkoppie> played 5 games lost 5 games
[00:36] ExLordDeath> i wont host lol
[00:36] Lucas> Che qué cantidad impresionante de gente nueva que viene de Steam
[00:37] Schapenkoppie> enough for today
[00:37] [AvA]Soma- out
[00:37] Schapenkoppie> enjoy your evening guys
[00:37] Nah_Id_Win> aca voy a conseguir novia
[00:37] Nah_Id_Win> gracias a steam
[00:38] ExLordDeath out
[00:38] ExLordDeath in
[00:38] SepulturaMb> Tragazable
[00:38] Cahokiawarrior out
[00:38] SepulturaMb> tragasable*
[00:38] SepulturaMb> Che, pero como llegan de steam acá? o sea, les sugiere el MM?
[00:38] ExLordDeath> i agree
[00:38] paynetothemax in
[00:38] ExLordDeath> i wouldve allied up in the first 5
[00:39] ExLordDeath> min
[00:39] Lucas> La novia no importa, lo que importa es que completes el formulario
[00:39] SepulturaMb> Que formulario?
[00:39] Lucas> Sepultura usted señor entiende inglés?
[00:39] Lucas> Ya llenó el formulario del pop?
[00:39] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[00:39] SepulturaMb> Que ilusión
[00:39] Lucas> Muchas gracias caballero.
[00:40] SepulturaMb> Exlord supuestamente vino diciendo que tiene el record de speedrun de este juego.
[00:40] Lucas> No, pero el lanzamiento de Steam la gente pregunta viste y les dicen "mirá faco instalate esto que es una versión mejor"
[00:40] SepulturaMb> Su primer día jugando y es firewarrior.
[00:40] Schapenkoppie out
[00:40] Lucas> Exlord where's the speedrun?
[00:40] Nah_Id_Win> lucas aprendo ingles aca succionandole la nutria a los euros
[00:41] Nah_Id_Win> exlord 1v1
[00:41] SepulturaMb> Tiene un ping de mierda
[00:41] Nah_Id_Win> seguro es koreano y nos va a romper el orto a todos
[00:41] ExLordDeath> what speedrun?
[00:41] SepulturaMb> QUE CARA DE VERGA
[00:41] SepulturaMb> me dijo que tenia el record hoy
[00:41] Nah_Id_Win> va a venir Faker y yo voy a ser la ultima esperanza
[00:41] Lucas> I don't know, SepulturaMb said you had the speedrun record on pop
[00:41] ExLordDeath> ive never done a pop speedrun
[00:41] ExLordDeath> lmao
[00:41] SepulturaMb> ....
[00:42] ExLordDeath> ??
[00:42] SepulturaMb> Schapenkoppie
[00:42] Lucas> Ok, fill up the pop form
[00:42] SepulturaMb> Este es el que tiene el speedrun
[00:42] SepulturaMb> Perdón
[00:42] SepulturaMb> Schapenkoppie
[00:42] Lucas> Ustedes también
[00:42] SepulturaMb> Ese
[00:42] Lucas> Dejen de hacerse los boludos y llenen el formulario
[00:42] Lucas> POR LA DEMOCRACIA
[00:42] Lucas> Ah te equivocaste salame
[00:43] ExLordDeath> and i will 1v1 you at some point if you want, im gonna play a game with my friend for a bit
[00:43] Nah_Id_Win> 6 PAGINAS
[00:43] Lucas> No hay ninguno con ese nick
[00:43] Nah_Id_Win> mamaa
[00:43] ExLordDeath> he has work in like an hour
[00:43] Lucas> Ah se fue
[00:43] Nah_Id_Win> dale sepultura hagamos 1v1
[00:46] Luxray> su free for all mejor
[00:46] Luxray> :v
[00:47] Popreaccbeg out
[00:48] paynetothemax out
[00:48] Nah_Id_Win> fua
[00:48] Nah_Id_Win> se re cagan
[00:52] SepulturaMb> Me fui a comprar un agua tónica para tomarme un buen gin
[00:53] shamanomona out
[00:55] Nah_Id_Win> uh yo no escabio hace banda
[00:55] Nah_Id_Win> me tomaria unas birras
[00:55] Nersia in
[00:55] SepulturaMb> Ya pase la etapa de las birras
[00:55] SepulturaMb> Me canse de chupar
[00:55] SepulturaMb> (birra)
[00:56] Gemini_Marshdevil out
[00:56] ExLordDeath out
[00:56] SepulturaMb> Che, igual, porque todos estos nuevos no juega ninguno? Entran la chat nomás, que onda.
[00:56] Lucas> Sos muy bueno
[00:58] Lucas> SepulturaMb> Me canse de chupar
[00:58] Lucas> :ohyes:
[00:58] JesusSavesJohn316 in
[00:58] SepulturaMb> Lo aclaré por vos, literal.
[00:58] Lucas> No te pongas a la defensiva.
[00:58] Lucas> Ser puto es normal hoy en día.
[00:59] Lucas> Y nadie te va a discriminar.
[01:00] Nah_Id_Win> lo que no es normal es encontrar minas que no crean en el horoscopo
[01:00] Nah_Id_Win> y usen tiktok
[01:00] Nah_Id_Win> y estudien con tiktok
[01:02] Nah_Id_Win> no los quiero hacer llorar pero
[01:02] Lucas> ¿Y vos qué ofrecés?
[01:02] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6lsndVNOk4
[01:02] FreeInca in
[01:03] FreeInca out
[01:03] Nah_Id_Win> una bocha ofrezco yo
[01:04] Nah_Id_Win> https://prnt.sc/-HgP3XpRDRJ8
[01:04] PantsLayne in
[01:04] Nah_Id_Win> ya esta nos van a romper el ogt
[01:05] flyapig out
[01:06] PantsLayne out
[01:07] ExLordDeath in
[01:08] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> https://www.twitch.tv/iamkaden
[01:08] SepulturaMb> Y ese chupa pija quien es?
[01:09] SepulturaMb> Lucas, estás para jugar un 2vs2?
[01:09] SepulturaMb> Hay gente ramdom stremeando pop, increible.
[01:10] Lucas> Entrá al MM le tiraba
[01:10] SepulturaMb> SE
[01:10] SepulturaMb> AJAJA
[01:10] SepulturaMb> Re que estas ahí
[01:10] Lucas> Entré
[01:10] SepulturaMb> Lucas664466 chan
[01:10] SepulturaMb> Que significa eso
[01:10] Lucas> Y apareció un comment tuyo
[01:10] Lucas> Es mi nick
[01:10] Nah_Id_Win> alto nick de rata
[01:11] Lucas> En Twitch
[01:11] SepulturaMb> Boludo, alto violin es este
[01:11] Lucas> No había mucho
[01:11] Lucas> Puedo ver ese 1v1?
[01:11] SepulturaMb> Juguemos 2vs2 con Lord
[01:11] SepulturaMb> Estoy tomando un gin, quiero estar "relajado"
[01:12] Lucas> Lord Farquaad
[01:12] SepulturaMb> Semana larguísima
[01:12] livyashan in
[01:12] SepulturaMb> Dale, entra Luqui
[01:12] SepulturaMb> Nah_Id_Win + ExLordDeath contra SepulturaMb + Lucas
[01:13] Nersia out
[01:13] SepulturaMb> Ponete un mapa lindo Facu
[01:13] Lucas> Buen ping tiene lord
[01:13] SepulturaMb> Se
[01:13] SepulturaMb> Es de EE
[01:13] Nah_Id_Win> me ponen al lageado
[01:13] SepulturaMb> UU
[01:13] Lucas> Lord you from USA?
[01:13] Nah_Id_Win> son keith 2.0 utd
[01:13] SepulturaMb> Es bueno boludo, rankeo mejor que nosotros ya
[01:13] Nah_Id_Win> mnira
[01:15] Nah_Id_Win out
[01:16] adray_tsi in
[01:18] DesmaBR in
[01:19] DesmaBR out
[01:19] DesmaBR in
[01:21] livyashan out
[01:24] DesmaBR out
[01:24] DesmaBR in
[01:24] DesmaBR out
[01:42] JesusSavesJohn316 out
[01:43] JesusSavesJohn316 in
[01:43] JesusSavesJohn316 out
[01:43] JesusSavesJohn316 in
[01:46] Satoros in
[01:46] SepulturaMb> Es un placer jugar sin lag igual eh
[01:46] ExLordDeath> gg
[01:46] ExLordDeath out
[01:46] ExLordDeath in
[01:47] Nah_Id_Win in
[01:47] SepulturaMb> gG
[01:47] ExLordDeath> yay i got fw
[01:47] ExLordDeath> gg
[01:47] SepulturaMb> Nice
[01:47] ExLordDeath> idk how
[01:48] SepulturaMb> In one day, very good eh, what was your previous nickname?
[01:48] ExLordDeath> never played on this mm before
[01:48] ExLordDeath> played on pop online
[01:48] ExLordDeath> and its been like 3 days but i am undefeated atm
[01:48] SepulturaMb> Where did you play online?
[01:49] foofghtr7 out
[01:49] ExLordDeath out
[01:49] ExLordDeath in
[01:50] ExLordDeath> thats the server, populous online
[01:50] ExLordDeath out
[01:50] ExLordDeath in
[01:50] SepulturaMb> Is there another way to play online, other than through MM?
[01:51] ExLordDeath> not really
[01:51] Nah_Id_Win> yes
[01:51] Nah_Id_Win> Leaf's server
[01:51] Nah_Id_Win> conoces el sv de leaf sepultura?
[01:51] SepulturaMb> Nou
[01:51] ExLordDeath> yea
[01:51] SepulturaMb> Que es eso?
[01:52] Nah_Id_Win> ah i know you
[01:52] Nah_Id_Win> im facu
[01:52] Lucas> Jajaja alto fake
[01:52] Lucas> Fake from whom Lord?
[01:52] Nah_Id_Win> el juega en el server de leaf, los esta re boludeando
[01:53] Nah_Id_Win> kadskjasd
[01:53] ExLordDeath out
[01:53] ExLordDeath in
[01:53] Lucas> A vos te habrýý boludeado
[01:53] Lucas> Si te estoy diciendo que es un fake
[01:53] Lucas> Desde hoy
[01:54] Nah_Id_Win> exlord 1v1?
[01:54] Nah_Id_Win> you host
[01:54] ExLordDeath> sure
[01:54] SepulturaMb> Ques chota es Leaf? Hay más gente que acá?
[01:54] SepulturaMb> Facu
[01:54] SepulturaMb> I can see?
[01:54] ExLordDeath> what map
[01:54] Lucas> Lo peor es que no hay nada mas fake que hacerse el boludo
[01:54] Nah_Id_Win> ygg give me redside
[01:54] SepulturaMb> Exlord
[01:54] SepulturaMb> let me join to see
[01:54] Nah_Id_Win> lucas entra a ver
[01:54] ExLordDeath> what map pack is it in
[01:54] SepulturaMb> Veni luquita
[01:54] SepulturaMb> Le hacemos de comentarista
[01:54] Nah_Id_Win> te voy a enseñar a jugar gordo hijo de puta
[01:55] SepulturaMb> FUA
[01:55] SepulturaMb> me hostea con 100 de ping este
[01:55] SepulturaMb> Que lindo
[01:55] Nah_Id_Win> Yggdrasil
[01:55] ExLordDeath> i need an answer
[01:55] Nah_Id_Win> Invisible cup
[01:55] Lucas> Lo tenias que leer a Facu re caliente in-game
[01:55] SepulturaMb> Se pone loco
[01:55] SepulturaMb> Lo imagino
[01:55] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[01:55] Nah_Id_Win> al princio pense q eras el pibe
[01:55] SepulturaMb> Veni a cagarte de risa boludo
[01:55] Nah_Id_Win> y me gusta guiar boludos
[01:55] Nah_Id_Win> por eso te presione para que fillees towers
[01:56] bloodslash2435 in
[01:56] Nah_Id_Win> swap you to yellow
[01:56] ExLordDeath> ik
[01:56] Lucas> Yo se que soy malo
[01:56] Lucas> Pero no soy tan malo Facu
[01:56] Lucas> Era para hacer entrar al gil este como un caballo nomas
[01:57] Nah_Id_Win out
[02:13] Lucas> No, recién entro
[02:17] Saraza in
[02:17] Saraza out
[02:20] torrescheng680 in
[02:24] SepulturaMb> Facu, mi único heroe en este lio
[02:24] Nah_Id_Win in
[02:24] SepulturaMb> Ay dio'
[02:25] Nah_Id_Win> mis ojs
[02:25] SepulturaMb> Lo sadomisaste con wrs
[02:25] SepulturaMb> QUe lindo
[02:25] ExLordDeath out
[02:25] Nah_Id_Win> me gustan esos trades
[02:25] ExLordDeath in
[02:25] Nah_Id_Win> de mi side por wars en front
[02:25] Lucas> Quien gano?
[02:26] SepulturaMb> El más poronga
[02:26] SepulturaMb> Obvio
[02:26] Nah_Id_Win> el mas poronga
[02:26] SepulturaMb> Sabes como esta no?
[02:26] Lucas> Bien ahí
[02:26] SepulturaMb> No lo bajan más
[02:26] Lucas> Hubieras ganado en el torneo, pelotudo
[02:26] SepulturaMb> Ahora Partile la cola vos Lucas, así se tira del balcon
[02:26] Nah_Id_Win> 200 ms son demasiados para mi
[02:26] Lucas> Quién es al final este pibe?
[02:26] Lucas> Fake de quién?
[02:26] SepulturaMb> Alma (?
[02:26] Nah_Id_Win> pero lo llego a agarrar con 100 ms a cualquier europeo lo mando a la fabrica de jabones
[02:27] Lucas> Alma debe haber muerto de diabetis.
[02:27] SepulturaMb> Las calenturas que se agarraba Alma, dios
[02:27] SepulturaMb> QUe gracioso
[02:27] Nah_Id_Win> estos boludos ahora estan re blanditos con el progresismo
[02:27] Lucas> a la fábrica de jabones
[02:27] SepulturaMb> Que tiraba
[02:27] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[02:27] Lucas> Decí que este chat no es público
[02:27] SepulturaMb> Modo Hitler
[02:27] Lucas> Sino
[02:27] Lucas> Sos posho hermano
[02:27] Lucas> Con los judíos no te podés meter
[02:27] Lucas> Entendelo.
[02:27] Nah_Id_Win> me chupan bien la pija los judios
[02:28] Nah_Id_Win> exepto mi jefe milei
[02:28] SepulturaMb> Es Alan este
[02:28] SepulturaMb> Posta
[02:28] SepulturaMb> Jaj
[02:28] Lucas> No me acuerdo de Alan la verdad
[02:28] SepulturaMb> Boludo
[02:28] Nah_Id_Win> aca esta todo bien
[02:28] Lucas> No era un señorito Alan?
[02:28] SepulturaMb> El loco que era re fan del futbol europeo
[02:28] ExLordDeath> anymore games?
[02:28] Nah_Id_Win> Lucas
[02:28] Nah_Id_Win> jugale
[02:28] Lucas> Lord tell me your old account
[02:28] SepulturaMb> Jugamos otro 2vs2?
[02:29] SepulturaMb> Estuvo bueno sin ping
[02:29] Nah_Id_Win> que parte de que juega populous en el server de Leaf no entendes
[02:29] SepulturaMb> lag*
[02:29] ExLordDeath> this is my first acc
[02:29] ExLordDeath> stop asking please
[02:29] torrescheng680 out
[02:29] Nah_Id_Win> ya agarro bronca
[02:29] Nah_Id_Win> se va a poner serio contra lucas
[02:29] Lucas> Jajajaja
[02:29] Lucas> Este pibe
[02:29] SepulturaMb> Le sacaste el invicto
[02:29] SepulturaMb> No le gusto nada
[02:29] Nah_Id_Win> hayy otro server donde juegan gente de aca y otros shamans
[02:29] Nah_Id_Win> el viene precisamente de ese server
[02:30] Lucas> Oh I thought you had an account because you don't seem like a new player
[02:30] ExLordDeath> played on leafs mm
[02:30] Lucas> En Leaf con suerte juntan 3 gatos, si sale un 1v1 ahí es un hito
[02:30] Lucas> Este me quiere pedalear a mí
[02:30] Lucas> Qué graciosos que son.
[02:30] Nah_Id_Win> no pelotudo
[02:30] Nah_Id_Win> lo tengo agregado en discord
[02:30] Lucas> Y a Facu le decís que Papa Noel existe y te cree.
[02:31] SepulturaMb> Te jugas otra Luqui?
[02:31] Nah_Id_Win> siempre se junta con los pibes del mm y otros mas
[02:31] ExLordDeath out
[02:31] Lucas> Se fue
[02:31] Lucas> Jajajaja
[02:31] SepulturaMb> Ah re
[02:31] SepulturaMb> Ahora vuelve seguro
[02:31] SepulturaMb> Es alto manija
[02:31] Lucas> Y me vio con la pija en la mano
[02:31] Nah_Id_Win> yo no jueog mas tengo sueño
[02:31] SepulturaMb> Dale culo roto
[02:31] Lucas> [23:31] Nah_Id_Win> yo no jueog mas tengo sueño
[02:32] Lucas> [23:31]
[02:32] SepulturaMb> Es alta vieja
[02:32] Nah_Id_Win> pa el lunes arranco a levantarme a las 6 am
[02:32] Lucas> Cada día más putos salen los pibes.
[02:32] Lucas> Es viernes.
[02:32] Lucas> Cogido.
[02:32] Nah_Id_Win> pero faltaria 1 para el 2v2
[02:32] Lucas> Veni jugale a Sepu
[02:32] Lucas> 1v1
[02:32] Lucas> Yo creo que Sepu te gana
[02:32] Lucas> Sinceramente
[02:33] SepulturaMb> Me cago a bifes dos veces ya
[02:33] Lucas> Me dijo que el otro día te dejó ganar para que te agrandes
[02:33] SepulturaMb> Tiene muy buen manejo de wrs
[02:33] Lucas> Conmigo ni llegó a hacer wars
[02:33] Lucas> Estaba escarvando wilds para tener 50 de pop
[02:33] Lucas> El muerto.
[02:33] SepulturaMb> JJAJA
[02:33] Nah_Id_Win> lucas a vos ahora q ya me jugue una te gano hasta con una mano
[02:33] SepulturaMb> Necesito ver esa revancha
[02:34] SepulturaMb> Jueguen eso por fa
[02:34] Lucas> Me vas a querer rushear como a Keith?
[02:34] Lucas> Pelotudo
[02:34] SepulturaMb> Lucas no se como chota hace, que cuando quiere, te rompe el orto tranqui
[02:34] Nah_Id_Win> na no rusheo en ygg
[02:34] Nah_Id_Win> carga el eq al min 3
[02:34] Lucas> Lo que pasa que me olvido de poner FW en las torres
[02:34] Nah_Id_Win> y se hace 10 wars apenas arranca el game
[02:34] Nah_Id_Win> son culo facil
[02:35] Nah_Id_Win> por el mana q gastan
[02:35] Nah_Id_Win> la segunda vez que jugue contra uno con ese playstyle
[02:35] Nah_Id_Win> le saque ventaja de pop y le gane asi
[02:35] Luxray in
[02:35] Lucas> Si tengo un eq minuto 3 lo más probable es que te lo tire adentro de la base
[02:35] Lucas> dejá de delirar pibe
[02:35] Luxray> map
[02:35] Sn0wy0wl out
[02:35] Luxray> & teams
[02:35] Lucas> No me das ping
[02:35] SepulturaMb> Ahi entro el chileman
[02:35] Nah_Id_Win> no vas a volver a tener esa suerte nunca mas en tu vida
[02:35] SepulturaMb> Pero hosteala vos FAcu
[02:35] Luxray out
[02:36] Zpektrix_TAS out
[02:36] Luxray in
[02:36] Lucas> Nah_Id_Win> no vas a volver a tener esa suerte nunca mas en tu vida
[02:36] Zpektrix_TAS in
[02:36] Lucas> Me quedo tranqui que tuve la suerte 2 veces seguidas entonces.
[02:36] Nah_Id_Win> 1 sola
[02:36] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[02:36] Lucas> Amigo
[02:36] Lucas> Te re cagó a piñas
[02:36] Zpektrix_TAS out
[02:36] SepulturaMb> Facu
[02:36] Lucas> El fantasma ese
[02:36] Zpektrix_TAS in
[02:36] SepulturaMb> Poneme con Lucas
[02:36] Lucas> En 4walls
[02:36] Lucas> recién
[02:36] Lucas> Yo mirando como te mataban
[02:36] SepulturaMb> Así se sacan las ganas
[02:36] Nah_Id_Win> naaa
[02:36] Lucas> De a poquito
[02:37] Lucas> A mí ni doblandome la mitad de la partida me mataron
[02:37] Nah_Id_Win> me puse a escuchar opening de anime de tan facil q estaba
[02:37] Lucas> Che Facu
[02:37] Lucas> Pará
[02:37] Lucas> Hablando en serio
[02:37] SepulturaMb> Facu es otaku, ojo.
[02:37] Lucas> Me contaron que tenés una hermana que está re linda
[02:37] Luxray out
[02:37] Nah_Id_Win> pero despues vi tu base
[02:37] bockwurstlaune in
[02:37] Lucas> Amigo tenía 70 de pop
[02:37] Lucas> mirá el graph
[02:38] Lucas> Tenía más pop que vos
[02:38] Lucas> sos de terror salame
[02:38] Nah_Id_Win> no importa el pop
[02:38] Lucas> Con 3 huts tenía más pop que vos
[02:38] Nah_Id_Win> en 2v2
[02:38] SepulturaMb> Chna
[02:38] Lucas> Que tenías la base completa
[02:38] Nah_Id_Win> importa mas tener buena defensa
[02:38] SepulturaMb> chan*
[02:38] Nah_Id_Win> la mejor defensa gana
[02:38] Lucas> Nah este
[02:38] Lucas> chabón
[02:38] Lucas> me hace reir
[02:38] Lucas> jajajja
[02:38] Lucas> Dale mandá
[02:38] Lucas> Juego al 12%
[02:38] SepulturaMb> Rota
[02:38] Luxray> fianlemnte partida con bajo ping
[02:38] Lucas> Bien ahí
[02:39] Luxray> aburrido con 250
[02:39] Nah_Id_Win> para
[02:39] Lucas> Luxray
[02:39] Nah_Id_Win> 3v3?
[02:39] Luxray> a
[02:39] Lucas> Cómo te llamas?
[02:39] Luxray> Nico
[02:39] Lucas> No amigo
[02:39] SepulturaMb> 2vs2
[02:39] SepulturaMb> Dale pajero
[02:39] Lucas> si sabes como son
[02:39] Lucas> estos muchachos
[02:39] Lucas> Ven 3 cifras de ping
[02:39] Lucas> y te hacen juicio
[02:39] SepulturaMb> Otra vez se manda el aleatorio
[02:39] SepulturaMb> Un miedo tiene de jugar contra vos
[02:39] Lucas> Está bien
[02:39] SepulturaMb> Jaja
[02:39] Lucas> Ojalá me toque contra él
[02:39] Luxray> yo soy malo para el pop
[02:39] Lucas> Best dice yo y Facu
[02:39] Luxray> :(
[02:40] Lucas> Facu y yo*
[02:40] Nah_Id_Win out
[02:40] Nah_Id_Win in
[02:40] Nah_Id_Win out
[02:41] Lucas> Qué pasó se salió el loco o qué?
[02:41] SepulturaMb> Reinicio
[02:41] Lucas> Sólo decía connecting...
[02:41] SepulturaMb> Porque le exploto la pc
[02:41] SepulturaMb> Ahi venia
[02:41] Luxray> xd
[02:42] SepulturaMb> Porque chota !best , me pone a mí con el wr
[02:42] SepulturaMb> No deberías ir vos con él?
[02:42] Lucas> Ibas vos con él
[02:42] Lucas> Y yo con Luxray
[02:42] Lucas> Así había puesto
[02:42] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy out
[02:42] Nah_Id_Win in
[02:43] Nah_Id_Win> denme 5
[02:43] Luxray> 1
[02:43] Luxray> 2
[02:43] SepulturaMb> Veni luqui
[02:43] Luxray> 3
[02:43] Luxray> 4
[02:43] Lucas> Facu amiguito
[02:43] Nah_Id_Win> cerra e l orto
[02:43] SepulturaMb> Te aclaro que Luxray me rompio la cola como 3 veces seguidas
[02:44] ZeroCool66 in
[02:45] Nah_Id_Win out
[02:50] ZeroCool66 out
[02:54] bockwurstlaune out
[02:57] Satoros out
[03:12] Bignoobmanfr in
[03:21] FreeInca in
[03:24] FreeInca out
[03:30] mras1989 in
[03:34] Lucas> Dale Sepu, te gana el muerto este
[03:34] Lucas> 40 veces te mató porque te quedaste parado cazando mariposas
[03:34] Lucas> Te entraba caminando
[03:34] mras1989 out
[03:34] Nah_Id_Win in
[03:34] SepulturaMb> Boludo
[03:35] Lucas> El muerto de Luxray lo único que hizo toda la partida fue campearme y tirarme S clicks, me pegaba todos
[03:35] SepulturaMb> 1 hora aguante
[03:35] SepulturaMb> Que chota queres que haga
[03:35] SepulturaMb> Le entre a Facu
[03:35] Luxray> uno defendia el otro atacaba
[03:35] Lucas> Te tuve que ir a hacer tierra, torres, por poco y te tengo que hacer la comida también
[03:35] Nah_Id_Win> q pase la siguiente cola jugetona
[03:35] SepulturaMb> JAJAJ
[03:35] SepulturaMb> Boludo
[03:36] Lucas> Cómo puede ser que sea el que más pop tiene si ni tierra mi hice man
[03:36] SepulturaMb> Me quedo con que Lucas no pudo entrarle a Lux
[03:36] Nah_Id_Win> yo no pare de tropear
[03:36] SepulturaMb> El loco te tuvo ahi todo el game
[03:36] Lucas> Si te tuve que socorrer toda la partida
[03:36] Lucas> paspado
[03:36] Nah_Id_Win> sisi
[03:36] Nah_Id_Win> imaginate contra ice
[03:36] Lucas> El amarillo me campeó toda la partida
[03:36] Nah_Id_Win> te hace un hijo
[03:36] SepulturaMb> Te dije que doblees a facu forro
[03:36] Lucas> Ice se la pasa jugando 1v1 en Leaf papu
[03:37] Lucas> Vos perdiste contra un pibe que hace 3 años no juega
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> igual tenia 10k de juegos
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> juega desde que se creo la mierda esta
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> y ademas
[03:37] Lucas> Contra un papá que le daba la mamadera al hijo mientras te ganaba en 12 minutos Facu
[03:37] Lucas> jajajajja
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> no existe estar oxidado en este juego
[03:37] SepulturaMb> JAJAJAJA
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> que hdp jaja
[03:37] SepulturaMb> Largue la risa
[03:37] SepulturaMb> La ctm
[03:37] SepulturaMb> Que gracioso
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> jugar esto es como andar en bici bldo
[03:37] SepulturaMb> Cuestión
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> 2 partiditas desp de 2 años y estas como nuevo
[03:37] Lucas> Callate burro
[03:37] Nah_Id_Win> no me vengan con esas pelotudeces
[03:38] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[03:38] Nah_Id_Win> ensima le dan ping de 50
[03:38] Nah_Id_Win> VAS A VER
[03:38] Lucas> Amigo
[03:38] Lucas> Le gané a Bianca
[03:38] Nah_Id_Win> CUANDO ICE TENGA 100 DE PING Y VOS 250
[03:38] Lucas> con 50 de ping
[03:38] Lucas> Yo 200
[03:38] Lucas> Preguntale a Sepu cuantas partidas tiene Bianca
[03:38] Lucas> Ya que te gusta hablar
[03:38] Lucas> jajajajaja
[03:38] Nah_Id_Win> bianca no se esperaba un rush
[03:38] Lucas> Yo no rusheé a nadie
[03:38] Lucas> jajajajajajajaj
[03:39] Nah_Id_Win> si fue un fast run eso
[03:39] Lucas> Vos quisiste rushear y te salió
[03:39] Lucas> Alto tereso
[03:39] SepulturaMb> AJAJA
[03:39] Lucas> No seas hdp
[03:39] Lucas> jajajaj
[03:39] Nah_Id_Win> mira si voy a alargar la partida
[03:39] Nah_Id_Win> con un gordo que juega desde 2003
[03:39] Lucas> La alargada te la comiste toda por popa
[03:40] Nah_Id_Win> pa vos tenes q saber
[03:40] Nah_Id_Win> si tambien tenes 2342342 games
[03:40] Lucas> jajajajajja
[03:40] Nah_Id_Win> que a un pro aca se le gana al min 10 o nunca
[03:40] Nah_Id_Win> babo la comio toda
[03:40] Lucas> Mirá lo que dice este hijo de mil putas
[03:40] Nah_Id_Win> por ej
[03:40] SepulturaMb> JAJAJA
[03:40] SepulturaMb> Estoy muy tentado
[03:40] Lucas> Facu
[03:40] Lucas> Jugás a spamear EQ todavía
[03:41] Lucas> Estás grande
[03:41] Lucas> Tenés pelos en las bolas
[03:41] SepulturaMb> Aguante el pop
[03:41] Edstonx in
[03:41] Lucas> Aguante el pop vieja
[03:41] SepulturaMb> Necesito a Alma bardeandose a morir con Facu
[03:41] SepulturaMb> Creo que se encontrarian a cagarse a piñas literal
[03:41] Lucas> Siguen cayendo fantasmas bld
[03:41] Lucas> Increíble lo que hace Steam
[03:41] SepulturaMb> Si, pero no juega nadie, que onda
[03:42] Lucas> Vienen por la 1.5
[03:42] Lucas> Y se van al molde
[03:42] SepulturaMb> Che, igual me la re banque boludo, hasta le entre al tragaleche de facu
[03:42] SepulturaMb> Le temblo la cola ahi
[03:42] SepulturaMb> Si la aguantabas un toque más
[03:42] SepulturaMb> (?
[03:42] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[03:42] Lucas> Cuándo le entraste?
[03:42] Lucas> Cuando me hizo ese BD?
[03:42] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=492407
[03:42] Lucas> Horrible
[03:42] Nah_Id_Win> no paro de domar
[03:42] SepulturaMb> Cuando te hizo el bd
[03:42] Lucas> fallido
[03:42] Nah_Id_Win> soy una maquina
[03:42] Lucas> Encima me hacen BD
[03:42] Lucas> Y los mato a los dos
[03:42] Lucas> al otro down
[03:42] Lucas> Que me campeó toda la partida
[03:42] Lucas> y a él
[03:43] SepulturaMb> Bueno, ahi se comio mi chotazo
[03:43] SepulturaMb> Pero nose en que momento te explotaron todo
[03:43] bloodslash2435 out
[03:43] SepulturaMb> No llegue a verlo
[03:43] Lucas> Facu se la pasa jugando 1v1 en Yggdra
[03:43] Luxray> mi shaman se fue a tu base cuando la tire para atras
[03:43] Lucas> Como rojo
[03:43] Lucas> No entiendo cómo no me ganó
[03:43] Nah_Id_Win> no jugaba hace bastante
[03:43] Nah_Id_Win> ahora ya me aceite
[03:43] Lucas> Pero si esto no tiene oxido
[03:43] Lucas> acabás de decir
[03:43] SepulturaMb> Facu, no seas hdpta
[03:44] Lucas> HIJO DE MIL PUTAS
[03:44] Nah_Id_Win> si pero es difente
[03:44] SepulturaMb> JAJAJAAJ
[03:44] Nah_Id_Win> este tipo se jugo unas pares antes de jugar contra mi
[03:44] SepulturaMb> Es diferente
[03:44] SepulturaMb> Si es para él
[03:44] SepulturaMb> Me mata
[03:44] Nah_Id_Win> fijate el forge que se mando
[03:44] Lucas> Que capo Facu
[03:44] Lucas> Che Facu
[03:44] Lucas> Dejá de hacerte el gil
[03:44] Lucas> Y pasá el Insta de tu hermana
[03:44] Nah_Id_Win> chupala
[03:44] Lucas> Dale así te mejoro la raza
[03:44] Lucas> Tu hermana me va a agradecer
[03:45] Nah_Id_Win> ahi te paso
[03:45] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4pWa0ssliI
[03:45] Lucas> Cuando haya un torneo PP 1v1 más te vale que lo ganes
[03:45] SepulturaMb> AJJAJA
[03:45] SepulturaMb> Que lindo es jugar sin lag lpm
[03:46] SepulturaMb> Luxray no hizo un choto y gano
[03:46] SepulturaMb> Hermoso
[03:46] Nah_Id_Win> no lo gano ni a palo
[03:46] Nah_Id_Win> si no rusheo no gano
[03:46] Lucas> Yo creo que si buscás las stats
[03:46] Lucas> debe tener 40 shaman kills
[03:46] Lucas> y yo 5
[03:46] Luxray> gano sin hacer nada
[03:46] Luxray> confirmado
[03:46] Lucas> Sos muy bueno
[03:46] Lucas> Nico
[03:46] Lucas> Nico se llama mi primo
[03:46] Lucas> Jugaba al pop también
[03:47] Luxray> tag en mm?
[03:47] SepulturaMb> Me acuerdo
[03:47] Lucas> No se capo
[03:47] Lucas> no me acuerdo
[03:47] Luxray> f
[03:47] Lucas> creo que niko
[03:47] Nah_Id_Win> a alguno le suena
[03:47] Nah_Id_Win> shadics?
[03:47] SepulturaMb> Se
[03:47] Luxray> extraño cuando habia mas gente que hablaba
[03:47] Luxray> ooh
[03:47] Luxray> si me acuerdo de shadics
[03:47] Lucas> shadics sos vos Facu
[03:47] Lucas> Sos pelotudo o te hacés
[03:47] SepulturaMb> JAJAJA
[03:47] Nah_Id_Win> el flaco laburaba en un ciber y jugaba pop
[03:47] Nah_Id_Win> el verdadero sueño
[03:47] SepulturaMb> Que dice
[03:47] SepulturaMb> Jugamos la revancha?
[03:48] SepulturaMb> Lucas, perdemos y me tomo otro gin
[03:48] Lucas> Y por qué no hacían torneo de pop?
[03:48] Nah_Id_Win> voy a dormir mañana laburo pa
[03:48] SepulturaMb> Que vas a laburar bolacero
[03:48] SepulturaMb> Yo ni cene
[03:48] SepulturaMb> En un rato me voy a mc
[03:48] SepulturaMb> Me escabie todo
[03:48] Lucas> Así jugás después bld
[03:48] SepulturaMb> Tengo a mi novia dormida en el sillón atrás
[03:48] Lucas> 40 veces parado te mataron
[03:48] SepulturaMb> JAJA NA PAJERO
[03:48] SepulturaMb> Facu, deci la verdad, más no pudo aguantar
[03:48] SepulturaMb> pude*
[03:48] SepulturaMb> O sea, termine con más pop que facu
[03:48] Lucas> Llegó un momento Facu, que lo tuve que cagar a pedos in-game
[03:48] SepulturaMb> Literal
[03:48] Lucas> En serio
[03:49] Lucas> Le dije, dale loco
[03:49] Lucas> Dejá de joder
[03:49] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[03:49] Lucas> Lo estoy viendo
[03:49] Lucas> No hay Fog of War
[03:49] Lucas> pelotudo
[03:49] Lucas> No es el Age esto
[03:49] Lucas> Una vuelta, vos creo que no existías acá todavía
[03:49] Lucas> Pero loco
[03:49] Lucas> Me acuerdo yme rio
[03:49] Nah_Id_Win> khe
[03:49] SepulturaMb> Igual, boludo, yo dije
[03:49] SepulturaMb> Quedaste mano a mano con Lux
[03:49] Lucas> Alma
[03:49] SepulturaMb> Como chota no le ganaste
[03:49] Lucas> Se la agarró con Goma
[03:49] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[03:49] SepulturaMb> gomaa bludoo
[03:50] SepulturaMb> Se me había borrado de la cabeza.
[03:50] Lucas> Jugamos una Craters
[03:50] Lucas> Y Goma
[03:50] Lucas> Se encerró
[03:50] Lucas> Viste con las montañitas de la isla
[03:50] Lucas> Y con LB
[03:50] SepulturaMb> JAJAJAJAJAJ
[03:50] SepulturaMb> Dios
[03:50] Lucas> Y lo hice mierda
[03:50] Lucas> Alma
[03:50] Lucas> Salió
[03:50] Lucas> Y le dice
[03:50] Lucas> Dale pelotudo
[03:50] Lucas> Encerrate
[03:50] Lucas> Te pensás que es el Age esto
[03:50] SepulturaMb> JAA
[03:50] Lucas> Sacás los onagros mogolico dale
[03:50] SepulturaMb> Dios
[03:50] Lucas> Lo estuvo puteando
[03:50] Lucas> 40 minutos seguido
[03:50] SepulturaMb> Cuando alma se enojaba
[03:50] SepulturaMb> Era demasiado bueno
[03:50] Nah_Id_Win> se llamaba alma y no era mujer?
[03:51] SepulturaMb> Casi siempre jugaba conmigo
[03:51] SepulturaMb> Me obligaba a jugar mas o menos me acuerdo
[03:51] Lucas> Almafuerte
[03:51] Lucas> Pero le decimos Alma porque ya hay confianza
[03:51] SepulturaMb> Arranque después de él y le ganaba, que calentura se agarraba, dios.
[03:51] Lucas> Ya va a volver con el caballlo cansado
[03:51] Nah_Id_Win> como era el nick
[03:51] SepulturaMb> El dia que vuelva, nos vamos a cagar de risa
[03:51] SepulturaMb> Almafuerte
[03:51] Lucas> Almafuerte te estoy diciendo, tenés un cromosoma de más o qué
[03:51] SepulturaMb> Como la banda
[03:51] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[03:51] SepulturaMb> Pensar que se murio Iorio
[03:51] SepulturaMb> El cantante
[03:52] Lucas> Claro
[03:52] Nah_Id_Win> no me suena, por iorio nomas
[03:52] Lucas> Para mí Alma murió de diabetes
[03:52] SepulturaMb> Jajaja, no seas bolacero
[03:52] Nah_Id_Win> pero bueno tenemos a lgante
[03:52] Lucas> Jajajaja
[03:52] Lucas> Yo desde
[03:52] Lucas> No se
[03:52] Lucas> bld
[03:52] Lucas> Cuando jugaba con vos
[03:52] Lucas> Que no lo vi mas
[03:52] Lucas> imaginate
[03:52] Edstonx out
[03:52] Lucas> Lástima que no tengo forma de contactarlo
[03:52] Lucas> Sino le digo metete
[03:53] SepulturaMb> Le escribi por la pagina del pop
[03:53] SepulturaMb> Pero no hay chances de que lo lea
[03:53] SepulturaMb> Llega a entrar por casualidad y nos ve
[03:53] SepulturaMb> Y se queda
[03:53] SepulturaMb> Lo vuelvo loco
[03:54] Lucas> Qué le mandaste un mensaje privado?
[03:54] SepulturaMb> Anda a saber si se recibio, estaba en un loop de mierda me acuerdo.
[03:54] Lucas> Uno nunca sabe
[03:54] SepulturaMb> Se, por la chota esa
[03:54] Lucas> Por ahí le llega un mail de notificación
[03:54] SepulturaMb> Si lo lee, un milagro.
[03:54] SepulturaMb> Le puse literal "Entra al MM culo roto, te estamos esperando con Lucas"
[03:54] Lucas> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVRj8-t4PwI
[03:54] Nah_Id_Win> traigan mas gente
[03:54] Lucas> Alto set
[03:55] Lucas> Había banda de argentinos acá Facu, pero viniste vos y se fueron todos
[03:55] SepulturaMb> AJAJ
[03:55] SepulturaMb> Muy manija ese set
[03:55] SepulturaMb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT8i4E4NYXs&t=1560s&ab_channel=TheLotRadio
[03:55] Nah_Id_Win> che
[03:55] SepulturaMb> Yo fumo mucho porro se ve.
[03:55] Nah_Id_Win> son negros por casualidad?
[03:55] SepulturaMb> Nou
[03:56] Edstonx in
[03:56] SepulturaMb> Buscame en instagram
[03:56] SepulturaMb> Mariano Bordachar
[03:56] Edstonx out
[03:56] Lucas> Si te acabo de decir que me pases el IG de tu hermana para mejorarte la raza
[03:56] SepulturaMb> Trata de no enamorarte
[03:56] Luxray> jajjasdkja
[03:56] SepulturaMb> Es loco, pero nunca revelamos las identidades acá.
[03:57] SepulturaMb> Con Lucas y Alma mantuvimos eso por mucho tiempo
[03:57] SepulturaMb> A mi me chupa la japi ya.
[03:57] Lucas> No?
[03:57] Lucas> Creo que teníamos un whassap
[03:57] Lucas> Pero me puedo estar confundiendo
[03:57] Lucas> Así que ni idea
[03:57] SepulturaMb> Es verdad
[03:57] SepulturaMb> Teniamos wsp
[03:57] Lucas> Por ahí ni existia wasssap
[03:57] SepulturaMb> Pero alma no estaba
[03:57] Lucas> ah
[03:57] Lucas> jaja
[03:57] SepulturaMb> Las pibas me agregaron a facebook en su momento, que viejos chotos
[03:58] Nah_Id_Win> conectense segudo hdp
[03:58] SepulturaMb> Analia casi me cae a casa
[03:58] Lucas> Qué asco que es Facebook man
[03:58] SepulturaMb> Pero no daba, no me cabia
[03:58] Nah_Id_Win> asi subo rango
[03:58] Lucas> Es inusable
[03:58] Lucas> Analia era piola
[03:58] Lucas> La referi
[03:58] SepulturaMb> Si, pero no estaba buena
[03:58] Lucas> Debe andar pidiendo coimas en el ascenso
[03:58] SepulturaMb> Ahora era guardaparques jaja
[03:58] Lucas> Ah ni idea
[03:58] Lucas> Ah
[03:58] Lucas> Te acordás
[03:59] Lucas> Que el otro día me acordaba
[03:59] Lucas> de la colombiana
[03:59] Lucas> Que es amiga de
[03:59] SepulturaMb> JAJJA
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Es verdad
[03:59] Lucas> Como se llama el tarado este
[03:59] Lucas> saito
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Ciertoo
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Esa loc
[03:59] SepulturaMb> a
[03:59] Lucas> Bueno, hace un par de dias uno paso un
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Estaba enamorada d emi jajaja
[03:59] Lucas> como se llama
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Me mandaba fotos boludo
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Te acordas?
[03:59] Lucas> galeria del pop
[03:59] Lucas> Te acordas esa galeria vieja
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Se
[03:59] Lucas> que hay jugadores del pop
[03:59] SepulturaMb> La loca me pidio foto
[03:59] Lucas> La vi y estaba ahi
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Le mande
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Y queria visitarme
[03:59] Lucas> y no estaba equivocado
[03:59] Lucas> era kykio
[03:59] Lucas> el nick
[03:59] Lucas> o algo asi
[03:59] SepulturaMb> Era una negra fea, no?
[04:00] Lucas> Yo me re habia olvidado
[04:00] Lucas> No se amigo, estaba en blanco y negro la foto
[04:00] Lucas> Bah para
[04:00] Lucas> si busco en el historial la debo poder encontrar
[04:00] Lucas> porque es wix
[04:00] SepulturaMb> A mi me habia mandado una haciendose la sexy
[04:00] SepulturaMb> Si se las pase creo
[04:00] SepulturaMb> Alto forro sjajaja
[04:00] Lucas> https://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery
[04:00] SepulturaMb> Alma estaba on fire
[04:00] Lucas> No se en que clan estaba
[04:00] SepulturaMb> Le queriamos hacer gancho con Analia
[04:01] SepulturaMb> Pero era tan feo alma hdpta que nunca paso ni nombre, ni foto
[04:01] SepulturaMb> Carlos se llamaba?
[04:01] Lucas> Creo que Alma se llamaba Lucho
[04:01] SepulturaMb> Luciano
[04:01] SepulturaMb> Es verdaddd
[04:01] Lucas> Si era Lucho por Luciano o por Lucrecio o Laurencio ni idea capo
[04:01] SepulturaMb> Las caritas de los nerds, epic.
[04:01] Lucas> Hay fotos ahí
[04:01] Lucas> De gente que ya tiene 4 pibes
[04:01] Lucas> Y la foto es de la secundaria
[04:02] SepulturaMb> Godzilla, me lo habia olvidado
[04:02] SepulturaMb> Power es negro JAJA no me acordaba
[04:02] Lucas> Jajajjaa la foto viejísima del señor X
[04:02] Lucas> En una joda, en un boliche, no se donde
[04:03] Lucas> Bueno loco ni idea, creí haberla visto
[04:03] Lucas> Ah mirá ahí está Bianca
[04:03] Lucas> Vos que preguntabas si era un tipo
[04:03] SepulturaMb> No llegue a bianca
[04:03] Lucas> A ese viejarda le gané
[04:04] Lucas> Bien ahí
[04:04] Lucas> AH está ahi mismo
[04:04] Lucas> la colombiana esta
[04:04] Lucas> jajaja
[04:04] Lucas> es clan OP
[04:04] Lucas> Kikyo
[04:04] Lucas> Era
[04:04] SepulturaMb> La carita de Nici
[04:04] SepulturaMb> JAJAJAJ
[04:04] Lucas> Estoy más que seguro
[04:04] SepulturaMb> La colombiana
[04:04] SepulturaMb> Para un petardo esta
[04:04] Lucas> Con esa carita de boludo se clava 4 pajas por día y te mete 3 volcanes
[04:04] SepulturaMb> See
[04:04] SepulturaMb> Babo, el otro dia lo re bardie
[04:05] SepulturaMb> Y lo que le dije no estaba muy alejado de la realidad
[04:05] SepulturaMb> JAJa
[04:05] SepulturaMb> es un fraca tremendo
[04:05] Lucas> Facu se está haciendo el gil pero está anotando toda la data eh
[04:05] SepulturaMb> Bianca es alta jovata
[04:05] SepulturaMb> Tiene hasta twich
[04:05] Lucas> Mal
[04:05] SepulturaMb> Facu esta con el rabo en la mano mirando a Keith
[04:05] Lucas> Me la diste
[04:05] SepulturaMb> Es una sugarmamy Bianca
[04:06] Nah_Id_Win> ajksdjkad
[04:06] SepulturaMb> Si me saca de este pais
[04:06] Lucas> Se, ta linda la vete
[04:06] SepulturaMb> Le meto el beso negro de su vida
[04:06] Lucas> Tenés que hacer como Noelia
[04:06] Lucas> Esa sí que la hizo bien eh
[04:06] Lucas> jajajajja
[04:06] SepulturaMb> Toruk_Makto ahora mismo debe tener 60 años hdpta
[04:07] Lucas> Se me hace que es de esos
[04:07] SepulturaMb> Noe, JAJA
[04:07] Lucas> Que tienen 40 y parecen de 70
[04:07] Lucas> Estoy seguro
[04:07] Lucas> Que el chabón debe tener 30 y largos 40 y cortos
[04:07] SepulturaMb> Esta la hermana de la colombiana JAJAJ, nana
[04:07] Nah_Id_Win> que edad tenian utd?
[04:08] SepulturaMb> En esa época?
[04:08] SepulturaMb> 20 años a todo trapo
[04:08] Lucas> Tenía hermana?
[04:08] SepulturaMb> 19
[04:08] SepulturaMb> Si boludo
[04:08] Lucas> Sabés las pajas que me hacía a tu edad Facu
[04:08] SepulturaMb> Esta en independientes
[04:08] Lucas> A vos no te daría la energía
[04:08] Lucas> Te quedás sin mana
[04:09] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[04:09] SepulturaMb> Ya estamos viejos Lucas, que flash
[04:09] SepulturaMb> 2009 arranque, cuando termine la escuela
[04:09] Lucas> Ah mirá vos
[04:09] SepulturaMb> La facu en un momento me consumio tanto que deje
[04:09] Lucas> Ni me acordaba que tenía hermana
[04:09] SepulturaMb> Y ahora que ya soy un viejo estable, volví.
[04:10] Nah_Id_Win> con los onlyfans hay mucho material
[04:10] Lucas> Bueno en fin
[04:10] Lucas> Tremendo material
[04:10] Lucas> Tremenda comunidad
[04:10] Nah_Id_Win> yo pago
[04:10] Lucas> De degenerados
[04:10] Lucas> Y sí si tu generación es más virgen que la nuestra boludo
[04:10] Lucas> Ponen la concha en un pedestal
[04:10] Nah_Id_Win> ami me cagaron
[04:11] Nah_Id_Win> el otro dia me estaba chamuyando a una y al dia siguiente cambio todo y puso el onlyfans
[04:11] SepulturaMb> Vos estas soltero Lucas?
[04:11] Lucas> Obvio
[04:11] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[04:11] SepulturaMb> tiraba esa
[04:11] Lucas> Vos guardame la guampas
[04:11] SepulturaMb> "La virginidad intacta pa"
[04:11] Luxray out
[04:11] Nah_Id_Win> bajate el badoo
[04:11] Nah_Id_Win> bancate los travas
[04:11] Lucas> Creo que el Tinder no existía
[04:12] SepulturaMb> No sean hdpta
[04:12] Lucas> En aquellas épocas
[04:12] Lucas> Hoy si no la ponés
[04:12] Nah_Id_Win> hasta encontrar una
[04:12] SepulturaMb> Que va a existir
[04:12] Lucas> Es porque no querés
[04:12] Lucas> O porque sos MUY feo loco
[04:12] Nah_Id_Win> no man ahora es mas dificil
[04:12] SepulturaMb> Usan tinder hdptas?
[04:12] Nah_Id_Win> puras minas dejando el ig en tinder
[04:12] Lucas> Yo tuve una vuelta
[04:12] Lucas> Quería ver qué onda
[04:12] Lucas> Pero la verdad no uso
[04:12] Nah_Id_Win> y les tenes que hablar, una paja
[04:12] SepulturaMb> Nunca tuve esas cosas jaja
[04:13] Lucas> Alto virgen Borda
[04:13] Lucas> no me jodas
[04:13] SepulturaMb> En mi vida, solo 1 año estuve sin novia
[04:13] SepulturaMb> Y me clave todo lo que caminaba
[04:13] Nah_Id_Win> ellas tienen 1k de matchs, nosotros 10
[04:13] Nah_Id_Win> y de ahi filtramos
[04:13] SepulturaMb> Ahora estoy de novio de nuevo
[04:13] Nah_Id_Win> ellas solo elijen
[04:13] SepulturaMb> 7 años me duro una
[04:13] Lucas> Ah ya le agarraste el gusto a andar con la correa al cuello
[04:13] Lucas> Che Facu vos sos negro?
[04:13] SepulturaMb> Me gusta la estabilidad
[04:13] SepulturaMb> Me da paz mental boludo
[04:14] SepulturaMb> Sino ando muy de pija dura, al pedo.
[04:14] SepulturaMb> Pierdo el foco
[04:14] Nah_Id_Win> na
[04:14] Lucas> Esas cosas no se preguntan Facu
[04:14] Lucas> El color de piel
[04:14] Nah_Id_Win> me suicidaria si fuera marron
[04:14] Lucas> Sos re racista amigo
[04:14] SepulturaMb> Que deciaa
[04:14] SepulturaMb> Jajaj
[04:14] Nah_Id_Win> pero igual rosas tuvo q laburar mas
[04:14] Lucas> Este es Alma
[04:14] Lucas> Y se está haciendo el gil
[04:14] SepulturaMb> Si, la reencarnacion
[04:14] Lucas> Recibió tu mensje
[04:14] SepulturaMb> Esta poseído
[04:14] Lucas> La hizo re bien
[04:15] SepulturaMb> Jajjaja
[04:15] SepulturaMb> Que dos potencias si se conocieran
[04:15] Lucas> Igual Alma era más de joder con los mogólicos
[04:15] Nah_Id_Win> bue
[04:15] Lucas> Era terrible loco
[04:15] SepulturaMb> Alma no tenia filtro
[04:15] SepulturaMb> Me acuerdo que se le trababa y se iba al choto
[04:15] Lucas> Era re calentón sí
[04:15] Lucas> jajajjaa
[04:15] SepulturaMb> Me re hablaba el loco a mi
[04:15] SepulturaMb> Me contaba cosas re intimas boludo
[04:15] SepulturaMb> El pajero nunca quiso pasarme sus redes
[04:16] Lucas> Ah yo no llegué a eso
[04:16] SepulturaMb> Mira que le ofreci
[04:16] Lucas> Sí se que con Goma
[04:16] Lucas> Tenían una confianza
[04:16] SepulturaMb> Tendria miedo que lo delirara
[04:16] Lucas> Que me daba un toque de asco a mí
[04:16] Lucas> porque goma era putazo
[04:16] Lucas> Y contaba cosas
[04:16] SepulturaMb> Goma era tremendo trolo
[04:16] SepulturaMb> Lo agarraba de confesor
[04:16] Lucas> Jajajaja
[04:16] SepulturaMb> Le contaba como le hacian el opi
[04:16] Lucas> Si bld
[04:16] LexTheWerewolf in
[04:16] Lucas> Y el otro morboso hdp
[04:16] SepulturaMb> Y el forro nos decia a nosotros JJA
[04:17] SepulturaMb> Que tipo
[04:17] Nah_Id_Win> se juntaban en dc?
[04:17] Lucas> qué es dc
[04:17] Lucas> capo
[04:17] SepulturaMb> Dc?
[04:17] Nah_Id_Win> discord
[04:17] SepulturaMb> WTF
[04:17] Nah_Id_Win> skype
[04:17] SepulturaMb> Este pibito
[04:17] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[04:17] Nah_Id_Win> teamspeak
[04:17] Lucas> No existía Discord
[04:17] Lucas> Y eso es posta
[04:17] Lucas> Eh
[04:17] Nah_Id_Win> por aca hablaban todo eso?
[04:17] Lucas> Tendría que hacer
[04:17] Lucas> Claro como ahora
[04:17] LexTheWerewolf> beta
[04:17] Bignoobmanfr out
[04:17] Nah_Id_Win> mama
[04:17] Lucas> Copabamos el MM
[04:17] Lucas> Use !
[04:17] Nah_Id_Win> y porque dejaron de logear
[04:17] Lucas> So is !beta
[04:18] Lucas> Porque hay una cosa que se llama vida que a veces se mete en el camino viste
[04:18] ausbish123 in
[04:18] Lucas> Igual creo que desde que conocí el MM que siempre fue así
[04:18] SepulturaMb> Y si, tapado de quilombos Facu
[04:18] Lucas> Jugar un tiempo, dejar por años y años, volver, dejar por años y años
[04:18] Lucas> y asi
[04:18] SepulturaMb> Exacto
[04:19] Lucas> Siempre que volví esperaba encontrarme con las ruinas
[04:19] Lucas> pero cada vez tenia mas cosas esto
[04:19] Lucas> Es una locura
[04:19] SepulturaMb> Siempre hay un hdpta que lo mantiene vigente
[04:19] Lucas> Más allá de estar cada vez más muerto
[04:19] Lucas> Pero bue
[04:19] Lucas> Increíble que siga así
[04:19] SepulturaMb> Inca, te juro que no caigo
[04:19] SepulturaMb> Ni juega
[04:19] Lucas> Jajajaja
[04:19] SepulturaMb> Y el loco, se preocupa para que esto siga en pie
[04:19] SepulturaMb> Es de otro planeta
[04:19] SepulturaMb> Real
[04:19] Lucas> Y el tipo se quemó a principios de los 2000
[04:19] Lucas> Jugaban con dial-up
[04:20] Lucas> Todos con 400 de ping
[04:20] SepulturaMb> Una locura
[04:20] Lucas> Vos viste lo que era
[04:20] Lucas> El matchmaker original de EA?
[04:20] SepulturaMb> No
[04:20] Lucas> Tenia huts
[04:20] Lucas> Del juego
[04:20] Lucas> Y se llenaban
[04:20] Lucas> Como en el juego digamos
[04:20] Lucas> Yo nunca lo vi pero habia fotos
[04:20] SepulturaMb> Que delirio
[04:20] SepulturaMb> Vos en que año entraste por primera vez ?
[04:20] SepulturaMb> Vos ya estabas cuando yo llegue
[04:20] SepulturaMb> Me acuerdo clarito
[04:21] SepulturaMb> Que nos bardeamos al toque
[04:21] SepulturaMb> Fue epic
[04:21] Lucas> Yo creo que en el 2009
[04:21] Lucas> Pero no se cuanto estuve
[04:21] Lucas> Y deje como hasta el 2011 2012 creo
[04:21] SepulturaMb> 17/05/2009 a las 2am entraste jAJAJ que genial
[04:22] supermariobroswii15 in
[04:22] Lucas> 2am
[04:22] Lucas> Perdido en la droga
[04:22] Lucas> Ya de pendejo
[04:22] SepulturaMb> Mal
[04:22] SepulturaMb> Una publicidad en pornhub te trajo acá
[04:22] Lucas> No me acuerdo
[04:22] Lucas> Si fue este
[04:22] Lucas> El primer online
[04:22] Lucas> O el Warcraft 3 loco
[04:23] DieselMcDuck in
[04:23] SepulturaMb> Facu entro en 2010 por primera vez
[04:23] SepulturaMb> COmo puede ser
[04:23] Lucas> Según el bot del MM
[04:23] SepulturaMb> Que no lo hayamos visto?
[04:23] SepulturaMb> Que tenia, 10 años?
[04:23] Lucas> 140 cuentas nuevas
[04:23] Lucas> Entre ayer y hoy
[04:23] SepulturaMb> FUA
[04:23] SepulturaMb> Pero no juegan, que hacen.
[04:23] Lucas> Ahí te das cuenta
[04:23] Nah_Id_Win> se 10 años
[04:23] Nah_Id_Win> prodigio
[04:23] Lucas> Que a la gente le chupa un huevo el online
[04:24] Lucas> Vienen porque acá es la única forma de instalar la versión 1.5
[04:24] Lucas> Y se van a jugar la campaña con hotkeys
[04:24] Lucas> jaja
[04:24] SepulturaMb> Se pierden un mundo con el online
[04:24] SepulturaMb> Que giles
[04:24] Lucas> Este Facu es Alma
[04:24] Lucas> Ya te dije
[04:24] Lucas> Se está haciendo el gil
[04:24] Lucas> Lo vendiste con la de 2010
[04:25] Lucas> Por ahi es Goma
[04:25] Nah_Id_Win> na
[04:25] Lucas> Habia otro gordo tambien
[04:25] Nah_Id_Win> yo jugue mas ao
[04:25] Lucas> Como era
[04:25] Nah_Id_Win> y lol
[04:25] Lucas> Osiris
[04:25] Lucas> Hades
[04:25] Lucas> Sagitario
[04:25] Lucas> Sagitario puede ser?
[04:25] Nah_Id_Win> y no entendia nada del juego en 2010
[04:25] Nah_Id_Win> hacia warrior rush
[04:25] Nah_Id_Win> pero con brave blast
[04:25] Nah_Id_Win> llegue a warrior asi
[04:26] Nah_Id_Win> como habia mucha gente podia hacer esa sorpresa varias veces
[04:26] Lucas> Pará
[04:26] Lucas> en el
[04:26] Lucas> en la galería
[04:26] Lucas> habia un argentino
[04:28] SepulturaMb> Quien?
[04:28] SepulturaMb> Sagitario tenia 200 años
[04:28] SepulturaMb> Avatar tambien
[04:28] SepulturaMb> Eran los del clan "latino"
[04:29] SepulturaMb> Ahí le di de comer a los perros, tengo dos ovejeros alemanos hermosos
[04:29] SepulturaMb> Tendría que alimentarme yo
[04:30] Lucas> No
[04:30] Lucas> Era un pibe
[04:30] Lucas> Bah pibe
[04:31] Lucas> sagitario si
[04:31] Lucas> artema
[04:31] Lucas> matias
[04:31] DieselMcDuck out
[04:31] supermariobroswii15 out
[04:32] SepulturaMb> Artema
[04:32] SepulturaMb> que flash
[04:32] Lucas> int3r
[04:32] Lucas> Tenia nick anterior
[04:32] Lucas> Me dice para mandarle un mail pero no anda
[04:32] Lucas> toda rota la pagina
[04:33] SepulturaMb> No me puedo acordar el nick de Alan
[04:33] SepulturaMb> Ahi busco
[04:33] ausbish123 out
[04:33] Nah_Id_Win> mañana logeen a la tarde
[04:33] Lucas> Lupus
[04:33] ausbish123 in
[04:33] supermariobroswii15 in
[04:33] Lucas> Si se lo cambio ni idea
[04:33] SepulturaMb> Keith ya es shaman
[04:33] SepulturaMb> Que hdpta
[04:37] Lucas> Bueno ya le mandé PM
[04:37] Lucas> a todos los argentinos
[04:37] Lucas> Leandro
[04:37] Lucas> Había uno
[04:37] Lucas> Que se llamaba
[04:37] Lucas> 2015 ultima vez visto
[04:37] Lucas> Los demás
[04:37] Lucas> loco
[04:37] Lucas> Goma 2022 ultima vez
[04:37] SepulturaMb> LEs mandaste posta?
[04:37] Lucas> Alma 2023
[04:37] Lucas> Matias 2024
[04:38] Lucas> Le mandé
[04:38] Lucas> A todos los argentinos
[04:38] Lucas> que encontré
[04:38] Lucas> jaja
[04:38] Lucas> Pero
[04:38] Lucas> Mensaje privado
[04:38] Lucas> nomás
[04:38] Lucas> No anda el mail
[04:38] Lucas> A los que tenían habilitado
[04:38] SepulturaMb> Le mandaste a Alma?
[04:38] SepulturaMb> Tiene que volver el hdpta
[04:38] SepulturaMb> Debe estar re al pedo
[04:39] Lucas>
[04:39] Lucas> Pero mensaje privado como vos
[04:39] SepulturaMb> Dudo que lo lea lpm
[04:39] SepulturaMb> A ver
[04:39] SepulturaMb> mandame a mi, a ver si me llega al mail tambien
[04:40] Lucas> Lo encontré
[04:40] Lucas> En Discord
[04:40] Lucas> A Alma
[04:41] SepulturaMb> :O
[04:41] Lucas> De ahí a que conteste
[04:41] Lucas> Por ahi ni es el y era un loco que se puso Almafuerte también viste
[04:41] Lucas> jajaja
[04:42] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[04:42] Lucas> A ver
[04:42] Lucas> Ya te digo
[04:42] Lucas> Y...
[04:43] Lucas> Las fechas coinciden
[04:43] Lucas> Puede que sea él
[04:43] supermariobroswii15 out
[04:43] Lucas> Vamo a ver si contesta el viejo ermitaño de mierda
[04:43] Lucas> ermitaño va con h?
[04:43] Lucas> No, van sin
[04:43] Lucas> Qué capo que soy
[04:43] Lucas> Bueno
[04:43] Lucas> Con suerte
[04:43] SepulturaMb> Va sin
[04:44] Lucas> Les hago la congregación argentina de pop 2024
[04:44] SepulturaMb> JAJA posta
[04:44] ExLordDeath in
[04:45] Lucas> Está re manija este pibe
[04:45] SepulturaMb> eN UN DÍA LLEGO A fW
[04:45] SepulturaMb> sBES QUE?
[04:45] SepulturaMb> No duerme hoy
[04:46] Lucas> Ojalá caiga algún paracaidista de los de Steam
[04:46] Lucas> y le saque el trono a nici
[04:46] SepulturaMb> No hay chances
[04:46] Lucas> El pibe se paga una puta
[04:46] Lucas> Termina su carrera de pop
[04:47] SepulturaMb> JAJJA
[04:47] SepulturaMb> Bueno, me voy a tener que ir a dormir, mañana tengo que levantarme relativamente temprano, que chotazo.
[04:47] SepulturaMb> Alma va a volver
[04:47] SepulturaMb> En el peor escenario
[04:47] Lucas> jajajajjaa
[04:47] SepulturaMb> Le escribo a Anita
[04:47] Lucas> mañana te digo
[04:47] Lucas> Si me contestó
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Y le digo que le mande, el pajero creooo, que tenia contacto con ella en su momento
[04:48] Lucas> Él debe tener contacto de Goma
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Se la chamuyaba al menos por pvt
[04:48] Lucas> En una de esas
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Pero, a Anita no le escribo hace 15 años, literal
[04:48] SepulturaMb> No se si da, capaz que me mete una orden de restriccion
[04:48] Lucas> Me dijiste
[04:48] SepulturaMb> "Vos quien chota sos flaco"
[04:48] Lucas> que era guardabosques
[04:48] Lucas> Asi que tenes
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Pero eso lo conto acá pajero
[04:48] Lucas> comunicacion mas
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Vos porque tenes alzheimer
[04:48] Lucas> cercana que yo
[04:48] Lucas> Puede ser man
[04:48] Lucas> Que se yo
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Si estaba estudiando eso cuando estabamos todos acá
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Dios
[04:48] Lucas> Te pensas
[04:48] SepulturaMb> Jaj
[04:49] Lucas> que me voy a acordar
[04:49] Lucas> de todo lo de ac
[04:49] Lucas> a
[04:49] Lucas> De pedo que me avive
[04:49] SepulturaMb> Vos te recibiste de diseñador?
[04:49] Lucas> Que popre
[04:49] Lucas> Te marca todos con los que jugas
[04:49] Lucas> Recibirme?
[04:49] Lucas> Yo?
[04:49] SepulturaMb> JAA
[04:49] SepulturaMb> Pajero
[04:49] Lucas> Vos me viste pinta de aplicado?
[04:49] SepulturaMb> No la terminaste?
[04:49] Lucas> No la re contra colgué
[04:49] SepulturaMb> Estás laburando de eso al menos?
[04:49] Lucas> Después volví
[04:49] Lucas> Me querían hacer un
[04:49] Lucas> Como se dice
[04:50] Lucas> un curso de género o algo asi
[04:50] Lucas> De la UBA
[04:50] Lucas> obligatorio
[04:50] Lucas> jajajaja
[04:50] SepulturaMb> JAJAJA
[04:50] SepulturaMb> Pajero
[04:50] SepulturaMb> Dios
[04:50] SepulturaMb> Me haces reir
[04:50] Lucas> Posta
[04:50] Lucas> Vos ibas a la UBA?
[04:50] Lucas> O La Plata?
[04:50] SepulturaMb> Ayer jure en el colegio de Caba, me tuve que comer el curso de genero tambien
[04:50] SepulturaMb> Termine en UNLP
[04:50] Lucas> Prefiero no recibirme
[04:50] SepulturaMb> No seas machirule
[04:50] Lucas> Asi sea un multiple choice
[04:50] Lucas> de un pdf
[04:51] SepulturaMb> Ahora te voy a decir Luque (?
[04:51] Lucas> Ahora con Milei
[04:51] Lucas> Si no la cierran a la UBA
[04:51] SepulturaMb> Decime que no votaste a Milei por favor.
[04:51] Lucas> Minimo el curso vuela
[04:51] Lucas> Obvio papu, viva la libertad carajo!
[04:51] SepulturaMb> Jaja lpm
[04:51] SepulturaMb> Como te esta pegando el reajuste?
[04:51] Lucas> Amigo
[04:51] Lucas> Entre Massa y Milei
[04:52] Lucas> Imposible
[04:52] SepulturaMb> Es psiquiatrico Milei boludo
[04:52] Lucas> Que vote al narco este
[04:52] Lucas> Toda la fe le tengo al peluca
[04:52] SepulturaMb> Naa, posta?
[04:52] Lucas> Si me aguanté al bigotes amigo
[04:52] SepulturaMb> No hay chances que salga bien ajajaj
[04:52] Lucas> Y bueno
[04:52] Lucas> Si no sale no sale
[04:52] SepulturaMb> Alberto fue un cancer hecho persona
[04:53] Lucas> Seguís escuchando a Chet Faker hdp
[04:53] SepulturaMb> Massa es el panqueque ´más quemado de la historia
[04:53] SepulturaMb> PEROOO
[04:53] SepulturaMb> Lo vi dos veces en vivo a Chet Faker hdpta
[04:53] Lucas> Hacete hombre y empezá a escuchar Dua Lipa
[04:53] SepulturaMb> Hacia 100 años que no lo escuchaba, y tiro ese Set en una radio
[04:53] SepulturaMb> Viene de la mano con el MM ese loco
[04:53] Lucas> En qué galpón lo escuchaste
[04:54] SepulturaMb> JAJA, una en el Lolla
[04:54] SepulturaMb> Y otra en un festival, creo que music wins
[04:54] SepulturaMb> Antes que Radiohead toco boludo
[04:54] SepulturaMb> Hermoso
[04:54] Lucas> Quien era el presidente
[04:54] Lucas> Cuando entramos al MM
[04:55] Lucas> Cristina?
[04:55] Luxray> ola
[04:55] ausbish123 out
[04:55] Lucas> Andá sacandote lo peroncho Mariano porque cuando vuelva Alma se va a pudrir eh
[04:55] SepulturaMb> Alma debe haber votado a Espert
[04:56] SepulturaMb> Fija
[04:56] Lucas> Espert estuvo en las elecciones?
[04:56] SepulturaMb> Cristina estaba en 2009 ya?
[04:56] Lucas> No, digo cuando eramos habitues aca
[04:56] Lucas> Que fue
[04:56] SepulturaMb> Nestor en 2005
[04:56] Lucas> 2014, 2015?
[04:56] SepulturaMb> Antes boludo
[04:56] ausbish123 in
[04:56] Lucas> No
[04:56] SepulturaMb> Yo ni era boga
[04:56] Lucas> Era por ahi
[04:56] SepulturaMb> Y ahora soy hasta escribano, ja.
[04:56] SepulturaMb> Que robo
[04:56] Lucas> Garca sos vos boludo
[04:57] SepulturaMb> Un poquito
[04:57] Lucas> Van a ser las 2am
[04:57] Lucas> Voy a hacer de cuenta
[04:57] Lucas> Que lo de las 2am
[04:57] Lucas> de la creacion de mi cuenta
[04:57] SepulturaMb> JAJA
[04:57] Lucas> Es porque la hora de la pagina es GMT
[04:57] Lucas> Y eran las 8 de la noche de acá
[04:57] SepulturaMb> Me reclaman para dormir
[04:57] Lucas> Y si bld
[04:57] Lucas> Van a ser las 2
[04:57] SepulturaMb> Tengo que entrar el auto todavia lpm
[04:57] Lucas> Nos vemos
[04:58] SepulturaMb> Si vuelve alma
[04:58] Lucas> te aviso
[04:58] SepulturaMb> Como sea, le quiero ver la cara
[04:58] SepulturaMb> Los invito a almorzar en Caba, no se
[04:58] SepulturaMb> Algo
[04:58] Lucas> Ni me acuerdo de donde era el chango ese
[04:58] SepulturaMb> Hmm
[04:58] SepulturaMb> Era del interior?
[04:58] Lucas> Ni idea
[04:58] Lucas> Pero en mi mente
[04:58] Lucas> hay algo de campo
[04:58] SepulturaMb> Yo soy de Chascomús, pero tengo estudio en Caba tambien
[04:58] Lucas> Lo tengo como un gaucho
[04:59] Lucas> Asi que debe ser
[04:59] Lucas> Bueno nos vemos
[04:59] Lucas out
[04:59] SepulturaMb> Nos vemos culo roto
[04:59] SepulturaMb out
[05:02] ausbish123 out
[05:04] ausbish123 in
[05:10] adray_tsi out
[05:16] ausbish123 out
[05:20] adray_tsi in
[05:24] LexTheWerewolf out
[05:33] Thatguycherry in
[05:33] Thatguycherry out
[05:42] adray_tsi out
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[06:03] jammy in
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[07:06] kravan in
[07:12] Mikaro in
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[07:16] Mikaro out
[07:16] jammy out
[07:17] ExLordDeath out
[07:21] swedeath in
[07:25] kravan out
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[08:15] hoagieman out
[08:15] Gundesaelf in
[08:19] [AsG]Ralimurr in
[08:20] Yancy out
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[09:06] silverserendipity in
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[09:24] Gundesaelf in
[09:28] swedeath in
[09:29] TouchoneTouchemAll in
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[09:30] Gundesaelf out
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[09:30] swedeath in
[09:35] swedeath out
[09:35] swedeath in
[09:46] ExLordDeath in
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[09:47] ExLordDeath in
[09:48] Gundesaelf in
[09:48] swedeath out
[09:48] swedeath in
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[09:50] swedeath in
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[10:00] bockwurstlaune in
[10:09] swedeath in
[10:13] Smocke in
[10:21] tetc in
[10:23] tetc out
[10:23] Incy in
[10:23] tetc in
[10:24] Incy out
[10:26] tetc> Any reason im getting an Error reading zip file message when trying to use the custom campaigns?
[10:28] ExLordDeath> gg
[10:28] tetc> hi, yeah
[10:29] ExLordDeath> we can do a practice game if you want?
[10:29] tetc> played online before, onyl once though and it was along time ago, got a lil bit of experience
[10:29] tetc> sure
[10:29] ExLordDeath> set it 2 players and pick a 1v1 map
[10:30] tetc> give me a name?
[10:30] ExLordDeath> any map is fine
[10:30] ExLordDeath> yggrisll is the normal;
[10:30] ExLordDeath> however its spelled
[10:30] tetc> pack?
[10:31] ExLordDeath> we can do this map
[10:31] tetc> k, how do we start, cnt seem to ready up
[10:32] ExLordDeath> pick the version and then click start game
[10:32] tetc> not sure i have any installed, getting a zip read error
[10:32] ExLordDeath> last tab
[10:32] ExLordDeath> hm
[10:32] tetc> k
[10:32] ExLordDeath out
[10:32] ExLordDeath in
[10:33] tetc> guessing i need the pack
[10:33] ExLordDeath> its not wokring?
[10:33] ExLordDeath> join me
[10:33] tetc> k
[10:33] tetc out
[10:33] tetc in
[10:34] tetc> yeah its my map files
[10:34] tetc> im having an issue
[10:34] ExLordDeath> yeah your map pack isnt working
[10:34] kalkulator in
[10:34] tetc> ill check forums and get it sorted, ill be about for a game when ive fixed it
[10:37] kalkulator out
[10:37] kalkulator in
[10:38] kalkulator out
[10:39] Sp1gu in
[10:40] [AsG]Sky- in
[10:41] kalkulator in
[10:41] DankNarwhal in
[10:43] Sp1gu out
[10:43] Sp1gu in
[10:44] skygo in
[10:45] Dougs> Try !update or !beta to make sure you are up to date if that doesn't fix it run the mm as admin
[10:45] Dougs> You don't need to install any maps to play them
[10:45] skygo out
[10:46] tetc> Hi, thanks i will try that, just put a forum post up, was thinking that was my issue. Lets see.
[10:47] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[10:47] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[10:47] tetc> hi
[10:48] tetc> says i cant launch yet, untill all polayers have connected lol ?
[10:48] tetc> got it
[10:49] Haku274 in
[10:49] Guldurs in
[10:51] power_OP> Welcome guys, you can join discord to get extra help about issues you have.
[10:51] power_OP> Have funn :waving_hand:
[10:53] Tyrclaw in
[10:54] [AsG]Ralimurr> :heyguyz:
[10:59] DankNarwhal out
[11:00] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[11:01] swedeath out
[11:01] ExLordDeath> gg
[11:01] Tyrclaw out
[11:03] Artz_Sam in
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[11:03] Guldurs out
[11:03] Guldurs in
[11:06] tetc out
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[11:08] Guldurs out
[11:08] JacenKorr in
[11:11] Schapenkoppie in
[11:14] Haku274 out
[11:15] Bianca_OP> 25 online at this time of the day damn
[11:15] JacenKorr out
[11:16] Bianca_OP> Thats great
[11:16] Bianca_OP> Welcome to all New Players
[11:16] Schapenkoppie> game anyone?
[11:17] Schapenkoppie out
[11:18] Schapenkoppie in
[11:18] Schapenkoppie out
[11:19] ExLordDeath in
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[11:26] Schapenkoppie out
[11:26] Sp1gu out
[11:38] HidYn in
[11:40] DankNarwhal in
[11:42] Meph> Bianca 1v1
[11:46] Schapenkoppie in
[11:47] HidYn out
[11:52] HidYn in
[11:54] Bianca_OP> Spýýter
[11:57] brenno in
[11:58] HidYn out
[12:00] Feuerkrieger_OP> Reallife 1v1
[12:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> Gibts a rund
[12:02] Feuerkrieger_OP> Warum trefft ihr 3 euch nicht
[12:02] Feuerkrieger_OP> ýýsterreich treffen
[12:02] Feuerkrieger_OP> Mit venetica
[12:03] Feuerkrieger_OP> :lmao:
[12:03] Bianca_OP> Du kannst veni treffen in Stuttgart
[12:03] Feuerkrieger_OP> Aso die kommt aus Stuttgart
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> Ne hýýtt auch keine Lust geschlechtsverkehr mit ihr zu haben
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> So verzweifelt bin i net
[12:04] Bianca_OP> Lol spin
[12:04] brenno out
[12:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> Lmao
[12:08] brenno in
[12:08] brenno out
[12:14] Xanomorph in
[12:14] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[12:15] swedeath in
[12:18] Schapenkoppie out
[12:18] Feuerkrieger_OP> Lmaoo
[12:18] Feuerkrieger_OP> Meph front
[12:23] swedeath out
[12:23] kravan in
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[12:29] kravan in
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[12:34] Freiherr in
[12:52] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:52] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:55] MixJumpen in
[12:59] MixJumpen> .+3.
[12:59] MixJumpen> :+3:
[13:02] iamtae in
[13:02] E465_OP in
[13:03] Artz_Sam out
[13:04] alwxgort in
[13:05] Freiherr out
[13:05] E465_OP> :howdy:
[13:05] E465_OP> wow so many new players
[13:06] SysGabriel in
[13:07] bockwurstlaune> yah
[13:07] bockwurstlaune> thats good
[13:07] bockwurstlaune> fresh meat
[13:07] foofghtr7 in
[13:08] SysGabriel out
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[13:21] iamtae in
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[13:23] Kayin in
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[13:23] Kayin in
[13:25] E465_OP> wow Mr-TaNk
[13:25] E465_OP> oldschool
[13:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> ein dunkler meister
[13:25] power_OP> Damm pop is booming
[13:25] Dougs in
[13:27] Dougs> lots of new players :) welcome
[13:27] Lovenji_OP> Boomin
[13:27] Lovenji_OP> :Howdy:
[13:27] Lovenji_OP> Someone told me to shut up on Steam today for advertising the tournament
[13:27] Lovenji_OP> :smiling_face_with_tear:
[13:28] Dougs> eh who carees
[13:28] Dougs> this is exciting
[13:28] Dougs> plus who doesnt love a pop tourney
[13:28] Lovenji_OP> That guy :face_with_tongue:
[13:28] Dougs> he can go sit in the naughty corner with the other children
[13:29] power_OP> loll
[13:29] E465_OP> did i smell
[13:29] E465_OP> wait who plays today
[13:29] E465_OP> loot keef?
[13:29] Dougs> ja
[13:30] E465_OP> did i smell NA vs SA derby time
[13:30] Dougs> I have no idea what that means :')
[13:30] E465_OP> are europeans just better at pop than every other continent or is it a huge coincidence :monkastab:
[13:30] Dougs> oh i get it
[13:31] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi all!
[13:31] E465_OP> :howdy: tank
[13:31] Dougs> :howdy:
[13:31] [GoD]Spinnifix> hi
[13:31] [AsG]Ralimurr> Hi
[13:32] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I just bought pop on steam
[13:32] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> got a lol that it's available there
[13:32] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> MM just found the installation and did everything
[13:32] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> nicely
[13:32] Dougs> its only been up for a few days but already seen an influx of new players
[13:33] Dougs> hoping we can get some games going and grow the community
[13:36] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I'm missing HD settings
[13:36] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> and have to find out what was my old mouse settings
[13:36] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I remember I swapped between tabs with extra mouse buttons
[13:37] bockwurstlaune> +2
[13:38] E465_OP> you can set resolution in mm settings
[13:38] E465_OP> just type in the one you want
[13:39] E465_OP> and if you play 1.5, which is pretty much the standard version nowadays, you can remap your keys in game. it will save them ofc. just go Esc -> Options -> Keybindings
[13:39] xanber out
[13:40] iamtae out
[13:40] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hmm. I was blind. I didn't see 1080p
[13:42] Lovenji_OP> Welcome back tho
[13:43] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> thanks
[13:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> are bots implemented?
[13:46] E465_OP> theres a coop vs AI campaign, war of the gods
[13:46] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> can I go in a game for settings
[13:46] E465_OP> yes
[13:46] E465_OP> you can launch yourself
[13:46] E465_OP> in game menu turn on "computer players"
[13:47] E465_OP> 1.5 version tho
[13:47] swedeath out
[13:47] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[13:50] kravan in
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[13:54] adray_tsi in
[14:00] [AsG]Sky- out
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[14:01] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:01] Incy in
[14:02] Saito_Vdm in
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:02] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:09] Pure in
[14:09] Dougs> +1
[14:10] Dougs> Dougs + E465_OP vs. Incy + JacenKorr
[14:10] Dougs> map?
[14:11] E465_OP> pp?
[14:11] Dougs> sure
[14:11] Dougs> i never know how pp should be rotated
[14:11] E465_OP> tvb
[14:11] Dougs> is blue vs greeen and red vs yellow right?
[14:11] E465_OP> ye
[14:11] Dougs> nice no rotating needed
[14:11] power_OP> pp for a change?
[14:12] Khoud in
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[14:16] Khoud in
[14:16] Cabouse in
[14:18] Artz_Sam in
[14:18] SepulturaMb in
[14:18] Cabouse out
[14:18] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[14:21] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hmm
[14:21] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> why can't I start it
[14:22] Artz_Sam> ping x?
[14:23] Incy> gg for points.
[14:23] bockwurstlaune> g2g work
[14:23] bockwurstlaune out
[14:23] Incy> this place mentality wont ever change xD
[14:24] Incy> wont make game for challenge, just easiest win for points xD
[14:24] Khoud out
[14:24] Incy> anyway, bb
[14:24] Mammy_Tas in
[14:24] Incy out
[14:25] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[14:25] Saito_Vdm out
[14:25] [AsG]Ralimurr> Hey mammy
[14:25] Mammy_Tas> hihi :)
[14:25] Dougs> gg
[14:26] E465_OP> dougs launches best
[14:26] E465_OP> incy be like: omg so unfair
[14:26] E465_OP> :kekwait:
[14:26] Dougs> i did post teams before we started too :')
[14:26] [AsG]Ralimurr> Life isn't fair :kekwait:
[14:26] JacenKorr out
[14:26] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> all right. I set my settings
[14:26] Mammy_Tas> Babo your to good :kekyou:
[14:26] Dougs> I was expecting it to be me and Incy but best said me and Babo
[14:26] E465_OP> he even got the godlike convert for yellow
[14:26] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> tho half of the time middle click won't work
[14:26] E465_OP> getting all 9 wilds
[14:26] E465_OP> :clap:
[14:27] E465_OP> what do you use middle click for?
[14:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ppl tab
[14:27] ExLordDeath in
[14:27] E465_OP> interesting
[14:27] E465_OP> middle click is also for scrolling the map
[14:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> side buttons for other 2 tab
[14:27] E465_OP> maybe it interfers?
[14:27] Dougs> how tf did i have highest pop that game
[14:27] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I "none"ed them
[14:27] Dougs> i built so slowly
[14:27] E465_OP> try to set those to some key you wont ever use like F12
[14:28] E465_OP> idk if None works as intended tbh
[14:28] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> no. I mean these were really made non-interfering. Just I pressed middle click 3-4 times until it got to the ppl tab. Never nav
[14:29] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> none did work
[14:29] E465_OP> oh ok
[14:29] ExLordDeath> who is ranked #1
[14:29] E465_OP> never seen people actually use middle mouse key :D
[14:29] E465_OP> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[14:29] E465_OP> currently meph is #1
[14:29] ExLordDeath> ty
[14:29] ExLordDeath> wow
[14:30] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> wow. I was taking place in working out the Elo point system there
[14:30] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> now it's standard
[14:30] Artz_Sam out
[14:30] E465_OP> xD
[14:30] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:31] Artz_Sam in
[14:31] E465_OP> oldschool
[14:31] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> 2.6 ordo is high
[14:31] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:31] Zpektrix_TAS out
[14:31] Zpektrix_TAS in
[14:31] E465_OP> ordo? its sigma now :D
[14:31] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Bianca 5142 games...
[14:31] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> lol. Sigma... sorry
[14:32] E465_OP> these are the games since july 2017 only btw
[14:32] E465_OP> we had seasonal leagues for a while, turned out to be useless because the community was too small haha
[14:32] Mammy_Tas> :kekw:
[14:32] E465_OP> but ever since it was introduced in july 2017, the older game stats are broken
[14:33] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah
[14:33] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I was top 100 before
[14:33] E465_OP> traditional points * 2 is probably the most accurate calculation of games played
[14:34] Artz_Sam out
[14:34] E465_OP> assuming everyone averages a 50% win rate
[14:34] Artz_Sam in
[14:34] Mammy_Tas> Does it take account unranked games?
[14:34] E465_OP> no
[14:35] Mammy_Tas> it is not fully accurate let's say 1% of games are unranked as well
[14:36] E465_OP> well you can calculate it differently
[14:37] E465_OP> look at your amount of time spent in game
[14:37] E465_OP> then divide it through your average game time
[14:37] foofghtr7 out
[14:38] E465_OP> i would have
[14:39] E465_OP> 3566 games with that calculation and 2940 with traditional points calculation
[14:39] bananaogre in
[14:39] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> when did you start to play?
[14:40] E465_OP> 2013
[14:40] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> 10 years is right?
[14:40] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ok
[14:40] E465_OP> almost 11 years
[14:40] E465_OP> so ~ 1 game a day
[14:40] E465_OP> damn statistics are fun :clap:
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> join
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> btw
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> we can play 6-8 players games
[14:42] Zpektrix_TAS> we just dont have players
[14:43] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ok. All ready<
[14:43] Artz_Sam out
[14:45] ExLordDeath> can i watch this game
[14:47] christo0972 in
[14:48] power_OP> You can right click on the players name while they are launching, and there is a option called "spectate the game"
[14:49] power_OP> Also some players stream their games on twitch you can ask for links if they are doing it on that time.
[14:52] ExLordDeath> gotcha, ty
[14:53] power_OP> you are welcome, you can be careful tho because you can only spectate while they are in lobby
[14:54] power_OP> after they start to play you can not watch anymore
[14:54] power_OP> have fun
[14:54] Nah_Id_Win> RIOIKI TENKAI
[14:54] SepulturaMb> Power, with all due respect, don't be naive, Exlord is Chichis.
[14:54] pepeOnsima in
[14:54] Nah_Id_Win> HE 'SNT
[14:54] SepulturaMb> Saca las caps pedazo de tragasable
[14:55] SepulturaMb> No trabajabas hoy?
[14:55] Nah_Id_Win> mas trade
[14:55] Nah_Id_Win> tared
[14:55] Nah_Id_Win> instanashe
[14:55] SepulturaMb> Jaja dios
[14:56] SepulturaMb> Una generación afectada por Coscu
[14:56] SepulturaMb> https://www.twitch.tv/zpektrix
[14:56] pepeOnsima out
[14:56] Schapenkoppie in
[14:56] Nah_Id_Win> yo me re bardeaba con el coscu
[14:56] FreeInca> Callate la boca bobo
[14:56] Schapenkoppie out
[14:57] FreeInca in
[14:57] Schapenkoppie in
[14:57] pepeOnsima in
[14:57] Nah_Id_Win> chichis hagamos 1v1
[14:57] FreeInca> quien me invoco
[14:57] FreeInca> perras
[14:58] FreeInca> ExLordDeath is stealing players for pop online
[14:58] FreeInca> :boom:
[14:58] ExLordDeath> i havent asked one person to play on pop online?
[14:58] Schapenkoppie> Good day boys
[14:59] power_OP> ohh ye ty Sepultura
[14:59] ExLordDeath> everyone just makes statements about me over here lol
[14:59] power_OP> lol my bad
[14:59] Schapenkoppie> yo can i make a statement too?
[14:59] Schapenkoppie> ExLordDeath is such a nice guy
[14:59] Schapenkoppie> love that dude
[14:59] SepulturaMb> Yesterday I played a couple of memory maps, practically. I doubt a new player would know the multiplayer maps we play here.
[14:59] FreeInca> It seems that you are my fake acc
[15:00] SepulturaMb> He*
[15:00] FreeInca> maybe leaf is here too
[15:00] Dougs> We often see fake accounts so when someone new joins and is good it's easy to assume they are a fake account don't take it personally ex lord
[15:00] ExLordDeath> doubtful but its possible
[15:00] ExLordDeath> and ty Schapen
[15:01] power_OP> if he is, hey Leaf
[15:01] power_OP> welcome
[15:01] power_OP> :slightly_smiling_face:
[15:01] ExLordDeath> yeah but im a semi known player, like several people know me lol
[15:01] JJaydenn_TSI in
[15:01] ExLordDeath> babo, spinn, mammy, chichi
[15:01] ExLordDeath> jayden and ice
[15:01] FreeInca> yo
[15:01] ExLordDeath> meph and trod too
[15:02] Dougs> Yeah I believe you don't worry, people will realise you're not fake :slightly_smiling_face:
[15:02] JJaydenn_TSI> i get called fake n still do lol
[15:02] ExLordDeath> lol aint no way
[15:02] JJaydenn_TSI> im addi 2 trod n sho :nice:
[15:02] FreeInca> u uscks gaydenn
[15:03] FreeInca> sucks
[15:03] ExLordDeath> jayden the goat
[15:03] FreeInca> zzz
[15:03] TouchoneTouchemAll> jayden the noob
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> chisi when u gonna 1v1 me instead of talking shit
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> u 2 nici
[15:03] power_OP> jaydenn is addi i think
[15:03] TouchoneTouchemAll> anytime ?
[15:03] power_OP> kek
[15:03] TouchoneTouchemAll> i 1v1 everyone
[15:03] TouchoneTouchemAll> lol
[15:03] TouchoneTouchemAll> anyone *
[15:03] JJaydenn_TSI> true
[15:03] [AsG]Ralimurr> Impossible
[15:04] Nah_Id_Win> now we have 30 wildmans rank jayden feels in paradise asking them for 1v1 for more points
[15:04] FreeInca> I prefer to play roblox
[15:04] [AsG]Ralimurr> He doesn't hate my guts :kekw:
[15:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> go 1v1 here
[15:04] Nah_Id_Win> no juegues roblox boludo
[15:04] power_OP> stream that 1v1s please
[15:04] SepulturaMb> Que chota es eso?
[15:04] power_OP> ty
[15:04] Nah_Id_Win> cazanenas
[15:04] TouchoneTouchemAll> jjaydenn is changing pants
[15:04] Nah_Id_Win> un jueguito tipo playmovil
[15:04] SepulturaMb> Chan
[15:04] Nah_Id_Win> una ina toxica de 20 me lo hizo jugar una vuielta
[15:04] JJaydenn_TSI> nici 2 good
[15:04] ExLordDeath> he asked nici for a 1v1 not the wildman lmao
[15:05] Nah_Id_Win> lo hice porque si no no la ponia
[15:05] Nah_Id_Win> pero no era tan bueno
[15:05] SepulturaMb> JAAJA
[15:05] TouchoneTouchemAll> how are you a semi known player if u've only played for 2 days ?
[15:05] SepulturaMb> Me haces reir boludo
[15:05] TouchoneTouchemAll> dont even know you lol
[15:05] JJaydenn_TSI> dw bout these noobs exlord, they all say im trash cos i smash them in 1v1 so fucking easy
[15:05] JJaydenn_TSI> when i 1v1 fak was his host had my cock out playing with 1 hand while he there rushing me with warriors n lights
[15:05] JJaydenn_TSI> won so easy
[15:05] Elayne in
[15:05] JJaydenn_TSI> how u so bad fak
[15:05] power_OP> damm
[15:05] Nah_Id_Win> you paused the game
[15:06] power_OP> you must be pro jj
[15:06] SepulturaMb> Lol
[15:06] JJaydenn_TSI> nigga u paused the game retard lmao
[15:06] FreeInca> que vas a saber oe
[15:06] Nah_Id_Win> and was my first game of theday while this guy playing 23432 games before that
[15:06] SepulturaMb> Entro una minita
[15:06] SepulturaMb> OJo
[15:06] Nah_Id_Win> come here
[15:06] ExLordDeath> Jayden is the best
[15:06] Nah_Id_Win> is the best player against braverank at 2 am
[15:06] Nah_Id_Win> brave farmer
[15:06] FreeInca> https://prnt.sc/_AJVkCAsmfoe
[15:06] FreeInca> juguemos sepu
[15:06] Incy in
[15:06] JJaydenn_TSI> and i beat u again fak, proves nothing and u still talk shit whats the point in 1v1ing u lol
[15:06] FreeInca> deja esta mrd
[15:06] ExLordDeath> and i said semi known nici, people keep saying im fake or have multiple accounts despite like 10 different players saying im from leafs mm and im not completely new
[15:06] FreeInca> de una vez
[15:07] Nah_Id_Win> the point is
[15:07] Dougs> Jay Vs Facu 1v1 when
[15:07] JJaydenn_TSI> beat some 1 good and ill give u ur rm fak
[15:07] Nah_Id_Win> i need a few points to get fw rank
[15:07] JJaydenn_TSI> ur a waste of time and sperm
[15:07] ExLordDeath> is freeinca fak?
[15:07] Nah_Id_Win> maybe kicking ur ass i can get rank only playing 1 game
[15:07] Dougs> Nah he's chichis
[15:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> jjay join
[15:07] Feuerkrieger_OP in
[15:07] SepulturaMb> https://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery
[15:07] ExLordDeath> ah
[15:07] SepulturaMb> Come in and laugh for a while at your idols
[15:07] JJaydenn_TSI> soon
[15:08] Feuerkrieger_OP> mr tank playing lol
[15:08] TouchoneTouchemAll> semi known coz you've played on leaf's ?
[15:08] Incy out
[15:08] Feuerkrieger_OP> 9 people joined today damn
[15:08] SepulturaMb> https://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery/tdm mr tank here
[15:09] Feuerkrieger_OP> lol
[15:09] swedeath in
[15:09] SepulturaMb> Yesterday I laughed a lot at those photos
[15:09] Nah_Id_Win> estuviste mirando fotos de la galeria toda la noche?
[15:09] Nah_Id_Win> que trolazo
[15:09] ExLordDeath> semi known because there are players who play here who know me
[15:09] Feuerkrieger_OP> you are only allowed to laugh if you have a picture yourself in it
[15:09] ExLordDeath> i listed at least 6
[15:10] Elayne out
[15:10] ExLordDeath> all i was saying is im not fake, not saying im some super known player
[15:10] SepulturaMb> What you say makes sense, but since I'm a pain in the ass with these things, I don't even know how to upload my photo.
[15:10] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy in
[15:11] Dougs> dont worry about it exlord just play some games and ignore anyone calling you fake :)
[15:11] Feuerkrieger_OP> you just send a picture to Divinity on discord thats it
[15:11] ExLordDeath> <3
[15:11] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> sry i dont accept dick pics
[15:12] Feuerkrieger_OP> :lmao:
[15:12] Dougs> Damn was gonna send you some as well
[15:12] TouchoneTouchemAll> hoje ha jantar no vilar
[15:12] SepulturaMb> Nude
[15:12] Nah_Id_Win> divinity de donde eres
[15:13] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> ha oi caralho
[15:13] Meph> Game?
[15:13] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> apareces cá levas logo
[15:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja
[15:13] [GoD]Spinnifix> so angsam aber sicher
[15:13] Feuerkrieger_OP> man there are some OGs coming online
[15:13] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> de espana
[15:13] TouchoneTouchemAll> nos ainda vamos ao market antes de ir prai xD
[15:13] TouchoneTouchemAll> a tua mae vai dizer que n é preciso nada
[15:13] TouchoneTouchemAll> braço de ferro
[15:13] swedeath out
[15:14] Feuerkrieger_OP> Eu também quero a praia
[15:14] TouchoneTouchemAll> jogamos um pop ??? ou ta ai muita gente
[15:14] E465_OP> gg
[15:15] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg
[15:15] SepulturaMb> venite facu
[15:15] Nah_Id_Win> no ese gordo fraca kickea
[15:15] ExLordDeath> g
[15:15] Lovenji_OP> Gg
[15:15] ExLordDeath> gg
[15:15] Feuerkrieger_OP> https://franciscobaph.wixsite.com/populousgallery/tdm
[15:15] Feuerkrieger_OP> mr tank is that you
[15:15] Feuerkrieger_OP> :love:
[15:15] SepulturaMb> AJJA
[15:15] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi
[15:15] Feuerkrieger_OP> whats up
[15:16] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> that is me >D
[15:16] E465_OP> :D
[15:16] Feuerkrieger_OP> nice man
[15:16] Feuerkrieger_OP> already carrying babo
[15:16] Meph in
[15:16] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I'm fine
[15:17] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> you<
[15:17] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> you?
[15:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Meph + SepulturaMb + Zpektrix_TAS vs. ExLordDeath + Kayin + E465_OP + Feuerkrieger_OP
[15:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> welche basen
[15:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo
[15:17] Meph> welche karte?
[15:17] ExLordDeath> this seems hard xD
[15:18] ExLordDeath> meph and spinn is scary
[15:18] E465_OP> :lmao:
[15:18] E465_OP> meph and spin always same team
[15:18] Zpektrix_TAS> they got sepulturamb
[15:18] Zpektrix_TAS> ping 263 boy
[15:18] Feuerkrieger_OP> nothing scary about austrians
[15:18] E465_OP> what kinda dongato fake is that anyways
[15:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> welche plaetze
[15:18] Feuerkrieger_OP> these times are over
[15:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> junge
[15:18] E465_OP> alter warum immer wädne mit noobs
[15:18] E465_OP> machst du das um mich zu triggern
[15:18] Feuerkrieger_OP> mach mal eine richtige map
[15:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> nein aölter
[15:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> auto
[15:18] FreeInca out
[15:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> ja mach ich
[15:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> komm rein
[15:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> welche
[15:19] Feuerkrieger_OP> 4walls
[15:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[15:19] Zpektrix_TAS> lets go
[15:19] Zpektrix_TAS> streaming
[15:19] Feuerkrieger_OP> lmao
[15:19] Zpektrix_TAS> i was trolling too much last game
[15:19] bananaogre out
[15:19] E465_OP> i was tryharding
[15:19] E465_OP> lool
[15:19] Nah_Id_Win> anyone 1v1
[15:19] Feuerkrieger_OP> sess :lol:
[15:19] Zpektrix_TAS> time for playing now
[15:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> welche plaetze
[15:19] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo
[15:19] Feuerkrieger_OP> mach step from sky
[15:19] E465_OP> me and venom front
[15:20] Feuerkrieger_OP> scheiss drauf deggah
[15:20] E465_OP> kay mid riley back
[15:20] E465_OP> oder willst du mittelbasis
[15:20] Feuerkrieger_OP> mir egal
[15:20] Zpektrix_TAS> spin
[15:20] Zpektrix_TAS> which base do you want me to play
[15:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> meph
[15:20] Zpektrix_TAS> what's your today's order
[15:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> du front denke ich eher
[15:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> mit mir
[15:20] Zpektrix_TAS> welche plaetze
[15:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> sonst wird das nix
[15:20] Kayin> sec
[15:20] Meph> entweder ich front oder mitte
[15:21] Kayin out
[15:21] Meph> wie gut ist sepultura?
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> so mrtn
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> where's captain
[15:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> keine ahnung
[15:21] Kayin in
[15:21] FreeInca in
[15:21] ExLordDeath> me in back
[15:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> ehrlich gesagt
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> you were hungary unite
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> unit
[15:21] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> Zpektrix remembers me well I think >D
[15:21] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah
[15:21] Kayin out
[15:21] Kayin in
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> because i am older player than you
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> 1999 here
[15:21] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin 2000
[15:22] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I didn't want him to shellshock again
[15:22] Nah_Id_Win> u joined in 99?
[15:22] Zpektrix_TAS> you 2 were playing earlier popre
[15:22] Meph> dann mach tsu front
[15:22] Meph> ich und sepultura hinten
[15:22] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> yeah. When we were up we were always team up
[15:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok
[15:22] Feuerkrieger_OP> rentner gespräche hier
[15:22] Kayin> i dont remember mr tank
[15:22] Meph> lolololol
[15:22] Feuerkrieger_OP> die reden über pop da war ich noch wixxe
[15:22] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> oh. Tsuyo
[15:22] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah kayin
[15:22] Zpektrix_TAS> you werent playing that often in 2005-2010
[15:22] Zpektrix_TAS> you were kinda off
[15:22] Meph> junge was
[15:22] Meph> wann bist du geboren?
[15:22] Meph> 2005?
[15:23] Kayin> did i? i was always on in 2001
[15:23] Zpektrix_TAS> yeah
[15:23] Kayin> maybe
[15:23] Kayin> lol
[15:23] Zpektrix_TAS> from 2001-2004
[15:23] Zpektrix_TAS> you were more active
[15:23] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> <3
[15:24] E465_OP> kanye why leaf
[15:24] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[15:25] Zpektrix_TAS> jayden come
[15:25] Zpektrix_TAS> or nici
[15:25] Feuerkrieger_OP> Gayin give me pink
[15:25] Zpektrix_TAS> nice ice
[15:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Meph + Feuerkrieger_OP + Kayin vs. ExLordDeath + BlueManaBoost_TSI + E465_OP + Zpektrix_TAS
[15:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo welche plaetze
[15:25] Zpektrix_TAS> we still get spin and meph a s a team
[15:26] Zpektrix_TAS> same style
[15:26] Dougs> you got Ice and Babo too
[15:26] Dougs> dont sleep on them
[15:26] ExLordDeath> teams are fair
[15:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> babo
[15:26] Feuerkrieger_OP> Alberto komm in den Sprachkanal
[15:26] Zpektrix_TAS> you are confident now riley
[15:26] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[15:26] ExLordDeath> lol
[15:26] ExLordDeath> kinda
[15:26] Zpektrix_TAS> you were talking about yourself as a warrior-priest rank before
[15:27] Zpektrix_TAS> you got fw rank already
[15:27] Dougs> You got this man, go smash it
[15:27] ExLordDeath> <3 much love
[15:27] ExLordDeath> i want top 15 fw xD
[15:27] ExLordDeath> ill be happy with that
[15:27] Zpektrix_TAS> it's easy
[15:27] Zpektrix_TAS> even i can get tom 15
[15:27] ExLordDeath> if youre good its easy
[15:27] BlueManaBoost_TSI> power was shaman man
[15:27] Dougs> Looks like you're well on your way to that mate
[15:27] Zpektrix_TAS> 150 is enough
[15:27] Zpektrix_TAS> ping 150
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> so babo
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> what is your order
[15:28] FreeInca out
[15:28] E465_OP> i told him on discord
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> am i playing backest base
[15:28] E465_OP> me ice front riley mid u back
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[15:28] E465_OP> not good?
[15:28] E465_OP> :clap:
[15:28] ExLordDeath> ill play either back base
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> i will be slower than
[15:28] ExLordDeath> ive never done this map 8p
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> but if that's order
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> fine
[15:28] E465_OP> you want middle base?
[15:28] ExLordDeath> let him have base he wants
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> it's fine
[15:28] ExLordDeath> yeah give him middle then
[15:28] E465_OP> ok tsu mid base
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> let's see his mid base style
[15:28] ExLordDeath> nah u can have
[15:28] Zpektrix_TAS> it's ok
[15:28] E465_OP> kkkk
[15:29] ExLordDeath> give tsu mid base
[15:29] FreeInca in
[15:29] [AvA]Soma- in
[15:31] Beheaded_Chicken in
[15:34] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> https://www.twitch.tv/zpektrix ?
[15:34] Nah_Id_Win out
[15:35] Pure out
[15:35] Nah_Id_Win in
[15:35] Lucas in
[15:36] Artz_Sam in
[15:37] Luxray in
[15:37] Nah_Id_Win out
[15:37] FreeInca out
[15:38] pepeOnsima out
[15:38] Lovenji_OP in
[15:38] [TDM]MR-TaNk> hi from Discord
[15:39] [AsG]Ralimurr> Hi from mm
[15:39] Lovenji_OP> :howdy:
[15:41] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy in
[15:41] [AsG]Ralimurr> Who's this Zebra
[15:42] tetc in
[15:43] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy out
[15:43] tetc out
[15:47] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> no clue
[15:48] Beheaded_Chicken> no glue
[15:49] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> no shoes? https://store.steampowered.com/app/2732960/Command__Conquer_Generals_Zero_Hour/
[15:49] Mammy_Tas> no wooh?
[15:49] Lovenji_OP> AK47s for every body!
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS out
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS in
[15:50] Zpektrix_TAS> it was kinda too hard task to carry from another direction
[15:51] E465_OP> unfair rotation
[15:51] E465_OP> meph and riley same base lol
[15:51] Zpektrix_TAS> they set meph as mid
[15:51] E465_OP> yeah
[15:51] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> gg. I watched it on twitch
[15:51] E465_OP> i thjought hes front
[15:52] E465_OP> tsu can you unban me from your twitch
[15:52] E465_OP> lol
[15:52] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> :toxic:
[15:52] E465_OP> cant follow you
[15:52] JJaydenn_TSI> dam babo
[15:52] Lovenji_OP> :toxic:
[15:52] Zpektrix_TAS> only if you dont type pedo on my channel
[15:52] E465_OP> i didnt type that since over 2 years
[15:52] JJaydenn_TSI> lool what
[15:52] E465_OP> and also took down all vids and shit
[15:52] E465_OP> lmao
[15:52] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> because youre banned :)
[15:52] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> :peepopoint:
[15:53] JJaydenn_TSI> how is zp a pedo
[15:53] E465_OP> it was a drunk incident
[15:53] Meph> ggwp
[15:53] BlueManaBoost_TSI> I really dont understand how people play that map
[15:53] E465_OP> we dont talk about it :D
[15:53] BlueManaBoost_TSI> and actually enjoy it
[15:53] Zpektrix_TAS> dw ice
[15:53] JJaydenn_TSI> ice u had shit team postions u need some gud allys to enjoy it
[15:53] BlueManaBoost_TSI> thats true
[15:53] JJaydenn_TSI> me center base that game 100 percent diffrent outcome
[15:53] E465_OP> was unfair rotation
[15:54] E465_OP> spin rotating in his favour with better team
[15:54] BlueManaBoost_TSI> i needed my boi jayden
[15:54] JJaydenn_TSI> if i was in the game that was :nice
[15:54] BlueManaBoost_TSI> very true!!!!
[15:54] JJaydenn_TSI> :good:
[15:54] Meph> didn't you choose your rotations?
[15:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> i didnt, i put bases you wished
[15:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> and mephs
[15:54] BlueManaBoost_TSI> spin chose after babo
[15:54] BlueManaBoost_TSI> without informing
[15:54] E465_OP> yes, but spin said you and him are front
[15:54] Zpektrix_TAS> i dont even remember how i blocked ppl on my twitch
[15:54] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[15:54] E465_OP> lol
[15:54] E465_OP> you have to type /unban poptb_babo in chat
[15:55] E465_OP> map?
[15:55] Meph> we could be choosing other team's positions for a change
[15:55] ExLordDeath> sess
[15:55] E465_OP> thatd be funny
[15:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> E465_OP + ExLordDeath + [GoD]Spinnifix + Kayin vs. Meph + JJaydenn_TSI + Feuerkrieger_OP + Zpektrix_TAS
[15:55] JJaydenn_TSI> sess 4v4 no thank u
[15:55] JJaydenn_TSI> 2v2 is alright
[15:55] Nah_Id_Win in
[15:55] E465_OP> pp?
[15:55] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> can you give me ops?
[15:55] Beheaded_Chicken> big jjaeh
[15:56] JJaydenn_TSI> push?
[15:56] JJaydenn_TSI> me big
[15:56] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> obs
[15:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye push
[15:56] JJaydenn_TSI> well front
[15:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> mach mich front
[15:56] JJaydenn_TSI> not big
[15:56] JJaydenn_TSI> meph big
[15:56] JJaydenn_TSI> zp lb base
[15:56] Nah_Id_Win> COMO CARAJO
[15:56] Nah_Id_Win> agarraste tanta pop viejo
[15:56] Nah_Id_Win> 80a lmin 6
[15:56] Nah_Id_Win> mamita quridaposho
[15:56] Schapenkoppie out
[15:56] TouchoneTouchemAll> cual es la dificuldad
[15:57] neizod in
[15:57] TouchoneTouchemAll> es solo clickar
[15:57] E465_OP> meph front?
[15:57] E465_OP> or ggay
[15:57] JJaydenn_TSI> people with big dicks only play front
[15:57] Zpektrix_TAS> i think i unbanned you now babo
[15:57] JJaydenn_TSI> so guess tharts me
[15:57] Meph> damn
[15:57] Meph> big jjay
[15:57] Zpektrix_TAS> at least on chat
[15:57] E465_OP> yes you did
[15:57] E465_OP> thx
[15:58] JJaydenn_TSI> make zp lb base
[15:58] Meph> [16:57] JJaydenn_TSI> people with big dicks only play front [16:57] JJaydenn_TSI> so guess tharts me [16:57] Zpektrix_TAS> at least on chat
[15:58] E465_OP> lool
[15:58] Beheaded_Chicken> daeee0ng
[15:58] Beheaded_Chicken> big f0ken jjay right there
[15:58] JJaydenn_TSI> u want proof zp?
[15:58] Feuerkrieger_OP> newschool
[15:58] Feuerkrieger_OP> put me front vs jjayden
[15:58] Zpektrix_TAS> ?
[15:58] JJaydenn_TSI> ur on ma team venom
[15:58] Zpektrix_TAS> i was typing for babo
[15:58] Beheaded_Chicken> put tsu front
[15:59] Beheaded_Chicken> :monkamega:
[15:59] Zpektrix_TAS> i can go any base except front
[15:59] E465_OP> im not spin and trod
[15:59] Zpektrix_TAS> gimme ping 1
[15:59] E465_OP> rotating unfair
[15:59] Feuerkrieger_OP> gimme front man
[15:59] Nah_Id_Win> 1.1 anyone
[16:01] Nah_Id_Win> chrsito
[16:01] Nah_Id_Win> wanna host you?
[16:01] christo0972> 1.5
[16:01] christo0972> just this version i play sry
[16:01] Nah_Id_Win> 1.5
[16:01] Nah_Id_Win> you host
[16:02] Nah_Id_Win> ygg put me red
[16:02] Nah_Id_Win> wait me 5 min
[16:02] christo0972> im crazy bad at 1V1 and on this map
[16:04] christo0972> +1
[16:04] christo0972> k
[16:04] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[16:04] neizod out
[16:05] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[16:05] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[16:06] MasacruAlex in
[16:06] MasacruAlex out
[16:10] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[16:10] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[16:11] Elayne in
[16:13] Elayne out
[16:13] Nico in
[16:14] Dougs out
[16:15] Popreaccbeg in
[16:16] Popreaccbeg out
[16:17] Pixa in
[16:19] Lucas> Cuando termine de actualizar
[16:19] Lucas> avisame
[16:19] Nico> ok
[16:20] Grudoman in
[16:20] Nico out
[16:20] Nico in
[16:20] Grudoman> beta
[16:22] mythking in
[16:22] Dendix_9 in
[16:22] mythking out
[16:22] Dendix_9> hi
[16:22] SepulturaMb> Amigo
[16:22] SepulturaMb> Hiciste que entre Nioc
[16:22] SepulturaMb> Nico
[16:22] SepulturaMb> Jode
[16:22] Bianca_OP in
[16:23] Lucas> Nico es mi primo bld
[16:23] Dendix_9> thats why is so many players online
[16:23] Lucas> TIene más años que vos en el pop
[16:23] Dendix_9> prob from steam
[16:23] SepulturaMb> Ya se jeropa, que me chapeas
[16:23] Feuerkrieger_OP> jjayden big dick front
[16:23] Pixa> type !beta
[16:23] SepulturaMb> Si ayer hablamos de él, alzheimer de la vida
[16:23] Feuerkrieger_OP out
[16:23] TouchoneTouchemAll out
[16:23] Schapenkoppie in
[16:23] Artz_Sam> nice game
[16:23] TouchoneTouchemAll in
[16:23] Lucas> Amigo yo me olvido rápido de las cosas
[16:23] Zpektrix_TAS> jayden do port forward seriously
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> even sho can host me without star
[16:24] Schapenkoppie out
[16:24] TouchoneTouchemAll out
[16:24] ExLordDeath> gg
[16:24] JJaydenn_TSI> ur vpn dont like my host
[16:24] SepulturaMb> Cuando tenga todo listo tiramos una con FAcu
[16:24] SepulturaMb> Asi tenemos todos buen ping
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> nah it's your net setting
[16:24] ExLordDeath out
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> just go to router link
[16:24] ExLordDeath in
[16:24] Zpektrix_TAS> and do port forward
[16:24] TouchoneTouchemAll in
[16:25] Meph> if you take up all the space and all the wood, you gotta do something with it
[16:25] Dendix_9> pop get another life from steam
[16:25] Bianca_OP> yep dendix
[16:25] Bianca_OP> :)
[16:25] Zpektrix_TAS> who are you talking to meph
[16:25] Dendix_9> nice
[16:25] Pixa out
[16:25] Meph> to my team
[16:25] Dendix_9> 100 player incoming :D
[16:25] Zpektrix_TAS> i didn't take your trees
[16:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Meph + Zpektrix_TAS + Dendix_9 vs. E465_OP + Bianca_OP + Kayin + JJaydenn_TSI
[16:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> map?
[16:25] Bianca_OP> xd
[16:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> gin tonic ?
[16:25] Meph> your braves did
[16:26] E465_OP> ok
[16:26] Bianca_OP> oh boy
[16:26] Meph> warte
[16:26] Bianca_OP> ok
[16:26] Meph> lass mich mal sehen
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> then you could ask me for trees
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> i had some resource
[16:26] JJaydenn_TSI> me small
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> small what
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> island
[16:26] Bianca_OP> lol
[16:26] JJaydenn_TSI> no shit sherlock
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsu
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> small island
[16:26] Meph> spin warte
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> its time
[16:26] Meph> lass die eine map machen
[16:26] Zpektrix_TAS> time for what
[16:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> welche
[16:26] Meph> mit 4 inseln
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> me and kayin island base then
[16:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> mit 4 inseln
[16:27] Zpektrix_TAS> asian islands
[16:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> hm
[16:27] JJaydenn_TSI> nah me island
[16:27] Meph> ragnarok
[16:27] [GoD]Spinnifix> okasy
[16:27] Feuerkrieger_OP> Kayin are you having fun sitting in a tower 15min
[16:27] ExLordDeath> i want to spectate
[16:27] Bianca_OP> congrats riley
[16:27] Bianca_OP> on your fw rank
[16:27] Kayin> what i need to keep back safe
[16:27] ExLordDeath> aw ty
[16:28] ExLordDeath> i want top 15 now xD
[16:28] Nah_Id_Win> lucas
[16:28] Bianca_OP> :D
[16:28] hltru01 in
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> wer wo
[16:28] Nah_Id_Win> por un minuto tuve mas pop que nici
[16:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> meph?
[16:28] Nah_Id_Win> yo ya gane
[16:28] JJaydenn_TSI> u would do the same venom if some 1 was siding u
[16:28] Meph> wie du willst
[16:28] JJaydenn_TSI> u camp more than me
[16:28] Meph> sollten uns aufteilen
[16:28] Zpektrix_TAS> ye at least communicate
[16:28] Feuerkrieger_OP> Aha sure show me where I did once
[16:28] ExLordDeath> people have different play styles and thats okay
[16:28] Feuerkrieger_OP> Bro you are front and you run in with your shaman as soon as you spawn
[16:28] E465_OP> no its not ok
[16:28] E465_OP> ghost spam is haram
[16:28] Bianca_OP> lmao
[16:29] JJaydenn_TSI> tf u talking about venom lol
[16:29] JJaydenn_TSI> its okay u got smashed by kay on ur own side door
[16:29] JJaydenn_TSI> happens man
[16:29] Feuerkrieger_OP> Black and green yeah
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> so spin
[16:29] Zpektrix_TAS> are you playing with me the same island again ?
[16:30] Zpektrix_TAS> and talk about how we take base
[16:30] Zpektrix_TAS> :o
[16:30] Zpektrix_TAS> this is not chat room
[16:30] SepulturaMb> La cogida que te pego Nici, que rico
[16:31] rngcubed out
[16:31] Nah_Id_Win> fue la clasica pero
[16:31] Nah_Id_Win> me escondio 9 wars
[16:31] Nah_Id_Win> y me hizo pre la base
[16:31] Nah_Id_Win> porque la front estaba a mi favor acepte el trade
[16:32] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ATujo7T966s
[16:32] Lucas> Quién de ustedes fue?
[16:32] Lucas> https://i.imgur.com/TEzMowJ.png
[16:33] SepulturaMb> JAJa el comentario
[16:33] SepulturaMb> No entendi, que hizo con los 9 wrs?
[16:33] SepulturaMb> Lo grabaste?
[16:35] Nah_Id_Win> naa
[16:36] Nah_Id_Win> alguno leyo el arte de la guerra?
[16:36] SepulturaMb> La cantidad de Eqs que te metio
[16:37] SepulturaMb> Te dejo el culo tirando besos
[16:37] SepulturaMb> La hosteaste vos?
[16:38] Nah_Id_Win> c
[16:39] Grudoman out
[16:40] Nico out
[16:40] hltru01 out
[16:43] Nico in
[16:45] SepulturaMb> Y? Pudo Nico?
[16:47] christo0972> sick start no controlll of woods for large hut
[16:47] christo0972> sry
[16:48] ExLordDeath> that was the issue yeah, gg
[16:48] christo0972> gg
[16:48] Mammy_Tas> gg :o
[16:49] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> man. That keybinding shit is imba
[16:49] SepulturaMb> Nah_Id_Win + SepulturaMb contra ExLordDeath + christo0972
[16:49] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> wasd + specific spells nearby
[16:49] SepulturaMb> Hace best pajero
[16:49] SepulturaMb> Sino queda re disparejo
[16:49] Nah_Id_Win> ese es el best
[16:50] Nah_Id_Win> Mejores equipos:
[16:50] Nah_Id_Win> Nah_Id_Win + SepulturaMb contra ExLordDeath + christo0972
[16:50] christo0972> lemme just 2 min
[16:50] ExLordDeath> im not playing that matchup sorry
[16:50] SepulturaMb> Ya se puso en exquisito este
[16:50] Nah_Id_Win> play with sepultura
[16:50] Nah_Id_Win> Nah_Id_Win + SepulturaMb contra BlueManaBoost_TSI + christo0972
[16:51] Nah_Id_Win> este es ice
[16:51] Nah_Id_Win> el futuro padre de lucas
[16:51] SepulturaMb> JAJ
[16:51] Lucas> Mirá como se puso a jugar
[16:51] Lucas> Practicando para derrotar al mejor
[16:52] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[16:53] Nah_Id_Win out
[16:53] alwxgort in
[16:54] swedeath in
[16:54] alwxgort out
[16:54] E465_OP> who chose that map are you stupid lol
[16:55] [AsG]Ralimurr> Sorry
[16:55] swedeath out
[16:55] Bianca_OP> i take the blame ffor this
[16:55] Zpektrix_TAS> gg wp team
[16:55] Bianca_OP> i built wrong lol
[16:55] E465_OP> wieso gibst du mir kleine basis
[16:55] Bianca_OP> gg wp
[16:55] E465_OP> wichser
[16:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmfao
[16:56] Zpektrix_TAS> +2
[16:56] alwxgort in
[16:56] Zpektrix_TAS> +1
[16:57] Zpektrix_TAS> join riley
[16:57] Zpektrix_TAS> spin
[16:57] Zpektrix_TAS> what are you doing
[16:57] alwxgort out
[17:04] Dendix_9 out
[17:06] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> now what
[17:06] Dendix_9 in
[17:06] hltru01 in
[17:07] ExLordDeath> spinn join
[17:08] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> should we just 2v2?
[17:08] ExLordDeath> yes
[17:08] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[17:09] E465_OP> map?
[17:09] E465_OP> teams?
[17:10] E465_OP> E465_OP + [AvA]sherminator31 vs. ExLordDeath + Lovenji_OP
[17:10] Satoros in
[17:10] Mammy_Tas> Hello :)
[17:10] Bianca_OP> hi :mammy: :)
[17:10] [AvA]sherminator31> high man
[17:10] [AvA]sherminator31> long time to see
[17:10] Mammy_Tas> hi :bian: :)
[17:11] Zpektrix_TAS> mammy join
[17:11] Satoros> anyone want to 1v1 a noob?
[17:11] Mammy_Tas> Not yet I will soon
[17:13] Bianca_OP> i can do satoros
[17:13] Bianca_OP> if you want
[17:13] Cahokiawarrior in
[17:13] Satoros> sweet
[17:14] Nico out
[17:14] Nico in
[17:14] qasxdecd in
[17:15] hltru01 out
[17:15] qasxdecd> who buy pop form steam?
[17:16] Mammy_Tas> I did not
[17:16] Cahokiawarrior> I bought it on GOG games
[17:16] Mammy_Tas> I played it long before that :D
[17:16] Cahokiawarrior> I thought that it was the only place to get it
[17:17] Cahokiawarrior> do you have to have the single player game to be on this website?
[17:17] qasxdecd> I used to play a lot. but today , there are discount from steam, so I bought it
[17:17] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> same
[17:17] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> tbh I have it also on gog
[17:17] Cahokiawarrior> or... do you have to have it to play multiplayer?
[17:18] qasxdecd> it works on steam if I play online?
[17:18] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> tho I thought it would intagrate more with steam. So we can click on steam game and it's instantly joins to MM
[17:18] Cahokiawarrior> is this your first multiplayer game Qasxdecd?
[17:19] qasxdecd> I use the name for a long time, you seen me b4?
[17:19] Cahokiawarrior> idk
[17:20] qasxdecd> oh sorry, it is not first multiplayer game
[17:20] Cahokiawarrior> welcome back
[17:20] qasxdecd> let hit the game
[17:21] hltru01 in
[17:21] hltru01 out
[17:21] hltru01 in
[17:22] Lucas out
[17:22] hltru01 out
[17:23] hltru01 in
[17:24] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I clicked start
[17:26] Zpektrix_TAS> you cant warp
[17:26] bockwurstlaune in
[17:26] FreeInca in
[17:27] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> sherminator casually killing babo with a blast :hyperkekw:
[17:28] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> last try if qasx can join
[17:28] qasxdecd> k
[17:28] Nah_Id_Win in
[17:28] KennyTheKilled in
[17:28] SepulturaMb> no te puede hacer la cola asi christo
[17:28] SepulturaMb> Dejame de joder
[17:28] christo0972> gg
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:29] FreeInca> terribles nubs
[17:29] SepulturaMb out
[17:29] BlueManaBoost_TSI> didnt think i would beat Nah_Id_Win
[17:29] SepulturaMb in
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:29] BlueManaBoost_TSI> gg close one!
[17:29] JJaydenn_TSI> :nice:
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:29] JJaydenn_TSI> join ice
[17:29] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:29] FreeInca> sepu eres nub y seras asi de nub
[17:29] Nah_Id_Win> amigo
[17:29] JJaydenn_TSI> 2v2
[17:29] SepulturaMb> Freeinca ajaja sos don gato
[17:29] Nah_Id_Win> te sepultaron la verga
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Te tuvimos de hijo por 3 años
[17:30] SepulturaMb> No delires gordo feo
[17:30] Nah_Id_Win> como puede ser que te deje a ice servido en bandejaa
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Facu, me comi una dobleada, y me recupere
[17:30] FreeInca> eres nub
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Ice quedo con la cola casi rota
[17:30] Nah_Id_Win> y te comas 300 lights y llo dejes recuperarse
[17:30] FreeInca> ayer te comi a vergazos
[17:30] Nah_Id_Win> mamita querida psho
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Y te rompi el ano a vos crhsito
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Jaja
[17:30] Lucas in
[17:30] christo0972> ?
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Si hice estaba muerto
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Te entro chrsito y cagaste boludo
[17:30] SepulturaMb> Jjaa
[17:30] Nah_Id_Win> sos kenny de south park con el shaman
[17:30] FreeInca> te gane en el 3v3
[17:31] JJaydenn_TSI> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++3 1.1 or 1.5
[17:31] SepulturaMb> Don gato, nunca te vamos a tomar en serio, siempre fuiste y seras un pte, si? Asi que cerra la cola fea esa que tenes.
[17:31] FreeInca> te quejas mucho
[17:31] SepulturaMb> JAJA tiraba esa
[17:31] FreeInca> juegas por diversion ?
[17:31] Nah_Id_Win> https://prnt.sc/wM_2KLXjxdLL
[17:32] qasxdecd out
[17:32] FreeInca> jajajajajaaj
[17:32] FreeInca> sepu te hicieron mrd men
[17:32] qasxdecd in
[17:32] FreeInca> como no le pudieron ganar a ice
[17:32] qasxdecd out
[17:32] SepulturaMb> Mira el final
[17:32] SepulturaMb> La recupera que pegue
[17:32] SepulturaMb> Y vos boludo, te dejaste comer la cola por christo JAJA
[17:33] FreeInca> recuperas pero pierdes
[17:33] FreeInca> de que te sirve gordo
[17:33] JJaydenn_TSI> maybe babo lovenj will join after there match for a tsi vs op
[17:33] JJaydenn_TSI> maybe bian 2
[17:33] JJaydenn_TSI> spin 2 scared
[17:33] JJaydenn_TSI> shittt
[17:33] Nah_Id_Win> la cosa es que
[17:33] Nah_Id_Win> si le hacia eso a christo
[17:33] Nah_Id_Win> en ese tiempo ya ice agarraba mi base
[17:33] Nah_Id_Win> era mejor hacerle bd a ice
[17:33] Bignoobmanfr in
[17:33] FreeInca> ajajaja
[17:33] Nah_Id_Win> pero te culiaron rapido
[17:34] SepulturaMb> Si bola, pero te dije al principio
[17:34] SepulturaMb> Doblealo pajero
[17:34] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> food time
[17:34] SepulturaMb> Dale, que si no em doblean a mi
[17:34] Rideros in
[17:34] SepulturaMb> No, el capo por el frente tirando eq a Christo
[17:34] Nah_Id_Win> pero como?
[17:34] SepulturaMb> Nunca le pudiste entrar
[17:34] Nah_Id_Win> es que no podes doblear asi porque si, tiene que aver un gap de lvl
[17:34] Nah_Id_Win> juga mas walls
[17:34] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> let's give dinner to the family
[17:34] Nah_Id_Win> y vas a comprender
[17:35] SepulturaMb> Bueno
[17:35] SepulturaMb> Termino de almorzar
[17:35] SepulturaMb> Y jugamos otra, pero con Lucas y Nico
[17:35] Beheaded_Chicken out
[17:35] SepulturaMb> Que se ve que están abajo de todo escondidos los trolos probando.
[17:35] qasxdecd in
[17:37] Satoros> gg, sorry was trying to figure out the chat button haha
[17:37] Bianca_OP> omg lol
[17:37] Bianca_OP> push m
[17:37] Bianca_OP> and k for teamchat
[17:37] Bianca_OP> in teamgames
[17:37] Satoros> ty
[17:37] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> babo triggered the surrender :kekw:
[17:37] christo0972 out
[17:37] SepulturaMb> Igual puso ICe que fue muy cerrado el game, 42 minutos de puras vergas
[17:37] christo0972 in
[17:37] Satoros> there's no replays right?
[17:37] bananaogre in
[17:37] Bianca_OP> no unless someone streams
[17:37] E465_OP> shermi :clap:
[17:38] Lovenji_OP> gg wp
[17:38] ExLordDeath> why did you quit?
[17:38] Satoros> ok
[17:38] Nah_Id_Win> 1vs1 here
[17:38] ExLordDeath> no
[17:38] Nah_Id_Win> 1vs1 hereeee
[17:38] JJaydenn_TSI> sherm and babo pro team
[17:38] bananaogre out
[17:38] Bianca_OP> they won?
[17:38] Bianca_OP> lemme check
[17:38] JJaydenn_TSI> ye
[17:38] Lovenji_OP> Hi Satoros do you still need a 1v1 or are you alright? :P
[17:38] E465_OP> reverse winning
[17:38] JJaydenn_TSI> :nice:
[17:38] E465_OP> :nice:
[17:39] Satoros> oh sweet thanks
[17:39] Satoros> I'd be up for another 1v1
[17:39] Unpredictable in
[17:39] loothill_OP in
[17:39] Bianca_OP> loothill :D
[17:39] E465_OP> shermi wp
[17:39] JJaydenn_TSI> tsi vs?
[17:39] E465_OP> xD
[17:39] loothill_OP> :ng:
[17:39] Bianca_OP> need a warm up?
[17:39] Lovenji_OP> gg wp
[17:39] BlueManaBoost_TSI> yep
[17:39] Unpredictable> full random lesgo
[17:39] loothill_OP> kinda ye
[17:39] BlueManaBoost_TSI> haha
[17:39] JJaydenn_TSI> nah me n ice allying
[17:40] loothill_OP> but will go to arbrim's store first
[17:40] ExLordDeath> im not qualified for this
[17:40] Unpredictable> oh its 1.01
[17:40] Unpredictable> too hard
[17:40] Unpredictable> mod
[17:40] JJaydenn_TSI> can do 1.5
[17:40] ExLordDeath> whats the difference?
[17:40] BlueManaBoost_TSI> do 1.5
[17:40] BlueManaBoost_TSI> one is gay
[17:40] Bianca_OP> lmao
[17:40] Rideros out
[17:40] Bianca_OP> ice :kekyou:
[17:40] JJaydenn_TSI> +1 to ally exlord
[17:41] Unpredictable> the offer is real
[17:41] ExLordDeath> why me?
[17:41] swedeath in
[17:41] Unpredictable> ;nice:
[17:41] ExLordDeath> i want ice ;-;
[17:41] Bianca_OP> TSI allying
[17:41] Unpredictable> :nice:
[17:41] Beheaded_Chicken in
[17:41] ExLordDeath> thats too strong
[17:41] Bianca_OP> not if yo uget
[17:41] ExLordDeath> no ally other than babo or nici has a shot
[17:41] qasxdecd out
[17:41] Bianca_OP> spin nici or meph
[17:41] Bianca_OP> oh ye or babo lol
[17:41] BlueManaBoost_TSI> if a noob joins we can rethink
[17:41] ExLordDeath> spin trolls
[17:41] Bignoobmanfr> 50 people :o
[17:41] JJaydenn_TSI> i aint that good lol
[17:41] E465_OP> wow
[17:41] E465_OP> bianca
[17:41] ExLordDeath> you are the goat
[17:41] Bianca_OP> you are jjay lol
[17:41] E465_OP> :mad:
[17:41] Bianca_OP> LOL babo
[17:41] Unpredictable> dayumn ice i was there
[17:41] E465_OP> 1v1 noob
[17:41] Bianca_OP> dw babo i forgot trod too
[17:41] Bianca_OP> :nice:
[17:42] [AsG]Keith52 in
[17:42] Bianca_OP> keith :D
[17:42] FreeInca out
[17:42] E465_OP> :nice:
[17:42] JJaydenn_TSI> kk
[17:42] [AsG]Keith52> Hiya!
[17:42] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> :flexonem:
[17:42] Bianca_OP> someone better stream that game
[17:42] Bianca_OP> ice !!
[17:42] JJaydenn_TSI> ice u okay hosting
[17:43] JJaydenn_TSI> dont think i can ping keith
[17:43] BlueManaBoost_TSI> sure
[17:43] JJaydenn_TSI> babo ran off
[17:43] E465_OP> :D
[17:43] Bianca_OP> oh wait keith got the spot
[17:43] E465_OP> i wanted to give keith the spot
[17:43] E465_OP> he has less time than me
[17:43] Meph> keith
[17:43] Meph> nub
[17:43] Bianca_OP> jjay we can do TSI vs OP if you up for it :ohyes:
[17:43] KennyTheKilled out
[17:43] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> oh loot vs keith is today :pog:
[17:44] Bianca_OP> yes :ohyes:
[17:44] Unpredictable> is there some kinda tourney?
[17:44] E465_OP> later
[17:45] Beheaded_Chicken> big shiT-Rod :pepega:
[17:45] Unpredictable> join chicken boy
[17:45] [AvA]sherminator31> E465_OP is crying baby
[17:45] E465_OP> :D
[17:45] Bianca_OP> :poop: :gun:
[17:45] Bianca_OP> wow shermi
[17:45] JJaydenn_TSI> https://www.twitch.tv/jjayyddeenn
[17:45] E465_OP> trod u unblocked me im so happy
[17:45] E465_OP> <3
[17:45] [AvA]sherminator31> what
[17:45] Beheaded_Chicken> poot poot poot :chicken:
[17:45] Bianca_OP> hell yeah jjay
[17:45] Unpredictable> u were kicking me, so i back kicked u
[17:46] Unpredictable> honestly didnt remember who exlord was :nice:
[17:46] Meph> lol jjay listening to phonk
[17:46] Unpredictable> tf is phonk?
[17:46] Meph> music genre
[17:46] DankNarwhal out
[17:46] Nevy in
[17:47] Unpredictable> i hear it
[17:47] Bianca_OP> lol
[17:47] Nevy out
[17:47] Nevy in
[17:48] Unpredictable> dunno why jjay and ice allying that game tho
[17:48] Unpredictable> would be more fair if they were opposite sides
[17:48] Nah_Id_Win> no christo here is the shaman hut
[17:49] christo0972> try it
[17:49] Unpredictable> +02
[17:49] Bianca_OP> 02 :kekyou:
[17:49] Unpredictable> ok map wishes?
[17:49] Unpredictable> pp walls?
[17:49] Bianca_OP> erm
[17:49] [GoD]Spinnifix> walls best?
[17:49] Unpredictable> can do
[17:50] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + Artz_Sam + Beheaded_Chicken + christo0972 vs. [GoD]Spinnifix + Bianca_OP + [AvA]sherminator31 + Zpektrix_TAS
[17:50] [AvA]sherminator31> 4 walls = without backdoor
[17:50] Unpredictable> ok
[17:50] Bianca_OP> loooooool
[17:50] Unpredictable> i promise :nice:
[17:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> me and bianca front
[17:50] hltru01 out
[17:50] [GoD]Spinnifix> tsucenter
[17:50] [AvA]sherminator31> i dont want ally with Zpetrix TAS
[17:50] Unpredictable> yes u want
[17:50] Unpredictable> mm says u want
[17:50] christo0972> reverse shermi and me
[17:50] [AvA]sherminator31> yes
[17:50] Unpredictable> ok
[17:50] Unpredictable> as u wish
[17:51] Draclan in
[17:51] Unpredictable> shermi font fking quit
[17:51] [AvA]sherminator31> no
[17:51] [AvA]sherminator31> i am not
[17:51] Unpredictable> ty
[17:51] [AvA]sherminator31> already
[17:51] [AvA]sherminator31> still you dont believe me
[17:52] Draclan out
[17:52] Draclan in
[17:53] hltru01 in
[17:54] Draclan out
[17:55] Yancy in
[17:55] Beheaded_Chicken> :chicken:
[17:55] Unpredictable> the
[17:55] Unpredictable> who left
[17:55] Bianca_OP> who left
[17:55] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[17:55] Zpektrix_TAS> red did
[17:55] Zpektrix_TAS> artz sam
[17:56] Unpredictable> oh wreally
[17:56] christo0972> brb piss
[17:56] Unpredictable> wow people not joinin cos not pro enough
[17:56] Unpredictable> is real
[17:56] Bianca_OP> ;(
[17:56] Artz_Sam> lobby is frozen in place((
[17:56] Unpredictable> how can i improve
[17:56] Bianca_OP> dont do bd
[17:56] Bianca_OP> :nice:
[17:56] Unpredictable> ok
[17:56] Artz_Sam out
[17:56] Unpredictable> i promise
[17:57] Bianca_OP> lmao
[17:57] Artz_Sam in
[17:58] bockwurstlaune out
[17:58] Bianca_OP> 48 online :pog:
[17:58] Unpredictable> its the steam
[17:58] Bianca_OP> 47*
[17:58] Bianca_OP> ye
[17:58] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[17:58] [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000 in
[17:58] E465_OP> [18:50] [AvA]sherminator31> 4 walls = without backdoor
[17:58] Unpredictable> who put it there
[17:58] E465_OP> :nice:
[17:59] Bianca_OP> lolol
[17:59] Nevy out
[17:59] Bianca_OP> EA
[17:59] Unpredictable> but someone must´ve pushed
[17:59] Bianca_OP> idk lol
[17:59] Unpredictable> would inca do it
[17:59] E465_OP> EA published all their old games
[17:59] Unpredictable> all in steam?
[18:00] Nah_Id_Win> aca falta
[18:00] Nah_Id_Win> una asiatica
[18:00] Nah_Id_Win> korean egirl
[18:00] Nah_Id_Win> uma
[18:00] Nah_Id_Win> dale lothil go lothil
[18:00] Bianca_OP> lol facu did you get your egirl already?
[18:01] Nah_Id_Win> nah i hate egirls
[18:01] E465_OP> lothil
[18:01] Bianca_OP> looool
[18:01] Unpredictable> dude spin can we do pp
[18:01] E465_OP> was hat der für eine psychische störung
[18:01] E465_OP> das ist doch nicht mehr normal
[18:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> lolllllllllllll
[18:01] Bianca_OP> lmao
[18:01] Unpredictable> lol isnt answer i think
[18:01] Unpredictable> what u think spin?
[18:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> wait fpr players
[18:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> first
[18:02] Unpredictable> ok
[18:02] Unpredictable> ty for replying
[18:03] Unpredictable> +2
[18:03] Unpredictable> insta launch
[18:03] Unpredictable> pp
[18:03] Nah_Id_Win> today i think, mcdonalds worker girl beats egirl
[18:03] Nah_Id_Win> change my mind
[18:03] Bianca_OP> lolol
[18:03] Nah_Id_Win> facts
[18:05] Lovenji_OP> actually like that you challenge people for mid
[18:05] Lovenji_OP> that's really good
[18:05] Lovenji_OP> Mid control is very important
[18:05] Unpredictable> thats true
[18:06] Unpredictable> lovenji join
[18:06] Nah_Id_Win> CON LOS OJOS NO TE VEO
[18:06] Unpredictable> i promise not to bd
[18:06] Lovenji_OP> Don't have the time mate, sorry
[18:06] Bianca_OP> lmao trod
[18:06] Lovenji_OP> tournament soon
[18:07] Lovenji_OP> or I would play
[18:08] Unpredictable> jjayden and ice losing :kekwait:
[18:08] [AsG]Sky- in
[18:08] swedeath out
[18:08] Unpredictable> and i thought exlord was a new player
[18:08] Bianca_OP> lolf ofc he is not
[18:08] Bianca_OP> played al ot on leafs
[18:08] Bianca_OP> a lot*
[18:09] Beheaded_Chicken> [19:03] Unpredictable> pro ghame
[18:09] Beheaded_Chicken> :monkahmm: ..
[18:09] adray_tsi> there's a huge underground populous scene
[18:09] adray_tsi> if you know you know
[18:09] Bianca_OP> i wonder if trod can resist
[18:10] Bianca_OP> the bd
[18:10] Bianca_OP> :good:
[18:10] Unpredictable> if i promise i promise
[18:10] Beheaded_Chicken> promises are made to broke em
[18:10] Beheaded_Chicken> expect bd
[18:10] Bianca_OP> lmao
[18:10] Bianca_OP> always
[18:10] Unpredictable> i cant bd pp anymore cos someone changed map
[18:10] Unpredictable> made bd impossible
[18:10] Unpredictable> :nice:'
[18:10] Bianca_OP> yesterday i knew trod was hiding in hut
[18:11] Beheaded_Chicken> :pepega:
[18:11] Bianca_OP> on that walls game
[18:11] E465_OP> https://clips.twitch.tv/ObservantFaithfulIcecreamDAESuppy-bO__l82z83xEeRy8
[18:11] Unpredictable> i dont even bother hidin lool
[18:11] E465_OP> this is like watching matt
[18:11] E465_OP> :nice:
[18:11] Bianca_OP> i didnt see your shaman tho xd
[18:11] Bianca_OP> must have been in hut
[18:11] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + christo0972 + [GoD]Spinnifix + loothill_OP vs. Beheaded_Chicken + Bianca_OP + Kayin + Zpektrix_TAS
[18:11] Unpredictable> whos biggies
[18:11] loothill_OP> [15:11] E465_OP> https://clips.twitch.tv/ObservantFaithfulIcecreamDAESuppy-bO__l82z83xEeRy8
[18:11] loothill_OP> These guys top ranks?
[18:11] loothill_OP> broooo
[18:11] Bianca_OP> lmao
[18:12] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> damn
[18:12] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> keith trying to harvest again
[18:12] Beheaded_Chicken> dude
[18:12] Bianca_OP> dont do pp man
[18:12] Unpredictable> why not?
[18:12] Beheaded_Chicken> if he wanted to aim em oh well but this
[18:12] Beheaded_Chicken> loll
[18:12] Bianca_OP> cuz of teams?
[18:12] Unpredictable> u are not that op team bi
[18:12] Unpredictable> we have a chance
[18:12] Beheaded_Chicken> "bi"
[18:12] loothill_OP> Well at least I can see Keith could be rusty too
[18:12] Bianca_OP> of you have a chance if you and spin or loot ar big lol
[18:12] Bianca_OP> vs me and :chicken:
[18:13] Beheaded_Chicken> poooooooooot :chicken:
[18:13] hltru01 out
[18:13] Bianca_OP> i dont do pp man
[18:13] Unpredictable> lets do walls then?
[18:13] Bianca_OP> k
[18:13] loothill_OP> :chicken:
[18:13] Beheaded_Chicken> nah wait
[18:13] Beheaded_Chicken> bes tis crap
[18:13] TouchoneTouchemAll out
[18:13] loothill_OP> *chicekn sounds*
[18:13] Beheaded_Chicken> best is*
[18:13] Bianca_OP> best is ok but not for pp lol
[18:13] Beheaded_Chicken> i cant let u spin n loot ally man
[18:13] Beheaded_Chicken> holy shiet
[18:14] Bianca_OP> i cannot handle spin or trod
[18:14] Bianca_OP> on pp
[18:14] Bianca_OP> as big base
[18:14] Unpredictable> dw my mouse bad
[18:14] Zpektrix_TAS> i can handle trod as big base with meph support
[18:14] Unpredictable> anyone can handle me
[18:14] E465_OP> spin is bad dw :nice:
[18:14] Bianca_OP> lol wow
[18:14] loothill_OP> There will be 2 Chris on this team
[18:14] Bianca_OP> :o
[18:14] Unpredictable> jjayden been owning spin lately on pp :nice:
[18:14] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> shogun could also be called chris :monkas:
[18:14] Unpredictable> ?
[18:14] [GoD]Spinnifix> :nice:
[18:14] Beheaded_Chicken> chris rock
[18:15] Luxray out
[18:15] Bianca_OP> lol
[18:15] Kayin out
[18:15] Kayin in
[18:15] Zpektrix_TAS> kayin ressstarting mm
[18:15] Bianca_OP> :nice:
[18:15] Unpredictable> now pp
[18:15] Beheaded_Chicken> resssssssss:snake:ssssssstarting ?
[18:15] Unpredictable> Unpredictable + [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + Bianca_OP vs. Meph + loothill_OP + Beheaded_Chicken + Kayin
[18:15] Bianca_OP> now you can go pp :ohyes:
[18:15] Kayin out
[18:15] Kayin in
[18:15] Unpredictable> whos biggies
[18:15] christo0972> i wait fot nothing XD
[18:15] Unpredictable> meph?
[18:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> Unpredictable + [GoD]Spinnifix + Zpektrix_TAS + Bianca_OP vs. Meph + loothill_OP + Beheaded_Chicken + Kayin
[18:15] Meph> idm
[18:15] christo0972> to dt play direspect
[18:15] Meph> ask my allies
[18:15] Unpredictable> sry christo bruh¨
[18:15] Bianca_OP> trod if i am your small base
[18:15] Bianca_OP> dont touch a tree
[18:15] Bianca_OP> k?
[18:16] christo0972> crazy disrespect
[18:16] Unpredictable> dw i only dismantle
[18:16] Bianca_OP> lol
[18:16] christo0972 out
[18:16] loothill_OP> [15:15] christo0972> crazy disrespect[15:15] christo0972> crazy disrespect[15:15] christo0972> crazy disrespect
[18:16] Bianca_OP> lmaom
[18:16] Unpredictable> i feel bad
[18:16] Bianca_OP> loot has 45 min
[18:16] Unpredictable> now
[18:16] Bianca_OP> we should start
[18:16] Unpredictable> whos biggies
[18:16] Bianca_OP> pros
[18:16] Bianca_OP> you spin meph and
[18:16] Unpredictable> ok shogun?
[18:16] Bianca_OP> idk sho or loot?
[18:16] Bianca_OP> prolly sho
[18:16] Unpredictable> k
[18:16] Beheaded_Chicken> big?
[18:16] loothill_OP> Shogun puedes ir adelante?
[18:16] Bianca_OP> cuz ofping
[18:16] Beheaded_Chicken> dam
[18:16] Beheaded_Chicken> 2lazy
[18:16] Beheaded_Chicken> :D
[18:16] Bianca_OP> then loot lol
[18:17] Beheaded_Chicken> :chicken:
[18:17] Beheaded_Chicken> :chicken::rflex:
[18:17] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> Congratulations to: inijijezapada (48), iveniqax (44), olumodizid (40)
[18:17] Lovenji_OP> o/
[18:17] Mammy_Tas> ty divinity :)
[18:17] DJOd1n in
[18:17] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> np :)
[18:17] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> ty mammy :)
[18:17] Mammy_Tas> np :)
[18:18] loothill_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/clownhill_op big potato live from Mars - bird view :>
[18:18] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> :cringe:
[18:18] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[18:18] Zpektrix_TAS> twitch.tv/zpektrix
[18:23] christo0972 in
[18:25] canar in
[18:27] canar out
[18:27] canar in
[18:30] canar out
[18:31] canar in
[18:32] canar out
[18:33] canar in
[18:34] Schapenkoppie in
[18:35] [AvA]Soma- out
[18:35] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[18:35] Tizzl in
[18:35] JJaydenn_TSI> gg was a close 1 daym
[18:36] [AsG]Keith52> You are so lucky.
[18:36] [AsG]Keith52> That your ally was ice.
[18:36] [AsG]Keith52> Anyone else, maybe besides Nici
[18:36] Tizzl out
[18:36] [AsG]Keith52> And you would have lost that lol
[18:36] BlueManaBoost_TSI> u really wanted to see me struggling to survive
[18:36] canar> tbeta
[18:36] ExLordDeath> gg
[18:37] BlueManaBoost_TSI> gg was fun
[18:37] ExLordDeath out
[18:37] ExLordDeath in
[18:37] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi Keith
[18:37] HeavyDragon in
[18:38] MrSmokin_hottie26> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FfbHeEcI21g
[18:38] MrSmokin_hottie26> :pepejam:
[18:38] JJaydenn_TSI> well ye keith cos they got the mindset to comeback
[18:38] JJaydenn_TSI> most players like koopa just give up after 1 or 2 eqs in their base
[18:39] JJaydenn_TSI> that was hard mid game no ice no base i had to vs 2 troops from both tribes
[18:39] DJOd1n out
[18:41] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[18:42] Bladestone in
[18:43] SepulturaMb out
[18:43] ExLordDeath> yeah it was rough but you had such a high pop
[18:44] HeavyDragon out
[18:44] LordCameron in
[18:44] Cahokiawarrior> ive waited all day for a game and now I need 5-10 minuts
[18:45] ExLordDeath> lol
[18:45] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> so why are you in room?
[18:45] JJaydenn_TSI> i expanded near start got an extra 6 huts i think or 5 so keiths attack didnt do much
[18:45] JJaydenn_TSI> but my couter fucked him up :good:
[18:45] power_OP> when is toruney
[18:45] power_OP> in 15 min?
[18:46] JJaydenn_TSI> fk knows
[18:46] ExLordDeath> yeah i didnt know you expanded until wayyyy later
[18:47] ExLordDeath> start
[18:47] HeavyDragon in
[18:47] Nah_Id_Win> hey koopa
[18:48] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy out
[18:50] Kaptyrr in
[18:50] JJaydenn_TSI> https://www.twitch.tv/jjayyddeenn
[18:50] JJaydenn_TSI> follow for pro ass gameplay
[18:50] JJaydenn_TSI> 1080p
[18:50] JJaydenn_TSI> no black bars
[18:50] power_OP> dammm
[18:52] MrSmokin_hottie26> yo wutz gud facu
[18:52] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hmm
[18:52] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> how do I decide teams_
[18:52] ExLordDeath> who is allying who
[18:52] christo0972> im not really war near spy +
[18:52] JYGuan out
[18:52] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> me + christo
[18:52] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> christo should be in 2nd row
[18:53] ExLordDeath> rotate christ to green
[18:53] Nah_Id_Win> rly want 1v1? i improved alot
[18:53] Nah_Id_Win> just doing 1 thing
[18:53] christo0972> change caokia
[18:53] ExLordDeath> should be good
[18:53] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> wtf
[18:53] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> how do I decide teams
[18:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> ye man tourney soon tho
[18:53] MrSmokin_hottie26> gotta be quikkk
[18:54] ExLordDeath> it should be fine
[18:54] ExLordDeath> if he stops leaving lol
[18:54] ExLordDeath> start it
[18:54] HeavyDragon out
[18:54] Vianix_YT in
[18:54] Nah_Id_Win> unranked
[18:55] LordCameron out
[18:55] Geekmonster in
[18:55] Nah_Id_Win out
[18:56] HeavyDragon in
[18:59] Pulsar888 in
[18:59] Beheaded_Chicken> i've been stuck at 70 pop all game
[19:00] Beheaded_Chicken> dont expect me to do shit like that son
[19:00] Luxray in
[19:00] Beheaded_Chicken> also entering a base with 9999 towers without lb on pp is almost impossible
[19:00] Bianca_OP> holy shit loot
[19:00] Luxray> hellooo
[19:00] Beheaded_Chicken> specially when ur ally isnt helping u get in
[19:00] Bianca_OP> just in time
[19:00] Unpredictable> gg
[19:00] E465_OP> skill issue
[19:00] Bianca_OP> for your tourney game
[19:00] Luxray> wait whats
[19:00] Luxray> 50 players
[19:00] Kaptyrr out
[19:00] Luxray> yooo
[19:00] Meph> sorry for trying to defend against ongoing triples/quadruples sho
[19:00] Luxray> finally
[19:00] Bianca_OP> hell yeah lol
[19:00] Kaptyrr in
[19:00] Beheaded_Chicken> spins shaman annoying as shit tho
[19:00] [AsG]Keith52> 50 people and tons are wildmen
[19:01] Meph> i'll try to defend with just troops only against 150 troops
[19:01] [AsG]Keith52> IS IT STEAM
[19:01] Bianca_OP> yes keith
[19:01] [AsG]Keith52> IS IT A REVIVAL
[19:01] Meph> and 3 shaman
[19:01] Bianca_OP> and gl hf loot and keith for your game
[19:01] [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000> No, this is Patrick
[19:01] Unpredictable> dayumn this tru shogun
[19:01] [AsG]Keith52> TY B
[19:01] [AsG]Keith52> lol @ jimmy
[19:01] Zpektrix_TAS> see sho
[19:01] Meph> 13/21 kd
[19:01] Meph> lol.
[19:01] Unpredictable> loot making 40fws
[19:01] Zpektrix_TAS> this is why i cant do much with meph's side
[19:01] Unpredictable> was annoying
[19:01] Beheaded_Chicken> loot hasnt played in ages tho
[19:01] Beheaded_Chicken> shit was unbalanced
[19:01] Unpredictable> allmost playing against myself
[19:01] E465_OP> yes meph bad player :clap:
[19:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> trod for a moment i thought u losing there
[19:01] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[19:02] Bianca_OP> me too
[19:02] Bianca_OP> lol
[19:02] E465_OP> how couldnt he play 4v1 while expanding sho too, noob
[19:02] Unpredictable> my mouse is bad
[19:02] Unpredictable> im slow
[19:02] Meph> ich werde mich bessern
[19:02] Bianca_OP> meph is a beast tho
[19:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> koelln
[19:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> komm
[19:02] Unpredictable> she sure is bi
[19:02] [GoD]Spinnifix> und SBG
[19:02] Meph> jjay and babo join
[19:02] Bianca_OP> ne ich guck tourney
[19:02] Kaptyrr out
[19:02] Bianca_OP> das lass ich mir nicht entgehen
[19:02] Bianca_OP> keith vs loot
[19:02] [Sw]Sharp in
[19:02] E465_OP> bin gleich weg
[19:02] Bianca_OP> :good:
[19:02] Vianix_YT out
[19:03] Luxray> yo
[19:03] Luxray> this game is in steam
[19:03] Meph> brauch für dich nur 3 minuten babo
[19:03] Meph> komm
[19:03] Luxray> lets gooo
[19:03] Beheaded_Chicken> go 6p walls rod
[19:03] E465_OP> :D
[19:03] Meph> :p
[19:03] E465_OP> ruhig blut
[19:03] Unpredictable> walls so hard
[19:03] E465_OP> calm blood
[19:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> ich fick euch
[19:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> hab aber angst wegen ^1v1
[19:03] Beheaded_Chicken> i mean i even tried makin troops but no mana
[19:03] E465_OP> meph geht lesen und fickt uns alle
[19:03] Bianca_OP> lmao spin
[19:03] E465_OP> ruhig
[19:03] Beheaded_Chicken> had like 30 braves waiting kek
[19:03] Bianca_OP> nein babo
[19:03] [GoD]Spinnifix> :peepopoint:
[19:03] Bianca_OP> rtl
[19:03] Unpredictable> dayumn shogun whos fault that game was?
[19:03] Bianca_OP> 2
[19:03] Bianca_OP> :kek:
[19:03] Beheaded_Chicken> dunno rod
[19:03] Beheaded_Chicken> who won
[19:03] E465_OP> rtl 2 gucken brb
[19:03] E465_OP> :nice:
[19:03] Unpredictable> i wonder who won too
[19:03] Bianca_OP> lol sorry meph
[19:03] Bianca_OP> aber das war lustig
[19:03] Bianca_OP> lol
[19:04] Beheaded_Chicken> :chicken:
[19:04] Unpredictable> :shogun:
[19:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> Carmen [32]: Isst zur Not auch Klopapier.
[19:04] E465_OP> loool
[19:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> lmfao
[19:04] Bianca_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/lovenfloofen
[19:04] E465_OP> Meph denkt sich da nur: wow traumfrau
[19:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> woran hat et jelegen
[19:04] Unpredictable> ok 3 v 3 then
[19:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[19:04] loothill_OP> Soz Kayin
[19:04] loothill_OP> maybe I Had to expand way more
[19:05] loothill_OP> couldn't control everything at all
[19:05] Kayin> nope ur expanding was fine
[19:05] Kayin> but u need to def my base more cos i lost fw huts for a while
[19:05] Geekmonster out
[19:05] Bianca_OP> ah finlly i dont miss lovenjis intro :ohyes:
[19:06] loothill_OP> ye I forgot a lot of that
[19:06] Kayin> then i could keep ur base safe
[19:06] Bianca_OP> ii played without fw hut later too lol
[19:06] Bianca_OP> trod only makes land at start
[19:06] Bianca_OP> then never again :kek:
[19:06] Kayin> brb in game
[19:06] Bianca_OP> oh well this game he did a lil
[19:06] loothill_OP> land'n't
[19:06] Bianca_OP> lol
[19:07] loothill_OP> can I stream snipe? :>
[19:07] [AsG]Keith52> I'm only there til match starts
[19:07] [AsG]Keith52> But we can hang in the meantime
[19:08] Geekmonster in
[19:08] Luxray> i feel steam populous should have matchmaker + 1.5 version
[19:08] Luxray> included too
[19:08] loothill_OP> Heads :>
[19:08] Lovenji_OP> It should, but they don't tell us nothing
[19:08] Khoud in
[19:08] loothill_OP> ARRANGED
[19:08] [AsG]Ralimurr> It's tails every single time guys
[19:08] [AsG]Ralimurr> Learn!
[19:08] Lovenji_OP> It's tails, keith first map ban
[19:09] loothill_OP> :joy:
[19:09] Bianca_OP> christo
[19:09] ExLordDeath> gg
[19:09] Bianca_OP> its tourney game
[19:09] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> gg
[19:09] [AsG]Keith52> I ban Isn't ToM
[19:09] E465_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/lovenfloofen
[19:09] Bianca_OP> :good:
[19:09] loothill_OP> isn't Cum
[19:10] Bianca_OP> lol
[19:10] Lovenji_OP> loothill map ban
[19:10] loothill_OP> hmhm let me check what can I :>
[19:10] [AsG]Keith52> https://www.popre.net/forum/tournaments-and-rankings-f88/forge-your-destiny-new-tournament-sign-ups-open-t12134.html
[19:10] [AsG]Keith52> FYI Loot
[19:10] Bianca_OP> xd
[19:10] [AsG]Keith52> (i just was there lol)
[19:10] loothill_OP> Two Crabs maybe
[19:10] E465_OP> omg
[19:10] E465_OP> noob
[19:10] Bianca_OP> loool
[19:10] [AsG]Ralimurr> Noooo :(
[19:10] loothill_OP> :cry:
[19:10] [AsG]Keith52> Dun dun DUNNNNN
[19:10] Lovenji_OP> maybe maybe not
[19:10] [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000> Rip boats
[19:11] [AsG]Keith52> Yeah that maybe isn't a locked in Ban
[19:11] E465_OP> we want boats
[19:11] [AsG]Keith52> LOL
[19:11] E465_OP> :clap:
[19:11] loothill_OP> yea ill go Two POtatos
[19:11] ExLordDeath out
[19:11] ExLordDeath in
[19:11] ExLordDeath out
[19:11] loothill_OP> yea 100% Two Crabs I bna
[19:11] loothill_OP> soz
[19:12] E465_OP> youre an emberassment :(
[19:12] Bianca_OP> :wow:
[19:12] Bianca_OP> dw loot i banned it too :kek:
[19:12] E465_OP> -1 respect
[19:12] Bladestone out
[19:12] loothill_OP> *sad GTA SA sounds*
[19:12] Bianca_OP> this wy there is a chance i see a game of dynamic punch :good:
[19:12] Bianca_OP> way*
[19:12] Khoud out
[19:12] E465_OP> i hope keith goes dynamic punch
[19:12] E465_OP> :nice:
[19:12] Lovenji_OP> keith first map pic
[19:12] loothill_OP> I do want to play DP
[19:13] Bianca_OP> :ohyes:
[19:13] [AsG]Keith52> Dynamic Punch
[19:13] loothill_OP> U POTATO
[19:13] Bianca_OP> hell yeah
[19:13] [Sw]Sharp> +2
[19:13] Bianca_OP> is lovenji not talking or is my stream fucked
[19:13] canar out
[19:13] E465_OP> deadge
[19:13] Bianca_OP> lol
[19:14] Beheaded_Chicken out
[19:14] [Sw]Sharp out
[19:14] loothill_OP> can I complain about keith yet
[19:14] Beheaded_Chicken in
[19:14] loothill_OP> I feel rushed already
[19:14] Beheaded_Chicken> zzzz
[19:14] Bianca_OP> lool
[19:14] [AsG]Keith52> I like green
[19:14] [AsG]Keith52> It's my color
[19:14] Beheaded_Chicken> lag out
[19:14] Unpredictable> they didnt ally
[19:14] Unpredictable> lol
[19:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> we did
[19:15] Beheaded_Chicken> net cut off
[19:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> mephand me did
[19:15] [AsG]Keith52> Be nice to the wilidies
[19:15] [GoD]Spinnifix> didnt you see`
[19:15] Zpektrix_TAS> it said quit
[19:15] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy in
[19:15] Bianca_OP> oh yesssss
[19:15] [AsG]Keith52> Not you
[19:15] [AsG]Keith52> Everyone else
[19:15] [AsG]Keith52> lol
[19:15] Bianca_OP> tomorrow big tourney day
[19:15] Beheaded_Chicken> i'll wait til net is stable
[19:15] Meph> brb 5 mins
[19:15] Beheaded_Chicken> cba fukin up games
[19:15] Bianca_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/lovenfloofen
[19:15] Bianca_OP> watch this sho
[19:15] Bianca_OP> :good:
[19:15] Beheaded_Chicken> only if loot wasnt rusty as fk
[19:16] Excelsior in
[19:16] Beheaded_Chicken> wud be interesting
[19:16] Saito_Vdm in
[19:16] Nah_Id_Win in
[19:16] MrSmokin_hottie26> ggs wp :eyes:
[19:17] Nah_Id_Win> gg
[19:17] MrSmokin_hottie26> keith deff woulda lost if u hostd :ezy:
[19:17] Nah_Id_Win> even in his host
[19:17] Nah_Id_Win> if he's american
[19:17] Beheaded_Chicken> ah fk that map again wiht forge on
[19:17] Beheaded_Chicken> can we just do pp tourney lol
[19:17] Beheaded_Chicken> without forge
[19:17] Unpredictable> sry got the meat on pan
[19:18] Unpredictable> gonna eat
[19:18] Artz_Sam out
[19:18] MrSmokin_hottie26> dam so u rootin for loot then loll
[19:18] Unpredictable> omg that tourney so dumb
[19:18] Unpredictable> wish there were normal tourneys
[19:18] Unpredictable> normal matches
[19:19] Unpredictable> lool
[19:20] BlueManaBoost_TSI> still better than a 4v4
[19:20] Saito_Vdm> shall i use quail eggs as pizza topping?
[19:21] Unpredictable> 4 v 4 is best
[19:21] Unpredictable> pp 4 v 4
[19:21] Unpredictable> so nice
[19:21] Unpredictable> only 4 v 4 töm bad
[19:21] BlueManaBoost_TSI> so one good map
[19:21] Unpredictable> people dunno how to play with limited wood
[19:21] BlueManaBoost_TSI> nice
[19:22] Unpredictable> sess is guud 4 v 4 too
[19:22] Unpredictable> and many of em
[19:22] Satoros out
[19:26] joshy8472 in
[19:26] Lucas out
[19:26] Saito_Vdm> +7
[19:27] christo0972 out
[19:27] christo0972 in
[19:27] joshy8472 out
[19:28] Bignoobmanfr out
[19:28] christo0972 out
[19:29] Saito_Vdm out
[19:31] canar in
[19:33] altffenser in
[19:34] canar> Hi guys, I'm playing singleplayer through steam/pop3. I did 2 missions and there were no videos. Is that something I have to turn on? In game videos that is
[19:35] Zpektrix_TAS> let's go 3v3
[19:35] BlueManaBoost_TSI> what do you mean videos
[19:35] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> https://clips.twitch.tv/AlluringEnticingWasabiDuDudu-MGTHuQ27u5IhfMMf
[19:35] altffenser out
[19:35] canar> in game cutscenes
[19:35] altffenser in
[19:35] BlueManaBoost_TSI> Not sure there are any
[19:35] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> theres only a cutscene at the beginning and one at levels 24 and another at 25
[19:35] [AsG]Sky-> https://www.youtube.com/@PopulousTheBeginning
[19:35] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> one for game over i guess
[19:36] BlueManaBoost_TSI> there you go
[19:37] canar> Ohh, even the one at the beggining  didn't show for me, I thought there was more. I'll just check it on yt. thanks :)
[19:38] Unpredictable> maybe steam pop is broken
[19:38] Unpredictable> free pop game popre.net
[19:41] Nah_Id_Win out
[19:42] Nah_Id_Win in
[19:45] amnesia in
[19:46] canar out
[19:47] JesusSavesJohn316 out
[19:47] loothill_OP> MVP Tornado lool
[19:47] [AsG]Keith52> lol xD
[19:47] Bianca_OP> lol
[19:47] Lovenji_OP> loothill, second map
[19:47] loothill_OP> pp
[19:48] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> :D
[19:48] [AsG]Keith52> awwwwww yeeee pp letssssgooo
[19:48] [AsG]Keith52> good pick
[19:48] [AsG]Keith52> its nice to do pp for a change
[19:48] Beheaded_Chicken> with forge tho :monkamega:
[19:48] adray_tsi out
[19:48] Lovenji_OP> yellow or green base, loot
[19:48] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[19:48] loothill_OP> Green
[19:49] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> :O
[19:49] [AsG]Keith52> Damn my entire practice has been ruined
[19:50] Beheaded_Chicken> +1
[19:50] DevBug in
[19:51] Mammy_Tas> Hello :)
[19:51] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[19:51] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[19:51] Mammy_Tas> Watching stream :o
[19:51] Bianca_OP> :ohyes:
[19:51] Bianca_OP> https://www.twitch.tv/lovenfloofen
[19:52] amnesia> cahokia host ?
[19:52] amnesia> ty
[19:53] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[19:53] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[19:55] amnesia> ?
[19:55] amnesia> cahokia ?
[19:55] amnesia> u can host us
[19:55] JesusSavesJohn316 in
[19:56] JesusSavesJohn316 out
[19:56] JesusSavesJohn316 in
[19:56] Unpredictable> ok back
[19:57] JesusSavesJohn316 out
[19:57] Unpredictable> who wants big base
[19:58] Arekkusu in
[19:59] IncaWarrior out
[19:59] Beheaded_Chicken> i take any
[19:59] Beheaded_Chicken> u can make urself meph spin n jjay big rest random tho
[19:59] Orson in
[20:00] Unpredictable> but isnt it unfair to make one noob big base
[20:00] IncaWarrior in
[20:00] Beheaded_Chicken> true *looks at meph* :smirk:
[20:00] Beheaded_Chicken> guy dun know how to expand ally
[20:00] xtro in
[20:01] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[20:01] Unpredictable> expanding is for pussies
[20:01] xtro> hello all
[20:01] Unpredictable> xtrojoin
[20:01] Unpredictable> we need +1 pro
[20:01] xtro> ok
[20:01] xtro> but im to much drunk
[20:01] xtro> so
[20:01] Unpredictable> dw
[20:01] amnesia> lol
[20:01] Unpredictable> nobody play sober anyway
[20:01] xtro> idk if you want it
[20:02] Unpredictable> u should warn if ur sober sometimes
[20:02] Unpredictable> thats like worse imo
[20:03] xtro> do you mean I'm an alcoholic? :D
[20:04] Dougs in
[20:04] FreeInca in
[20:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> Unpredictable + [GoD]Spinnifix + Beheaded_Chicken vs. Meph + Zpektrix_TAS + Kayin
[20:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> can mix
[20:05] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[20:06] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[20:06] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[20:07] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[20:14] dysania in
[20:15] amnesia> dysania lol
[20:15] amnesia> me every morning
[20:15] Alphadrop in
[20:15] Wildwolf in
[20:15] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> loot is RUSTy :drum:
[20:15] Erika123 in
[20:17] Bianca_OP> 51 online :pog:
[20:17] Arekkusu out
[20:17] Bianca_OP> didnt see that since lockdown
[20:18] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[20:18] Dougs> Most I've ever seen
[20:18] Dougs> Just a shame most of the new players aren't playing
[20:18] Bianca_OP> shy maybe
[20:18] Alphadrop out
[20:19] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[20:19] [AsG]Ralimurr> I know I was when I rejoined
[20:19] [AsG]Ralimurr> Getting into that first game isn't an easy step sometimes
[20:20] Arekkusu in
[20:20] Bianca_OP> i was too lol
[20:22] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[20:22] Alphadrop in
[20:22] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[20:25] Alphadrop out
[20:25] Alphadrop in
[20:27] MPallanza in
[20:27] [AvA]Brandym0n> host
[20:27] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:28] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:29] [AvA]Brandym0n> maps
[20:29] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls, manabattle, faceme, fensalir, angels
[20:29] [AvA]Brandym0n> blast
[20:29] [AvA]Brandym0n> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
[AvA]Brandym0n - MapPack: OK
amnesia - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - [AvA]Brandym0n: Blue - amnesia: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[20:31] Dougs> Yeah for sure, if any new players want to play or need help let us know :slightly_smiling_face:
[20:32] Alphadrop out
[20:32] loothill_OP> That was hard
[20:32] [AsG]Keith52> GOD
[20:32] [AsG]Sky-> gg loot
[20:32] Dougs> I thought that game was never gonna end :')
[20:32] IncaWarrior> you dun goofed at the start Dad52
[20:32] Bianca_OP> LOL
[20:32] [AsG]Keith52> Sure disd
Game results submitted.
[20:32] [AsG]Ralimurr> Still got a chance though, for both players
[20:33] [AsG]Keith52> Saw him going for other base and went towards him anyway lol
[20:33] amnesia> omg
[20:33] amnesia> lol
[20:33] [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000> Keith, don't forget to fill your towers with braves.
[20:33] Dougs> all to play for now
[20:33] [AvA]Brandym0n> rip bot
[20:33] Kayin out
[20:33] FreeInca> gg
[20:33] FreeInca> ty for carry me
[20:33] [AsG]Ralimurr> Loved all the terraforming Loot
[20:33] Meph> ggwp
[20:33] JJaydenn_TSI> gg
[20:33] Unpredictable> gg
[20:33] Beheaded_Chicken> wp
[20:33] loothill_OP> That terraform at start
[20:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[20:33] loothill_OP> my trees man ahahah
[20:33] Meph> loot what was your pop?
[20:33] amnesia> nochmal versuchen ?
[20:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> ok
[20:34] loothill_OP> [17:33] Meph> loot what was your pop?
[20:34] loothill_OP> like 250 ? or so
[20:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> host
[20:34] Bianca_OP> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=492774
[20:34] Meph> double ase?
[20:34] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:34] loothill_OP> it was pretty low
[20:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> blast
[20:34] loothill_OP> Yea I had two bases
[20:34] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:34] Meph> nice
[20:34] loothill_OP> constantly making 2 much troops etc
[20:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> launch
[20:34] xtro> chichiw
Launching game...
[20:34] xtro> cipa
[20:34] loothill_OP> also I didn't micro managment at all
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
[20:34] loothill_OP> just at some point
[20:34] xtro> jebana
amnesia - MapPack: OK
[AvA]Brandym0n - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - [AvA]Brandym0n: Blue - amnesia: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[20:36] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[20:36] Beheaded_Chicken> 50 players
[20:36] Beheaded_Chicken> dang son
[20:36] FreeInca in
Game successfully checked in.
[20:37] Beheaded_Chicken> steam bringing life right back to pop
[20:37] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[20:37] Meph out
[20:38] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[20:39] Nah_Id_Win out
[20:39] Beheaded_Chicken out
[20:39] Nah_Id_Win in
[20:39] FreeInca out
[20:39] Beheaded_Chicken in
[20:41] JJaydenn_TSI> :poof:
[20:41] JJaydenn_TSI out
[20:42] Wildwolf out
[20:42] dysania out
[20:43] Erika123 out
[20:43] xtro out
Game results submitted.
[20:44] amnesia> sei nicht so pessimistisch
[20:44] amnesia> du bist besser als ich
[20:44] [AvA]Brandym0n> gg
[20:44] amnesia> vergiss das nie
[20:44] amnesia> gg
[20:44] [AvA]Brandym0n> loool wtf du hast mich zerstört
[20:45] [AvA]Brandym0n> lass mal normal 1v1?
[20:45] Arekkusu out
[20:45] amnesia> NO
[20:45] amnesia> zuerst muss du nicht so pessimistisch sein
[20:45] Bianca_OP> lol
[20:45] amnesia> du bist viel besse4r als du denks
[20:45] [AvA]Brandym0n> ok wir werden niemals 1v1 spielen lool
[20:46] amnesia> hast schoen entischieden dass du berlierst, dann verlist du sowieswo
[20:46] amnesia> verliesrts*
[20:46] amnesia> du bist viel besser alsi ich lool
[20:47] [AvA]Brandym0n> komm
[20:47] [AvA]Brandym0n> join
[20:47] [AvA]Brandym0n> ich zerstöre dich jetzt
[20:47] amnesia> in lights ?
[20:47] amnesia> oder blasts ?
[20:47] [AvA]Brandym0n> normal game oder sonst blast
[20:47] [AvA]Brandym0n> oder tornado :P
[20:47] amnesia> lol
[20:48] amnesia> ok lass uns blast spielen
[20:48] Beheaded_Chicken> loothill dominating ez
[20:48] amnesia> und sei nicht so pessimistisch
[20:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> ok aber
[20:48] Beheaded_Chicken> he starting to regain s kill
[20:48] amnesia> ich bin nicht nici
[20:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> wenn ich gewinnen sollte
[20:48] Beheaded_Chicken> skill<*
[20:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> dann machen wir normal 1v1
[20:48] amnesia> ok
[20:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> host
[20:48] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:48] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> blast
[20:49] [AvA]Brandym0n> launch
Launching game...
[20:49] MPallanza out
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
[20:49] amnesia> versprochen
[20:49] amnesia> ^^
[20:49] [AvA]Brandym0n> gut
[AvA]Brandym0n - MapPack: OK
amnesia - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - [AvA]Brandym0n: Blue - amnesia: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[20:51] Zeikar in
Game successfully checked in.
[20:53] attybatty in
[20:53] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[20:53] Arekkusu in
[20:54] blacktechnomonk in
[20:55] FreeInca out
[20:55] Zeikar out
[20:55] Ollyjb28 in
[20:55] Orson out
Game results submitted.
[20:57] [AvA]Brandym0n> gg
[20:57] amnesia> wp
[20:57] elibarrett11 in
[20:57] amnesia> ich hasse wasser lol#
[20:57] adray_tsi in
[20:57] [AvA]Brandym0n> ich liebe es manchmal
[20:57] amnesia> xD
[20:57] blacktechnomonk out
[20:57] amnesia> ok wie versprochen
[20:57] [AvA]Brandym0n> host
[20:57] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:57] amnesia> du bekommst ein normalesspiel
[20:57] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:57] [AvA]Brandym0n> <3
[20:57] [AvA]Brandym0n> map?
[20:58] amnesia> wie du willst
[20:58] [AvA]Brandym0n> maps
[20:58] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: You can send me these commands to set the map: pp, fo, cr, eots, skir, sess, tom, blast, volc, scales, 4way, 4walls, manabattle, faceme, fensalir, angels
[20:58] [AvA]Brandym0n> faceme
[20:58] [AvA]Brandym0n> fensalir
[20:58] [AvA]Brandym0n> das?
[20:58] [AvA]Brandym0n> hier ist auch genug wasser :P
[20:58] amnesia> LOL
[20:59] amnesia> oki
[20:59] [AvA]Brandym0n> launch
Launching game...
[20:59] Saito_Vdm in
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds II (1.4)
amnesia - MapPack: OK
[20:59] amnesia> ich habe normal seit jahren nicht gespielt lol
[AvA]Brandym0n - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - amnesia: Red - [AvA]Brandym0n: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[21:00] Arekkusu out
Game successfully created in database.
[21:00] Bland in
[21:01] Dougs> ggwp
[21:01] Schapenkoppie> gg
[21:01] Dougs> didnt feel like that was over tbh
[21:01] Dougs> but wp
[21:01] Schapenkoppie> ur village was huge
[21:01] Dougs> only had 90 pop though
Game successfully checked in.
[21:04] Pulsar888 out
[21:06] adray_tsi out
[21:07] tetc in
[21:07] Schapenkoppie out
[21:07] [AsG]Ralimurr> gg wp both
[21:07] Beheaded_Chicken> buena loot
[21:07] [AsG]Keith52> Man gg
[21:07] loothill_OP> gg man
[21:07] [AsG]Keith52> I always fucking do that with my defense
[21:07] adray_tsi in
[21:07] Arekkusu in
[21:07] [AvA]Mibbel in
[21:07] loothill_OP> I also did what you did
[21:07] Bianca_OP> gg wp
[21:07] [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000> Keith, you didn't build towers
[21:07] loothill_OP> sent all my fws :>
[21:07] [AsG]Keith52> I also clicked 15 braves and went to followers panel
[21:07] [AsG]Keith52> And just as I clicked your shaman spawned
[21:08] [AsG]Keith52> I should have gone for kill
[21:08] [AsG]Keith52> :(
[21:08] Beheaded_Chicken> too gredy keithers
[21:08] [AsG]Keith52> Very greedy
[21:08] Beheaded_Chicken> :chicken:
[21:09] loothill_OP> gracias gracias
[21:09] loothill_OP> AHORA
[21:09] loothill_OP> FINALMENTE VOY A IR A COMER
[21:09] Beheaded_Chicken> queda algun match? quien gano
[21:09] Lovenji_OP> loothill!
[21:09] Lovenji_OP> GG
[21:09] Lovenji_OP> well done!
[21:09] loothill_OP> No queda ninguno pero mañana dicen que se vienen unos buenos :>
[21:09] loothill_OP> ggs :D
[21:10] Beheaded_Chicken> pero fue 2 - 1 para keith hoy? no te elimino ?
[21:10] loothill_OP> El gano 1
[21:10] loothill_OP> yo gane 2
[21:10] Beheaded_Chicken> Looooool
[21:10] Beheaded_Chicken> keith eliminado
[21:10] Beheaded_Chicken> grande loot
[21:10] loothill_OP> First two games that Ive won
[21:10] loothill_OP> after all those matches :cry:
[21:10] Beheaded_Chicken> recuperas tu skill rapido
[21:10] Bianca_OP> better those than the others :ohyes:
[21:10] Beheaded_Chicken> ese volca humillador al final Lol
[21:10] Beheaded_Chicken> volcan*
[21:11] [AsG]Sky- out
[21:11] loothill_OP> Lo estaba cargando antes de que me bajara mas la pop
[21:11] loothill_OP> no tenia otra cosa para tirarle
[21:11] Beheaded_Chicken> lolol
[21:11] Lovenji_OP> ggs
[21:11] Lovenji_OP> well done for playing though
[21:11] Lucas in
[21:11] Lovenji_OP> you both did great
[21:11] Lovenji_OP> even if the pp game felt liek it would never end
[21:11] [AsG]Keith52> Oh ofc. I can't believe I didn't sit there and try to immediately snipe on spawn
[21:11] [AsG]Keith52> I instead clicked braves to try and train warriors
[21:12] [AsG]Keith52> Sooo stpid lol
[21:12] loothill_OP> You did great Keith
[21:12] [AsG]Keith52> Was a great game
[21:12] loothill_OP> I expected you to rush tho :>
[21:12] [AsG]Keith52> I thought you were gonna lol
[21:12] loothill_OP> nahh not anymore
[21:12] loothill_OP> well the first EQ was dirty
[21:12] Saito_Vdm out
[21:13] Lovenji_OP> Y'all both did good
[21:13] Lovenji_OP> Keith had some interesting strats
[21:13] Beheaded_Chicken> where dem folks at
[21:14] [AsG]Manl1 in
[21:14] Beheaded_Chicken> more ppl during work days than in weekend
[21:15] PuKI in
[21:15] PuKI out
[21:15] altffenser out
[21:16] Nah_Id_Win> en los dos tu andas chupando pollas diego
[21:16] Beheaded_Chicken> me confundes con tu madre
[21:17] Geekmonster out
[21:17] Schapenkoppie in
[21:18] Nah_Id_Win> QUE entre un koreano man
[21:18] Nah_Id_Win> sere el unico que pooddra derrotarlo
Game results submitted.
[21:18] amnesia> wp
[21:18] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[21:18] [Sw]Sharp in
[21:18] tetc> hi
[21:18] [Sw]Sharp> hey
[21:18] [AvA]Brandym0n in
[21:18] tetc> how do i speak in lobby?
[21:18] [AvA]Brandym0n> ggwp
[21:18] amnesia> ja
[21:18] [Sw]Sharp> m to all, k to ally
[21:19] amnesia> asl du sehen kannst, du bist sehr gut
[21:19] amnesia> also, hoer auf so pessimistisch zu sein lol
[21:19] [AvA]Brandym0n> war nur glück
[21:19] amnesia> nein
[21:19] Schapenkoppie> yoo sharp
[21:19] [Sw]Sharp> hoi man
[21:19] tetc> helpful but i meant in the lobby before game lol, should we start?
[21:19] [AvA]Brandym0n> hattest du spaß`?
[21:19] [Sw]Sharp> in the lobby before game you can just type
[21:19] amnesia> ja, danke
[21:19] Lovenji_OP> oh that just talks normally
[21:19] Dougs> You should just be able to type tetc
[21:19] [AvA]Brandym0n> rm?
[21:19] Lovenji_OP> there's not liek an instruction for it
[21:19] Dougs> Then in game press m
[21:19] amnesia> lights ?
[21:19] tetc> k
[21:19] Dougs> Or k to chat to allies
[21:19] amnesia> ^^
[21:20] [AvA]Brandym0n> ich habe den eindrück du liebst lights lol
[21:20] SepulturaMb in
[21:20] Mowgli in
[21:20] amnesia> lool du hast keine idee
[21:20] amnesia> sseit 2009
[21:20] amnesia> nur dieses noob spinnifix und ici koennen mich besiergen
[21:21] amnesia> nici*
[21:21] Illian in
[21:21] [AvA]Brandym0n> lights ist nicht so meins aber muss ich üben
[21:21] [AvA]Brandym0n> also wenn du willst können wir machen
[21:21] amnesia> letztes speil war 12-1 oder sowas
[21:22] amnesia> rm ?
[21:22] [AvA]Brandym0n> ja erinnere mich nicht drann bitte :P
[21:22] amnesia> LOL
[21:22] Lovenji_OP> Is everyone alright, ye, nobody needs any help?
[21:22] amnesia> lovenji helping people
[21:22] amnesia> how nice
[21:22] SepulturaMb> Y Luquitas, que tan oxidado esta Nico?
[21:22] [AvA]Brandym0n> oder willst du mal tornados? e.e
[21:22] amnesia> wie du willst
[21:23] [AvA]Brandym0n> host
[21:23] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:23] Beheaded_Chicken> que le pasa a nico se le olvido como usar el teclado
[21:23] [AvA]Brandym0n> blast
[21:23] Beheaded_Chicken> no habla
[21:23] Minibot_UK> [AvA]Brandym0n: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[21:23] Lovenji_OP> Are you making fun of me, Amnesia? :P
[21:23] amnesia> no
[21:23] amnesia> im praising u
[21:23] amnesia> few ppl would do that
[21:23] Lovenji_OP> We have a lot of wilds, and a lot of them have come here from my YouTube video, so I gotta take care of them
[21:24] Unpredictable> you make youtube videos :kekwait:
[21:24] Dougs> hope to see more of them getting into games
[21:24] Lovenji_OP> For Populous yeah
[21:24] amnesia> Wish u all the best with that
[21:24] Lovenji_OP> The tournaments go there usually, but I did a guide on how to get the steam version working
[21:24] Lovenji_OP> and it's _mostly_ helped
[21:24] [AvA]Brandym0n> launch
Launching game...
[21:24] Arekkusu out
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
[AvA]Brandym0n - MapPack: OK
amnesia - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - amnesia: Blue - [AvA]Brandym0n: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[21:26] Dougs> I've already linked it for one person on discord hopefully more people see it and watch it if they are having issues
[21:26] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[21:26] Lovenji_OP> Yeah IK, I check all of that stuff too
[21:27] [AsG]mentix in
[21:27] Lovenji_OP> Just making sure that while people are here
[21:27] Lovenji_OP> they are okay
[21:27] Dougs> If even half of the new players stay around we'll have really boosted our numbers
[21:27] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
Game successfully checked in.
[21:28] philjk93 in
[21:28] Mammy_Tas> almost 50 online right now :Poggers:
Game results submitted.
[21:29] philjk93 out
[21:29] amnesia> loool
[21:29] amnesia> gg
[21:29] [AvA]Brandym0n> das war klar
[21:29] [AvA]Brandym0n> gg
[21:30] amnesia> trainiere ein bissvhen mit nici oder spin
[21:30] amnesia> xD
[21:30] amnesia> wenn es um lights geht
[21:31] [AvA]Brandym0n> mich in lights trainieren
[21:31] [AvA]Brandym0n> ist mission impossible
[21:31] Dougs> 48 online but no games :'(
[21:31] [AvA]Brandym0n> mich generell hier zu trainieren
[21:31] [AvA]Brandym0n> ye dougs lol
[21:32] Lovenji_OP> there's three games being played
[21:32] Dougs> once all these new players start playing that should change though, im sure theres some spy and warrior ranks in there :P
[21:32] Lovenji_OP> what you on about
[21:32] Dougs> true, but not many more on
[21:33] amnesia> loool
[21:33] amnesia> wieso
[21:33] Dougs> mibbel i can host you guys?
[21:33] amnesia> bianca ist auch sehr gut
[21:33] Dougs> I'll spec and host if you like
[21:33] Bianca_OP> jup
[21:33] Bianca_OP> :kekyou:
[21:33] amnesia> ja
[21:33] amnesia> dann wirst du mich leicht besiegen
[21:33] Arekkusu in
[21:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> meinst du mich? oder bianca?
[21:34] Bianca_OP> lol
[21:34] Dougs> schapen come back?
[21:34] Dougs> I will host and spectate
[21:34] Dougs> you guys can have a 2v2
[21:34] Schapenkoppie> ok
[21:34] amnesia> du lol, bianca besiengt mich leicht sowieso
[21:34] Dougs> map?
[21:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> ich würde dich niemals leicht besiegen wtf
[21:34] JesusSavesJohn316 in
[21:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> willst du joinen?
[21:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> 3v3
[21:34] amnesia> weiso lmao ?
[21:35] Bianca_OP> mammy now its 50 online
[21:35] [AvA]Brandym0n> ich bin 2 jahren hier und bin so noob wie am ersten Tag
[21:36] Dougs> brandy join
[21:36] Dougs> 3v3
[21:36] amnesia> ich 13
[21:36] [Sw]Sharp> so many new players, fking love it
[21:36] amnesia> lmao
[21:36] Dougs> me too sharp lol
[21:36] [AvA]Mibbel out
[21:36] amnesia> sei nu positif
[21:36] amnesia> nur*
[21:36] amnesia> du bist sehr gut
[21:36] Dougs> +1
[21:36] Dougs> nice
[21:36] amnesia> hoer auf mit deinem pessimusmus
[21:37] Dougs> Dougs + [Sw]Sharp + tetc vs. Cahokiawarrior + Schapenkoppie + Lovenji_OP
[21:37] [AvA]Brandym0n> okok ist gut
[21:37] Bianca_OP> hör auf sie brandy
[21:37] Dougs> first game tetc?
[21:37] amnesia> ok go win
[21:37] [AvA]Brandym0n> morgen hör ich damit auf
[21:37] tetc> 4th
[21:37] amnesia> nein
[21:37] Dougs> nice
[21:37] amnesia> jetzt
[21:37] Bianca_OP> ^
[21:37] [AvA]Brandym0n> jawohl
[21:37] Maxiii95 in
[21:37] Dougs> in that case Lovenji you cool if i swap you with sharp?
[21:37] [Sw]Sharp> which map?
[21:37] daimyo in
[21:38] [AvA]Brandym0n> join amnesia
[21:38] Lovenji_OP> If you want,
[21:38] Lovenji_OP> doesn't bother me
[21:38] [AvA]Brandym0n> wir machen normal game aber dürfen mit shaman nur lights einsetzen
[21:38] Dougs> type k to chat to allies in game tetc
[21:38] amnesia> wie schoen
[21:38] Dougs> if you need any tips just ask
[21:38] tetc> copy
[21:38] amnesia> ich muss ein bisschen lernel
[21:39] amnesia> lernen
[21:39] amnesia> IL 10
[21:39] [AvA]Brandym0n> oh ok
[21:39] [AvA]Brandym0n> würde dir viel spaß wünschen
[21:39] amnesia> geh und gewinne das spiel#enntaushce mich nicht hahaha
[21:39] [AvA]Brandym0n> aber dann wäre ich ironisch
[21:39] Maxiii95 out
[21:39] [Sw]Sharp> fking net
[21:39] [Sw]Sharp> is trolling again
[21:39] Schapenkoppie> nah its cahokia
[21:39] Dougs> lol
[21:39] Schapenkoppie> always takes this long
[21:39] [Sw]Sharp> nope i lost ping
[21:39] [Sw]Sharp> said X
[21:39] Arekkusu out
[21:40] Arekkusu in
[21:40] [Sw]Sharp> okay
[21:40] [Sw]Sharp> it was cahoka :D
[21:40] Maxiii95 in
[21:41] Maxiii95 out
[21:41] JesusSavesJohn316 out
[21:41] JesusSavesJohn316 in
[21:41] Lovenji_OP> gg
[21:41] Dougs> wtf
[21:41] [Sw]Sharp> wutt
[21:41] Arekkusu out
[21:41] Schapenkoppie> out of sync error
[21:41] [Sw]Sharp> that is the first time i've ever seen that
[21:41] Dougs> yeah
[21:41] Schapenkoppie> same here
[21:41] Dougs> not seen that for a while
[21:41] Dougs> try again
[21:41] Lovenji_OP> happens rarely
[21:41] JesusSavesJohn316 out
[21:41] Lovenji_OP> worsened by pausing at the start
[21:41] [Sw]Sharp> Weird
[21:41] Lovenji_OP> usually
[21:41] Dougs> damn tetc and cahika still in game lol
[21:42] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWV5Ltfp6nI
[21:42] Cahokiawarrior out
[21:42] Nah_Id_Win> dale loco
[21:42] Nah_Id_Win> vengan
[21:42] Nah_Id_Win> BAJA LOCO BAJA
[21:42] Arekkusu in
[21:42] Dougs> do 2v2 or wait?
[21:42] Lovenji_OP> wait
[21:42] Dougs> k
[21:42] Dougs> brandy join?
[21:42] Lovenji_OP> I was only really interested in making sure the new players are getting games
[21:42] MrSmokin_hottie26 out
[21:42] Dougs> nice
[21:42] [Sw]Sharp> tetc is still in the game, so think he doesn't know what to do
[21:42] Dougs> yeah been hoping more new players would join
[21:43] Dougs> i did pm him but obviously he wont see it until he quits
[21:43] [Sw]Sharp> I've had 4 games in a row with new players
[21:43] [Sw]Sharp> was great fun
[21:43] Dougs> nice
[21:43] Lovenji_OP> Good
[21:43] Dougs> the more new players that get games the better
[21:43] [Sw]Sharp> teaching them how be as bad as i'm
[21:43] Dougs> +1 new players welcome
[21:43] Dougs> I remember playing with some new players ages ago
[21:43] Dougs> hey all thought i was a pop god
[21:43] Cahokiawarrior in
[21:44] [Sw]Sharp> you are
[21:44] [Sw]Sharp> :)
[21:44] Dougs> lol appreciate that but nah
[21:44] Dougs> im very average
[21:44] Dougs> but trying to improve
[21:44] [Sw]Sharp> not anymore
[21:44] [Sw]Sharp> your top 40 now :D
[21:44] Dougs> Lovenji you still happy to play if there are no new players?
[21:44] Dougs> See how long it lasts Sharp :P
[21:44] daimyo out
[21:44] [Sw]Sharp> lmao
[21:44] Lovenji_OP> Nah I can surrender my spot let someone else have it :P
[21:44] [Sw]Sharp> soon they beat us all the way back to brave rank
[21:44] amnesia> ich denke ich hab dich auf discord gefunden , loool
[21:45] Dougs> not sure anyone else wants it :')
[21:45] Dougs> but i'll open a spot anyway
[21:45] MrSmokin_hottie26 in
[21:45] Illian out
[21:45] Lovenji_OP> I have faith in tetc
[21:45] amnesia> hab schon
[21:45] amnesia> getan
[21:45] amnesia> hast du nichts bekommen ?
[21:45] Bianca_OP> hope his pc didnt freeze like mine sometimes does
[21:45] Dougs> yeah mine does that sometimes too
[21:46] Bianca_OP> i can only shut down lol
[21:46] Bianca_OP> sometimes
[21:46] Dougs> yup
[21:46] Schapenkoppie> +1 here :)
[21:46] Bianca_OP> there he is
[21:46] Cahokiawarrior> bummer
[21:46] [Sw]Sharp> aah welcome back tetc
[21:46] tetc> i was waiting for you guys lol
[21:46] Cahokiawarrior> ok
[21:46] [Sw]Sharp> :D
[21:46] Bianca_OP> lol
[21:46] Dougs> lol it crashed mate
[21:47] Lovenji_OP> yeah the game crashed haha
[21:47] [AvA]Brandym0n> hab geantwortet
[21:47] tetc> yeah.. gj i alt tabbed when i did
[21:47] [Sw]Sharp> no we have 7
[21:47] [Sw]Sharp> :D
[21:47] Dougs> want me to leave quick so you guys can check best? Idm hosting and spectating
[21:47] amnesia> cool#
[21:47] Lovenji_OP> unrecoverable out of sync
[21:47] Cahokiawarrior> :smileyface:
[21:47] [Sw]Sharp> okay dougs
[21:47] amnesia> sehr gut
[21:47] Dougs> got it?
[21:47] amnesia> NOOb!
[21:47] [Sw]Sharp> Lovenji_OP + [Sw]Sharp + tetc vs. Schapenkoppie + Cahokiawarrior + [AvA]Brandym0n
[21:47] Cahokiawarrior> :frog:
[21:47] Lovenji_OP> Fine
[21:47] [Sw]Sharp> lovenji you gotta carry me :)
[21:47] Lovenji_OP> cba
[21:47] [Sw]Sharp> lmao
[21:48] Cahokiawarrior> :smiley face:
[21:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> lool
[21:48] tetc> we got this
[21:48] Schapenkoppie> lets go boys!
[21:48] Lovenji_OP> You don't get to be fat doing exercise my friend
[21:48] [Sw]Sharp> thats the spirit let's go
[21:48] Cahokiawarrior> :smile:
[21:48] amnesia> das solltest du leicht gewinnen
[21:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> ja siehe mich verkacken lol
[21:48] [AvA]Brandym0n> cyal
[21:49] amnesia> oh wow pessimismus again
[21:49] amnesia> xD
[21:50] Arekkusu out
[21:51] [AsG]Ralimurr out
[21:52] amnesia out
[21:52] amnesia in
[21:55] Markus68 in
[21:56] Popreaccbeg in
[21:58] Nah_Id_Win> this needs a reset
[21:58] Nah_Id_Win> i want my fw rank
[21:58] Beheaded_Chicken out
[21:58] Beheaded_Chicken in
[21:58] Lucas> Querés que te regale unos puntos asi subis?
[21:58] Markus68 out
[21:58] Nah_Id_Win> o jugame un 1v1 es lo mismo pa
[21:59] Nah_Id_Win> por unos segundos tuve ventaja de pop contra nicie el game q jugue hoy
[21:59] Lucas> Ya estás para shaman entonces
[21:59] Nah_Id_Win> no se hay que ser un gordo que juega 10 games x dia para alcanzar ese lvl
[22:00] Nah_Id_Win> para eso viceo al lol y fue
[22:00] Nah_Id_Win> vuelvo en 5 meses cuando hayan koreanos
[22:00] Beheaded_Chicken> eso quieres tu
[22:00] Beheaded_Chicken> koreanos que te den x el ano
[22:00] Nah_Id_Win> yo me coji coreanos en el lolsito
[22:00] Beheaded_Chicken> ademas que vas a ser fw tu
[22:00] Nah_Id_Win> siempre quieren terminar los games rapido
[22:00] Beheaded_Chicken> si no llegas ni a spy joder
[22:00] Beheaded_Chicken> :lol:
[22:00] Nah_Id_Win> pero jugaron contra el rey de los rush
[22:01] Nah_Id_Win> amigo vos sos shaman en chupar pijas por un mejor emparejamiento
[22:01] Beheaded_Chicken> esa es la unica forma que tienes de ganar gordo traa chele
[22:01] [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000 out
[22:01] Beheaded_Chicken> traga*
[22:01] Beheaded_Chicken> haces rush y cruzas los dedos
[22:01] Nah_Id_Win> imaginate jugando en el host de soma con toruk te quiero ver
[22:01] Beheaded_Chicken> ya jugé en uno peor
[22:01] Beheaded_Chicken> el tuyo loool
[22:01] Nah_Id_Win> los juegos largos arruinan los juegos
[22:02] Nah_Id_Win> los juegos tienen que ser de 20 minutos
[22:02] Nah_Id_Win> por eso ya no juego lol
[22:02] Nah_Id_Win> si un juego se alarga ya depende del skill del champion
[22:02] Beheaded_Chicken> te da pereza pensar eh?
[22:02] Nah_Id_Win> no la ves diego
[22:02] Beheaded_Chicken> por eso haces rush
[22:02] Beheaded_Chicken> noob
[22:03] Nah_Id_Win> es obvio
[22:03] Nah_Id_Win> lo hago xq mi shaman es mejor
[22:03] Beheaded_Chicken> eres una puta gallina :chicken:
[22:03] Nah_Id_Win> por eso le gane un 4way a petrix
[22:03] Beheaded_Chicken> pooo-popopopoo
[22:03] Nah_Id_Win> el tipo escala a lategame
[22:03] Nah_Id_Win> hace 130 huts
[22:04] Nah_Id_Win> volcano bd y gana
[22:04] loothill_OP> :chicken:
[22:04] Beheaded_Chicken> seguro no fue 1v1
[22:04] Nah_Id_Win> lothil 1v1
[22:04] Nah_Id_Win> fue 2v2
[22:04] Nah_Id_Win> pero igual
[22:04] Beheaded_Chicken> si quieres vacilar de ganarle a alguien
[22:04] Beheaded_Chicken> que sea 1v1 en pp
[22:05] Beheaded_Chicken> hay si no hay excusas
[22:05] Nah_Id_Win> face off
[22:05] Nah_Id_Win> ygg
[22:05] Nah_Id_Win> craters
[22:05] Nah_Id_Win> en cualquier mapa
[22:05] Beheaded_Chicken> nah face off es una mierda, note tomaran enserio
[22:05] Nah_Id_Win> ahi'
[22:05] [SW]BadNewsEagles in
[22:05] Nah_Id_Win> pasa q no entra nadie
[22:05] Nah_Id_Win> no tengo competenca
[22:05] Beheaded_Chicken> pp es el que manda, hay juegan los hombres
[22:05] Beheaded_Chicken> hay se demuestra la mierda
[22:05] loothill_OP> Macho macho man
[22:06] Beheaded_Chicken> lol
[22:06] Beheaded_Chicken> :lbiceps::chiken::rbiceps:
[22:06] Beheaded_Chicken> :chicken:
[22:06] loothill_OP> chicken't
[22:06] Beheaded_Chicken> :`(
[22:07] Nah_Id_Win> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhxcnjY-sUg
[22:07] Nah_Id_Win> estp es musica
[22:07] Excelsior out
[22:07] loothill_OP> Facu esperando el 1v1 en FaceOff: https://youtu.be/dQYL8MkCSIQ
[22:08] FreeInca in
[22:08] loothill_OP> Facu esperando el 1v1 en pp: https://youtu.be/AO43p2Wqc08
[22:08] Mammy_Tas> Face offn't
[22:08] loothill_OP> lool
[22:08] Beheaded_Chicken> .lol:
[22:08] Unpredictable out
[22:09] Beheaded_Chicken> /me :sleep::zzz:
[22:09] Beheaded_Chicken out
[22:10] Mammy_Tas> :zzz:
[22:10] Mammy_Tas> bed:
[22:10] Mammy_Tas> :bed:
[22:10] Mammy_Tas> gnight all :)
[22:10] Bianca_OP> gn mammy
[22:10] Mammy_Tas out
[22:11] Bianca_OP out
[22:11] loothill_OP> gn
[22:11] loothill_OP> Everyone leaving
[22:11] loothill_OP> lets get a game now :>
[22:14] Lucas out
[22:14] Lucas in
[22:15] Lucas out
[22:15] Lucas in
[22:15] Lucas out
[22:16] Dendix_9> ye everyone going sleep
[22:16] Lucas in
[22:16] Dendix_9> gn
[22:16] Dendix_9 out
[22:17] Lucas out
[22:17] Lucas in
[22:18] Lucas out
[22:18] Lucas in
[22:21] Nah_Id_Win out
[22:21] Arekkusu in
[22:23] Yancy in
[22:23] Yancy out
[22:24] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> :pepega:
[22:28] Schapenkoppie> lol 7th loss in a row
[22:28] Schapenkoppie> gg
[22:29] Schapenkoppie> losing the will to live
[22:29] Lovenji_OP> haha
[22:29] Lovenji_OP> you beat me
[22:29] Dougs> ggwp sorry for the fuck up on rotating lol
[22:29] [Sw]Sharp> jesus christ that was ectually insane
[22:29] Lovenji_OP> that's alright
[22:29] Lovenji_OP> I made it fun by just not playing
[22:29] [Sw]Sharp> actually*
[22:29] Dougs> honestly one of the more entertaining sess games I've watched
[22:29] Dougs> lol
[22:29] [Sw]Sharp> yeah 2vs3 was hard bro
[22:30] [Sw]Sharp> stress
[22:30] Lovenji_OP> you did fiiiiine
[22:30] Dougs> tetc for a new player you didnt do half bad
[22:30] [Sw]Sharp> they sank 3 of my warrior huts lmao
[22:30] [Sw]Sharp> tetc was sending those fire warr bulks making it hard to push :D
[22:30] Lovenji_OP> serves you right for building 3
[22:30] [Sw]Sharp> true
[22:30] tetc> sorry for the let down though, i think i killed more friendly shamans than enemy :D
[22:30] Schapenkoppie> tetc is pretty good yes
[22:30] Schapenkoppie> lol
[22:30] Dougs> lol you'll get there mate
[22:31] [Sw]Sharp> you killed me more then enough :D
[22:31] Lovenji_OP> nah
[22:31] Lovenji_OP> you did great tetc
[22:31] Schapenkoppie> im happy my pop growth is getting faster again
[22:31] Schapenkoppie> so rusty
[22:31] Lovenji_OP> yeah well as a speedrunner you never had that issue
[22:31] Lovenji_OP> your shaman control needs to improve
[22:31] Lovenji_OP> not your pop growth
[22:31] Lovenji_OP> :P
[22:31] Schapenkoppie> yea true
[22:32] Schapenkoppie> though look at my shaman kd!
[22:32] Lovenji_OP> you treat us like AI shsamns
[22:32] Lovenji_OP> *shamans
[22:32] [Sw]Sharp> we kinda are
[22:32] Dougs> Dougs + Schapenkoppie + Lovenji_OP vs. [Sw]Sharp + Mowgli + [AvA]Brandym0n
[22:32] Dougs> map?
[22:32] Schapenkoppie> i had 21-16 in this matchup on shaman kd
[22:32] Schapenkoppie> not bad :D
[22:32] tetc> it was fun playing guys, going to go do something else for now, ill maybe see you all a little later
[22:32] tetc> gg
[22:32] [Sw]Sharp> yeah your shaman was decent
[22:32] Lovenji_OP> LAter
[22:32] Schapenkoppie> cya tetc!
[22:32] Dougs> gg mate see you later
[22:32] tetc out
[22:32] [Sw]Sharp> cya tetc
[22:33] Dougs> Lovenji you want front or back base?
[22:33] Lovenji_OP> are you doing best?
[22:33] Dougs> if there are no complaints?
[22:33] Dougs> idm teams
[22:33] Lovenji_OP> Make sheep boy back base
[22:33] Dougs> k
[22:33] Schapenkoppie> behh
[22:33] [Sw]Sharp> :D
[22:34] Schapenkoppie> u boys on disc?
[22:34] Dougs> and who wants back for the other team?
[22:34] Dougs> i can be? Lovenji you up for it?
[22:34] [Sw]Sharp> <-- how else are you gonna bd me
[22:34] Dougs> lol
[22:34] [AvA]Brandym0n> meeee
[22:34] Lovenji_OP> I'm not no, I'm with my partner
[22:34] Lovenji_OP> lol
[22:34] [Sw]Sharp> :)
[22:34] [Sw]Sharp> idc
[22:34] [Sw]Sharp> lets go
[22:34] Dougs> k
[22:35] Bland out
[22:37] Cahokiawarrior out
[22:37] Cahokiawarrior in
[22:40] amnesia out
[22:41] Lucas out
[22:43] Arekkusu out
[22:43] elibarrett11 out
[22:44] [AsG]mentix out
[22:44] Lucas in
[22:47] Ollyjb28 out
[22:50] [Sw]Sharp> fucking unplayable
[22:50] [Sw]Sharp> culdn't move anything for 2 minsd
[22:50] [AvA]Brandym0n out
[22:51] Mowgli> that wasnt fair
[22:51] Dougs> what happened?
[22:51] Dougs> i did best teams?
[22:51] [Sw]Sharp> Well if you can't move anything for 2 mins
[22:51] Dougs> was it a lag spike?
[22:51] Mowgli> grenn ketp eqing like a retard
[22:51] [Sw]Sharp> it ain't much fun
[22:51] Mowgli> fu
[22:51] Mowgli> just say u want easy points
[22:52] Dougs> ...
[22:52] Dougs> I did best teams what is your issue man
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> it wasn't like that
[22:52] Lovenji_OP> Just ignore mowgli
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> he didn't play for easy points
[22:52] Lovenji_OP> he's got a bit of a temper
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> it is just impossible to play if you can't move
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> literally
[22:52] Dougs> let me know next time sharp we can always pause and see if it sorts itself out
[22:52] Lovenji_OP> nah i get it
[22:52] Dougs> might have been lag
[22:52] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy> https://www.twitch.tv/mellzito
[22:52] Lovenji_OP> rough one
[22:52] Mowgli> then we just could ally up
[22:52] Lovenji_OP> it happens
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> idk what it was, worst lag i've had so far
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> but as i said
[22:52] Dougs> very strange
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> my provider is having issues
[22:52] [Sw]Sharp> for the last week
[22:53] Dougs> happened to me like that once
[22:53] Dougs> the game froze then sped up all of a sudden
[22:53] Dougs> went from having my shaman in my base to on the front lines in a torn lol
[22:53] Lovenji_OP> yeah the ultra spikes come in sometimes
[22:53] [Sw]Sharp> I mean
[22:53] [Sw]Sharp> you were eqing my teammate
[22:53] [Sw]Sharp> and i was standing there
[22:53] [Sw]Sharp> couldn't do anything
[22:53] Lovenji_OP> I did think you were playing odd
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> i also
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> kept destroying my huts
[22:54] Dougs> thats really weird, let me know if it happens again we can pause or ally up for you :)
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> cuz
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> i tried to click the button
[22:54] Lovenji_OP> yeeee
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> but
[22:54] Lovenji_OP> just communicate it
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> they kept destroying the huts :D
[22:54] Lovenji_OP> and we can sort it
[22:54] Lovenji_OP> or ally
[22:54] Dougs> yeah rather that than have you have to deal with lag like that
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> okay
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> i'll pause next time
[22:54] Lovenji_OP> ye
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> was just mad tbh
[22:54] [Sw]Sharp> :D
[22:54] Lovenji_OP> don't blame you
[22:55] Dougs> i dont really mind losing out on points, rather we all had fun or at least a fair game
[22:55] [Sw]Sharp> Clicking everything, nothing working, so just esc ff it
[22:55] Lovenji_OP> Exactly dougs
[22:55] Lovenji_OP> I've done it
[22:55] Dougs> second time today someone accused me of rigging teams for easy points and both times i did best :')
[22:55] Lovenji_OP> I'm finally warrior
[22:55] Dougs> wooooo
[22:55] Dougs> Go Lovenji
[22:55] Schapenkoppie> yeah idk whats going on dougs lol
[22:55] Schapenkoppie> nice lovenji :D
[22:55] Lovenji_OP> how far I've fallen
[22:56] Dougs> Just saying technically you're a shaman
[22:56] Dougs> so theres that
[22:56] [Sw]Sharp> he has the shaman emblem :D
[22:56] Lovenji_OP> oh haha you're very funny and the first person to have ever said that to me :P
[22:56] Dougs> yup
[22:56] Dougs> :')
[22:56] Schapenkoppie> lmao
[22:57] Dougs> it doesnt help that when you hover over your name it does say shaman rather than warrior
[22:57] Lovenji_OP> Ye
[22:57] [Sw]Sharp> Yeah he is shaman+ absolute legend
[22:57] Lovenji_OP> I know
[22:57] Lovenji_OP> Well it appears things are winding down for the night
[22:57] Dougs> anyway ggwp guys sorry it ended like that, my host is usually good
[22:57] Dougs> but im off for the night
[22:57] Lovenji_OP> So I shall doff my cap and take my leave :poof:
[22:57] [Sw]Sharp> not sure it was you
[22:57] Dougs> see you guys later
[22:57] [Sw]Sharp> could be my net
[22:58] Lovenji_OP out
[22:58] Dougs> gn lovenji
[22:58] [Sw]Sharp> gn
[22:58] Dougs> hope you get your net sorted mate and just let us know if it happens again we can sort it :)
[22:58] Dougs> gn guys
[22:58] Dougs out
[22:58] [Sw]Sharp out
[22:59] Schapenkoppie> good night all
[22:59] Schapenkoppie out
[23:04] Mowgli out
[23:06] [rw]Jops in
[23:06] SepulturaMb> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWqDIZxO-nU&t=1615s&ab_channel=FromTheBasement
[23:10] Saito_Vdm in
[23:10] Saito_Vdm> no1 is playing :oh:
[23:11] [rw]Jops> not even sure if i have allthe patches to play
[23:12] [rw]Jops> but I played level 1 & 2 on singleplayer earlier so feeling pretty confident
[23:15] Yancy in
[23:16] Arekkusu in
[23:16] DevBug out
[23:17] Yancy out
[23:17] Lucas> Type !beta to update pop 1.5 Jops
[23:17] Lucas> Type !beta to update pop 1.5 Jops.
[23:17] Arekkusu out
[23:18] [rw]Jops> cheers
[23:18] Yancy in
[23:19] [rw]Jops out
[23:19] [rw]Jops in
[23:19] [rw]Jops out
[23:21] Yancy in
[23:21] Yancy out
[23:24] Lucas> https://streamable.com/bhrvss
[23:25] Yancy out
[23:26] E465_OP out
[23:35] Yancy in
[23:35] [AsG]Manl1 out
[23:37] Yancy in
[23:38] FreeInca out
[23:38] Yancy in
[23:39] loothill_OP out
[23:39] [Rw]Zebra_Motley_Boy out
[23:40] Yancy out
[23:40] [AsG]Sky- in
[23:41] Yancy out
[23:43] Yancy out
[23:47] [AsG]Sky- out
[23:47] [AsG]Sky- in
[23:47] [AsG]Manl1 in
[23:48] [AsG]Sky- out
[23:48] Yancy in
[23:48] [AsG]Sky- in
[23:49] Yancy out
[23:52] attybatty out
[23:52] Yancy out
[23:54] Yancy in
[23:56] Yancy in